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late Constant De Keyser, Esq., of Ter- monde, Belgium ; b. 1832 ; elected a i member of Common Council of City of London 1868, was an Alderman (Farring- don Without Ward) 1882-92, Sheriff of London and Middlesex 1882-3, and Lord Mayor of London 1887-8 ; is a J.P. for Middlesex, and a Com. of Order of Leopold of Belgium and of the Legion of Honour : m. 1862, Louise, da. of the ' late Isidor Pieron, of Brussels; cr. K.B. 1888. Chatham House, Grove Road, Clap- ', ham Park, S. W. DENT, Sir Alfred, K.C.M.G., son! of the late Thomas Dent, Esq., of China, ! and Hyde Park Gardens, W. ; b. 1844 ; ed. at Eton ; is connected with business in the East, a Director of several City Cos., and Founder of the British North Borneo Co. ; cr. K.C.M.G. 1888. Ravens- worth, Eastbourne ; 24, Ryder Street, St. James's, S. W. ; Oriental, Marlborough, and Garrick Clubs. DE SOUZA, Sir Walter Eugene, ' 4th son of Lawrence de Souza, Esq. ; : b. 1847 ; ed. at St. Gregory's College, Downside, Bath ; was Consul for Portugal at Calcutta, 1870-8, and Consul- Gen. there 1878-84 ; is a County Councillor for London, Westminster Div. , a Count of the Roman Empire, an hereditary Knight of the Golden Spur, and a Knight of the Legion of Honour, Com . of the Order of ' Christ of Portugal, and of the Order of Our Lady of the Conception of Villa Vi^oza, and Officer of Public Instruction in France ; received Knighthood for chari- ties instituted and established by him ; I cr. K.B. 1879. 35, Albert Hall Man- sions, S. W. ; Carlton Club. DES VCEUX, Sir George William, ! K.C.M.G. [see Des Vosux, Bart.]. DEVAH SINGH, Sir Sirdar, K.C.S.I., son of Sirdar Khoshhal Singh ; b. 1834 ; I entered the service of H.H. the Maharaja of Putiala 1846 ; appointed an Assist. Judicial Minister 1852, Regt. Risaldar 1855, Sup. of State Toshakhana 1856, Sirdar Deorhiwalla (the officer through whom all orders of the Maha Rajas are issued) 1858, Col. of Cav. No. 2 1860, Nazim or head-officer of Pinjore Dist. 1863, and of Mahundurgurh Dist. 1867, Judicial Min. of State 1867, Dewan or Financial Min. 1873, and Pres. of Council of Regency of Putiala 187=; ; is a Fellow of Punjab Univ. ; cr. K.C.S.L 1880. Putiala, Punjab. DEVEREUX, Sir Joseph, son of the late Charles Thomas Topping Devereux, Esq., of Windsor ; b. 1816 ; is an Alder- man, a J.P. for Windsor, and a County Councilor for Windsor, Park Ward Div. ; was Mayor of Windsor 1869, 1881 and 1883 ; has Order of Leopold of Bel- gium : m. 1843, Louisa, who d. 1890, da. of the late Robert Bowden, Esq., of Man- chester ; cr. K.B. 1883. Queen's Place, Windsor. KNIGHTS. 637 DE ViLLlERS, Hon. Sir John Henry, K.C.M.G., son of C. C. De Villiers. Esq.; b. 1842 ; ed. at S. African Coll. and Univs. of Utrecht and Berlin ; Bar. Inner Temple 1865 ; represented Worcester in Cape Parliament, 1866-73 '< was Attorney- Gen, of Cape Colony 1872-4, since when he has been Ch. Justice of Cape of Good Hope ; was a Commr. for settlement of Transvaal Territory 1881, and a Commr. on Education in the Colony 1879-80 ; is a member of Council of Univ. of Cape of Good Hope : m. 1871, Aletta, da. of J. P. Jordaan, Esq., of Worcester, Cape of Good Hope ; cr. K.B. 1877, K.C.M.G. 1882. Cape Town ; Wynbcrg, Cape of Good Hope. DE WET, Sir Jacobus Albertus, K. CM. G. ; b. 18 ; elected M.E.C. Cape of Good Hope 1884 ; was Sec. for Native Affairs 1884-90, since when he has been British Agent in S. African Republic ; cr. K.C.M.G. 1890. Pretoria, S. Africa. DE WET, Sir Jacobus Petrus, son of the late J. C. de Wet, Esq., of the Cape of Good Hope ; b. 1838 ; ed. at Univ. Coll., Lond. (B.A. Lond. Univ. 1860) ; Bar. Inner Temple 1863 and joined the Cape Bar same year ; was a member of Cape Legislative Assembly 1864-73, Soli- citor-Gen, of Cape of Good Hope 1873-8, acting Puisne Judge of Supreme Court of Cape of Good Hope 1878, Recorder of High Court GriqualandW. 1878-80, acting Administrator of Griqualand W. 1879-80, Ch. Justice of Transvaal 1880-1, a Commr. for investigating claims arising out of the hostilities between the British Forces and the Boers 1881-2, and Acting Ch. Justice of Ceylon 1882-3 : m. 1877, Emma, da. of James Fuller, Esq., of ThornlandS, near King William's Town ; cr. K.B. 1883. Goiiubie, Enys Road, Eastbourne. DE WINTON, Maj.-Gen. Sir Francis Walter, K.C.M.G., C.B., D.C.L., LL.D., son of Walter de Winton, Esq., of Maesllwch Castle, Radnor ; b. 1835 ; Hon. LL.D. Camb. 1892, D.C.L. Dur- ham 18 ; entered R.A. 1854, became Capt. 1860, Major 1872, Lieut. -Col. 1880, Col. 1884 (h.p. 1885), and Hon. Maj.-Gen. (retired) 1890 ; served in Crimean Cam- paign 1855 (medal with clasp, Legion of Honour, and Turkish medal) ; was A.D.C. to Sir W. F.Williams when comdg. Forces in British N. America 1860-5, and on his staff when Lieut. -Gov. of Nova Scotia 1864-7, an d when Gov. of Gibraltar 1870-72 ; was a Mil. Attache" at Embassy, Constantinople 1877-8, and Sec. to Gov. Gen. of Canada (M. of Lome) 1878-80, and Mil. Sec. 1880-83 ; entered the service of the King of the Belgians 1884, and was Administrator Gen. of the New Congo State 1885-6 (Com. of Belgian Order of Leopold, Congo Star) ; employed on special service on W. Coast of Africa 1887-8, and as H.M.'s Commr. in Swazi- land 1889 ; was A.Q.M.G., Headquarters