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KNIGHTS. 611 and forcapture of Iran 1838 ; Hon. D.C.L., Oxford, 1863 ; was Pres. Roy. Geographi- cal So. 1876, and a Commr. of Paris Exhi- bition 1878 : m. ist, Henrietta, who d. 1853, da. of Charles Bacon, Esq. ; 2nd, 1862, Lucy, widow of the Rev. John Low- der, M.A., British Chap, at Shanghai ; cr. K.C.B. 1862. 14, Great Queen Street, Westminster, S. W. ; A then sum Club. ALDERSON, Maj.-Gen. Sir Henry James, K.C.B. ; b. 1834; ed. at Roy. Mil. Acad., Woolwich; entered R.A. 1852, became Capt. 1859, Major 1872, Lieut.-Col. 1877 (h.p. 1882), Col. 1881, and Maj.-Gen. 1892 ; served throughout Crimea War 1854-5, being present at battles of Alma and Inkerman, and siege of Sebas- topol (mentioned in despatches, medal with three clasps, Legion of Honour, Turkish medal) ; was Assist, to Director of Artillery and Stores 1871-3, Sec. Ex- perimental Branch 1874-8, Assist. -Director 1878-84, and Director 1884-91, since when he has been Pres. of Ordnance Commit- tee : m. 1877, Florence, youngest da. of the late Baron Alderson ; cr. C.B. 1887, , K.C.B. 1891. 6, Hyde Park Street, W.; Oakfield, Bracknell, Berks; United Service Club. ALLEN, Hon. Sir John Campbell, LL.D., son of the late Capt. John Allen, of the New Brunswick Fencibles ; b. 1817 ; LL.D. New Brunswick Univ. 1882 ; Bar. New Brunswick 1840 ; was a Commr. 1845-7 for settling the claims to land in . the Madawaska Settlement under the ; Treaty of Washington (1842), a Member of House of Assembly, New Bruns- wick, 1856-65, Solicitor-Gen. 1856-7, Speaker of House of Assembly 1863-5, Attorney-Gen. 1865, and a Judge of Supreme Court 1865-75, since when he has ; been Ch. Justice ; in 1865, went as Dele- gate from Govt. of New Brunswick to Govt. of England on the subject of Con- federation ; appointed Pres. of Court for trial of Divorce and Matrimonial Causes 1866 ; was for 12 years Official Reporter of Decisions of Supreme Court of the Province: m. 1845, Margaret, da. of; Charles Drury, Esq. (formerly Capt. 29th ! Foot), of St. John, N.B. ; cr. K.B. 1889. ' Fredericton, New Brunswick. ALSTON,6z>FrancisBeilby,/ : ., son of the late Rowland Alston, Esq., M.P. for Herts ; b. 1820 ; ed. at Eton, and abroad ; entered Foreign Office 1839, became a senior clerk 1857, and Ch. Clerk 1866 ; retired 1890 ; formerly Lieut. Hertfordshire Militia ; is a J.P. for Middlesex : m. 1862, Emily Louise Caroline, da. of Bridges Taylor, Esq., formerly H.B.M.'s Consul for Denmark [see Baron Halkett, "Foreign Titles"]: cr. K.C.M.G. 1886. 69, Eccleston Square, S. W. ; Travellers' Club. ANDERSON, Sir Henry Percy, K.C.B., K.C.M.G., son of the late Rev. Robert Anderson ; b. 1831 ; ed. at Marlborough Coll., and at Ch. Ch., Oxford (M.A. 1866) ; formerly Lieut. Roy. Sussex Militia ; entered Foreign Office 1852 ; was Sec. to MarquessofBath'sspecial mission toLisbon 1858 ; appointed Acting2nd. Sec. inDiplo. Ser. 1862 ; was attached to Legation at Washington 1861-3 ; has been a senior clerk in Foreign Office since 1873 ; was Sec. to Earl of Rosslyn's special embassy to Spain 1878, an Assist, to Sir E. Malet, British Representative at W. African Con- ference at Berlin 1884-5, ar) d employed in negotiating Anglo-German Agreement respecting Africa, at Berlin 1890 : m. ist, 1869, Fanny Isabella, who d. 1879, da. of William Cuthbert, Esq. ; 2nd, 1883, Au- gusta Caroline, widow of 5th Baron Boston, and da. of 3rd Baron deSaumarez; cr. K.C.M.G. 1885, K.C.B. 1890. 53, Eaton Square, S. W.; Tannheim, Bourne- mouth; Travellers' and St. James's Clubs. ANDERSON, Sir James, son of John Anderson, Esq., of Dumfries ; b. 1824 ; ed. at Dumfries Academy ; entered Mer- cantile Marine 1840, and Cunard Co.'s Steam Service 1851 ; commanded the "Great Eastern' 1 when laying Atlantic Cables and received knighthood on the suc- cessful completion of the undertaking ; is a J.P. for Dumfriesshire : m. ist, 1852, Mary, who d. 1856, da. of John Stuart, Esq. ; 2ndly, 1858, Margaret, who d. 1891, da. of Thomas Milligan, Esq. ; cr. K.B. 1866. 62, Queen's Gate, S. W. ; Reform and Athenceiim Clubs. ANDERSON, Sir William George, K.C.B., son of the late Mr. James Anderson, a senior clerk in Gen. Post Office ; b. 1804 ; appointed a clerk in late Navy Office 1825, in Admiralty 1832, and in Paymaster-Gen. Office 1838; promoted to Assist.- Pay- master-Gen. 1841, and to Principal Finance Clerk at Treasury 1854 ; was Assist. Comp- troller and Auditor of Exchequer and Audit Depart. 1868-72, and Auditor of Duchy of Cornwall 1851-91 ; employed on various commissions of inquiry : m. 1836, Mary, who d. 1891, da. of the late Henry Whiteside, Esq., of Frognal, Hampstead ; cr. K.C.B. 1870. Anglesea House, Church Road, Forest Hill, S.E.; i, Buckingham Gate, S. IV. ANSON, Maj.-Gen. Sir Archibald Edward Harbord, K.C.M.G. [see Anson, Bart.]. ANTELME, Sir Ce'lincourt, K.C.M.G.; b. 18 ; is M.E.C. and Senior Unofficial Member of Council of Govt. of Mauritius; cr. C.M.G. 1880, K.C.M.G. 1890. Mauritius. ANTON I AD is, Sir John, K.C.M.G., son of Antony Hayudi Antoniadis of Lem- nos ; b. 1817 ; is a Banker, Grand Officer of the Order of St. Saviour of Greece, Com. of the Order of Francis Joseph of Austria, and of the Osmanieh of Turkey, and an Officer of the Order of St. Ann of Russia ; m. 18 , Charicle'e Eustratiou ; cr. K.C.M.G. 1887. Alexandria, Egypt.