Page:Debrett's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage and Companionage.djvu/684

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6o6 MARRIED DAUGHTERS, SISTERS, AND AUNTS. Smith, Frances A Culme-Seymour . Smith Frances J Dyke. Stormont (Emily L.), Smith, Helena J Cancer. Smith, Katharine L Tennant. Stourton (Elizabeth L. C), Hon. Mrs. Albert . . . . Throckmorton. Smith, MaryJ. ., .. .. Hay,cr.ijo^. Smyth, Emma L Gunning. Smyth, Lucv M. E Duntze. Smyth (Lucy S. J.), Lady Selby- Campbel^cr.^-if,. Stracey (Mary G.), Lady .. Des Vceujc. Strachan, Augusta A Robinson, cr. 1854. Strachan, Sophia J. W. .. Robinson,cr.i%2-$. Stradbroke (Augusta), Coun- Musgra^ less of 1611. Smyth, Mary Barrow. Smythe, Frances A. J Bettingliam. Snape, Mary H Biickworth- Herne-Soame. Somerset, Adelaide H Brooke- Pechell. Somerset, Agatha Miles. Somerset, Emma P Dashiuood,cr.-if&i,. Somerset (Fanny J.), Lady Stratford, Jane E. Wingfield- Guise. Strange, Edith H Burrell. Stretton, Charlotte Cope. Strode, Mary H Medlycott. Stuckey, Annie B Cunynghame. Studd, Evelyn Chichesier, cr. 1641. Studd, Hilda Proctor-Beau- Edward Dixie. Somerset (Malvina C.) Hon. Mrs. Granville R. W. .. MacGregor, cr, 1795- Somerville, Adelaide E . . . . Coghilt. Somerville, Bertha E Tancred. Somerville, Emily P Fuller-Adand. Hood. Sondes (Charlotte), Countess Stracey. Southwell (Charlotte M.B.), Viscountess Mostyn. Speck, Jane Kirkpatrii-.k. Speir, Mary Napier, cr. 1627. Spencer, Emma D Tapps-Gervis- Meyrick. Spencer (Helen M.), Hon. Lady Campbell,cr. 1831. Sperling, Anna M Barrow. Spottiswood, Elizabeth A. yervis. Sully, Eleanor Osborne. Sunderland, Annie Ripley. Sutton, Alice Dixie. Sutton (Constance E.), Lady Corbet. . Sutton, Mary Sutton-Gunning- Culme-Seymour. Swanton, Matilda S Pasley. Swetenham, Louisa C. S. . . Meyrick. Swinton, Georgiana Campbell- Sitwell. Synge, Jane Bannerman. Talbot de Malahide (Emily H.), Baroness Boswell. Tanner, Eliza Thompson, cr. Tnte, Alice G Samnelson. [1890. Tatton, Winifred E Payne. Taylor, Annie E Maryon-Wilson. Taylor, Edith E. H Heron-Maxwell. Farquhar- Abercromby. Spottiswoode, Frances G. .. Haminick. Sprott, Louisa D Green-Price. Stables, Margaret A Dunbar, cr. 1700. Stace, Jane M Pasley. Stacpoole, Edith M Paul, cr. 1821. Stanbrough, Augusta H. . . Spearman. Stanhope, Ida M. Spencer- .. Milbome-Sivin- nerton-Pilking- ttn. Staniforth, Harriet G Slade. Stanley, Caroline Musgraiie, cr. 1611. Taylor, Fanny E. A Leeds. Taylor, Harriette S Watkin. Taylor, Henrietta Elliot. Taylor, Louisa A Curtis. Taylor, Maria M Waldie-Griffith. Temple (Helen M.), Countess GraJiam- Mont- gomery. Tennant, Frances M Wilson, cr. 1874. Terry, Georgiana Waller, cr. 1780. Thomas, Mary W Nugent, cr. 1806. Thomas, Ada M Hobhouse. Thomas, Catherine E. B. .. Waller, cr. 1780. Thomas, Mary K Clark, cr. 1883. Stanley, Charlotte A Rose, cr. 1872. Stanley (Mary K.), Hon. Mrs. Lyulph Bell. Thompson, Catherine . . . . Paget. Thompson, Dora Cayley. Thompson, Charlotte Meysey- Walker, cr. 1868. Stanton, Josephine H Waller, cr. 1780. Starkey, Margaret A. Barbev- Kinlock, cr. 1873. Starkie, Jemima M. M. . . Tempest. Stawell, Frances A De Burgho. Steel, Anna C Wood, cr. 1837. Thompson (Elizabeth A.), Lady Meysey- Croft, cr. 1818. Thompson, Emily M. Meysey- Walker, cr. 1868. Thompson (Ethel A.), Lady Stephen, Augusta H. M. .. Tempest, cr. 1827. Stephens, Henrietta M Pottinger. Sterling, Caroline M Salusbury- Thompson, Mabel S Bates. Thomson, Fanny J. White-.. Ferguson-Davie. Trela-amy, Stern, Constance fessel. Steuart, Caroline A Larpent. Steuart, Lady (Susan E.) Thornton, Louisa F. M. .. Lushington. Thoyts, Ann A Price-Pulestou. Thumann, Jane S^vinburne. Thurburn, Anne T Innes. Stevenson, Ada Salt. Stevenson, Eleanor F. A. M. Robinson, cr.i&)i. Steward, Olivia E Johnson, cr. 1818. Stewart (AdelaM.),Hon. Mrs. Loder. Stewart, Anne M Johnston- Maxwell,cr.i(&i. Stewart, Georgina E Maxwell, cr.%o^. Stewart, Helen C Hunter- Blair, Stewart, Isabella King, cr. 1888. Stewart, Sarah G Dairy mple-H ay. Stirling, Georgina L Blacinuood. Thynne, Mary E Mac Gregor. Tickell. Henrietta M Green-Price. Tillyer, Florence A Harvey, cr. 1868. Tinling, Mary L Slade. Tipping, Adelaide C. M. . . Borrowes. Tod, Harriet Earle. Tomkinson, Emily F Palmer, cr. 1791. Torre, Hyacinthe E Cave-Browne- Cave. Stockton, Alice C. K Onslow. Stoker, Catherine M. G. .. Nugent, cr. 1795. Tottenham, Catherine E. . . Stapleton. Tower, Augusta M. F Jenkinson. Stopford, Caroline M Bnrgoyne ;cr.i8^6. Storer, Cicely B Witbughby, borne. Townsend, Henrietta A. M. Payne.