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624 KNIGHTAG E . 1886 ; sat as M.P. for Finsbury, Holborn Div. (C) 1888-92 : m. 1868, Sophia, da. of ; Francis Jackson, Esq., of Chertsey ; cr. K.B. 1892. Yewhurst, Bromley, Kent; St. Stephen s and Carlton Clubs. BRUCE, Sir George Barclay, son of the late John Bruce, Esq., of Newcastle- on-Tyne ; b. 1821 ; studied the profession of a Civil Engineer as a pupil of the late Robert Stephenson ; was Resident En- gineer of the Roy. Border Bridge over the Tweed at Berwick, and subsequently Ch. Engineer of the Madras Railway, and Consulting Engineer to the S. Indian Rail- way and to other works in various parts of the world ; elected Pres. of Institution of Civil Engineers in 1887, re-elected 1888 : ' m. 1847, Helen Norah, da, of Alexander j Simpson, Esq., solicitor, of Paisley ; cr. K. B. 1888. 64, Boundary Road, N. W. BRUCE, Capt. Sir Thomas Cuppage, 2nd son of the late Rev. Thomas Bruce, ' of Westbere, Canterbury ; b. 1821 ; ed. at j King's Sch., Canterbury, and at Roy. ; Naval Coll., Portsmouth ; entered R.N. ! 1836, and retired as Capt. 1876 ; present ; at capture of Tortosa, Sabakia, Tripoli, | and Scanderoon, and at St. Jean d'Acre j (medal) ; in River Plate Expedition, I 1846, as mate of the "Harpy," he took! charge of the vessel (the commander being wounded) while passing and repassing the batteries of Lorenzo ; was Lieut, of the "Alecto" at Blockade of Buenos Ayres, 1847 ; served in Baltic Expedition 1854 ; was Naval Agent in India and W. Indies 1862-3 ' h as Deen nautical assessor at Dover since 1877 ; is Conductor of Packet Service at Dover : m. ist, 1861, Elizabeth, who d. 1872, da. of Henry Wise Harvey, Esq., of Middle Deal House ; 2nd, 1874, Louisa Basilia, da. of John Bishop, Esq., of Sunbury House, Sunbury, and widow of Major Arthur Lambert, R.A. ; cr. K.B. 1880. Thorndean, Dover ; United Service Club. el. son of the late George Adam Buchanan, Esq. ; b. 1831 ; ed. at Univ. ColL, London (B.A. 1851); M.D. London 1856. and F.R.C.P. London 1866 ; formerly Physi- cian to London Fever Hospital and to the Children's Hospital ; was many years Inspector in Med. Depart, of Privy Council, and Med. Officer of Local Govt. Board ; retired 1892 ; is a F.R.S., a Member of Senate of the Lond. Univ., and of the Roy. Cmmn. on Tuberculosis, and a Censor of Roy. Coll. of Physicians ; author of numerous works on sanitary subjects ; cr. K.B. 1892. | 27, Woburn Square, W.C. BUCK, Sir Edward Charles, C.S.I., LL.D., son of the late Z. Buck, Esq., Mus. j Doc. , of Norwich ; b. 1839 ; ed. at Oakham, and at Clare Coll., Camb. (LL.B. 1861, j Hon. LL.D. 1886) ; entered B.C.S. 1861 ; ! appointed Director of Agricultural Depart, i N.W.P. (India) 1880, and Sec. to Govt. of India Revenue and Agricultural Depart. 1884 ; was Hony. Commr. for India at Melbourne Exhibition 1881, and Hony. Commr. for India at Colonial and Indian Exhibition, S. Kensington, 1886 ; cr. K.B. 1886, C.S.I. 1892. Calcutta; East India United Service Club. BUCKLE, Adm. Sir Claude Henry Mason, K.C.B., son of the late Adm. Matthew Buckle, of Bath ; b. 1803 ; ed. at Roy. Naval Coll. ; entered R. N. 1819 ; served in first Burmese War, 1824 (medal); appointed 1833 to the "San Josef," as Flag-Lieut. ; became Com. 1836, Capt. 1845, Rear-Adm. 1863, Vice-Adm. 1870, and Adm. on Retired List 1877 ; com- manded the "Valorous" in the Baltic (medal) and Black Seas during Russian War (Crimean and Turkish medals, and 4th Class Medjidie) ; was Capt. -Sup. of Deptford Dockyard 1857-63, and Adm. in command of Irish Station 1867-9 : m - 1847, Harriet Margaret, el. da. of the late Thomas Deane Shute, Esq., D. L., of Bram- shaw Hill, New Forest, Hants ; cr. C.B. 1856, K.C.B. 1875. 59, Rutland Gate, S. W. ; United Service Club. BUCKLEY, Sir Patrick Alphonsus, K.C.M.G.;b. 1 8 ; formerly Colonial Sec., New Zealand ; has been Attorney- Gen, and Colonial Sec. of that Colony since 1891; cr. K.C.M.G., 1892. Auck- land and Wellington, New Zealand. BULLARD, Sir Harry, son of the late Richard Bullard, Esq., brewer, of Nor- wich ; b. 1841 ; ed. privately ; is senior partner in firm of Eullard and Sons, brewers, and a J.P., a D.L and a Coun- cillor (Second Ward) for Norwich ; was Sheriff of Norwich 1877-8, and Mayor 1878, 1879, and 1887; sat as M.P. for Norwich (C) 1885-6: in. 1867, Sarah J. (Companion of Roy. Order of Kapiolam), da. of T. Ringer, Esq., of Rougham, Norfolk; cr. K.B. 1887. Hellesden House, Norwich; Carlton, Junior Carlton, and Constitutional Clubs. BULLER, Lieut.-Gen. the Right. Hon. Sir Redvers Henry, P.C., K.C.B., K.C.M.G., V.C., son of the late James Wentworth Buller, Esq., M.P., D.C.L., of Downes, Crediton ; b. 1839 ; entered 6oth Rifles 1858, became Capt. 1870, Major 1874, Lieut. -Col. 1878, Col. 1879 (h.p. 1880), Maj.-Gen. 1884. and Lieut.-Gen. 1891 ; served in China 1860, with Red River Expedition in 1870, Ashanti War 1874, in Kaffir War 1878, and in Zulu War 1878-9 (V.C.) ; was A.D.C. to H.M. 1879-84, D.A.A.G. at Headquarters 1874-8, and Q.M.G. of N. British Dist. in 1880, and afterwards at Aldershot ; Local Maj.-Gen. and Ch. of Staff in Natal 1881 ; served as D.A. and Q.M.G. of Intelligence Depart, in Egyptian Campaign, 1882 (medal and 3rd class Osmanieh), as 2nd in Command ist Suakin Expedition 1884 (Maj.-Gen. for distinguished service in the field), and as