Page:Debrett's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage and Companionage.djvu/732

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654 KNIGHTAGE. medal of Roy. So. 1847 ; author of ' ' Cor- relation of Physical Forces, " and of many papers published in Transactions of Roy. So.,&c. ; was a Justice of Court of Common Pleas 1871-5, and a Judge of the High Court of Justice (Common Pleas Div.) 1875-87 : m. 1837, Emma Maria, who d. 1879, da. of John Diston Powles, Esq. ; cr. K.B. 1872, P.C. 1887. 115, Harleyl Street, W. ; Athenaum Club. son of Thomas Grubb, Esq. ; 6. 1844 ; Treasury on Local Inquiry into Expenses of Wars in S. Africa ; was attached to Roy. Commn. for settlement of Transvaal affairs 1881 ; is a County Councillor for E. Suf- folk, Grundisburgh Div. ; unsuccessfully contested S.W. Div. of Norfolk (L) 1885', Rotherhithe Div. of Bermondsey 1886, and Colchester (LG) 1888 : m. 1888, Lady Eveline Camilla Wallop, da. of 5th Earl of Portsmouth; cr. C.B. 1874, K.C.M.G. 1882. Grundisbiirgk Hall, Woodbridge, Suffolk ; Brooks s Club. ed. at Trin. Coll., Dublin (Hon. Master ' GZOWSKI, Col. SirCasimir Stanislaus, of Engineering) ; is Hon. Member of Roy. Institute of Engineers of Ireland, Hon. Sec. of Council of Roy. Dublin So., and Member of Board of Visitors of Science and Art Museum ; received Cunningham Gold Medal of Roy. Irish Acad. 1881 ; is an Astronomical Instrument Manufacturer; has completed some of the largest existing telescopes for the British, Colonial, and K.C.M.G., son of the late Casimir Stanislaus Gzowski, of the Russian Army; b. 1813 ; ed. at Russian Mil. Engineering Sch. ; appointed Hon. A.D.C. to H. M. 1879 I is a Civil Engineer, and Staff Officer to Engineer Force in Canada ; has rendered valuable services to the Dominion: m. 1839, Maria Beebe ; cr. K.C.M.G. 1890. Tlie Hall, Toronto, Canada. Foreign Govts., including Melbourne H.A.INES, Field Marshal Sir Frederick great reflector and Vienna great refractor, and has established an industry in Dublin for construction of these instruments : ;. 1871, Mary H., da. of George Hamilton Walker. Esq. , M. D. . of Ix>uisiana, U. S. A. ; cr. K.B. 1887. 51, Keniliuorth Square, Rathgar, Dublin. GRUBBE, Vice-Adm. Sir Walter James HUNT-, K.C.B., son of the late Rev. James Andrew Hunt-Grubbe ; b. 1833 ; entered R.N.i845,becameCom.i86i,Capt. 1866, Rear-Admt 1884, and Vice-Adm. 1890; served on W. Coast of Africa 1854, present at bombardment of Pessie and Labadie, and Defence of Chris- tiansborg Castle ; commanded H.M.S. "Teazer," in suppressing Slave Trade 1855-7 ; thanked by Liberian Govt. for services rendered at an insurrection at Sinon ; present at operations in River Gambia 1861 (mentioned in despatches) ; commanded H.M.S. "Jaseur," in sup- pressing Slave Trade on W. Coast of Africa 1863-6 ; appointed in charge of Island of Ascension 1866 ; commanded Naval Brig, in Ashantee War 1874 (severely wounded, mentioned in despatches, C.B.. and medal with clasp) ; commanded N. Div. of Mediterranean Fleet at bombard- ment of Alexandria 1882 ; was an A.D.C. to H.M. 1879-84, Com.-in-Ch. of Cape of Good Hope and W. Coast of Africa station 1885-8, and Adm. Sup. of Devonport Dockyard 1888-91 : m. 1867, Mary Anne, da. of William Codrington, Esq., of Wroughton, Wilts; cr. C.B. 1874, K.C.B. " 1882. Knightsbridge House, Newbury ; United Service Club. GURDON, Sir William Brampton, K.C.M.G., C.B., son of the late Brampton Gurdon, Esq., M.P., of Letton, Norfolk ; b. 1840; ed. at Eton, and at Trin. Coll., Camb. (B.A. 1863) ; entered H.M.'sTrea- suryasa Clerki863 ; was Private Sec. toMr. Gladstone, M.P., when Chancellor of the Exchequer 1865-6, and when First Lord of the Treasury 1868-74; in 1879 represented Paul, G.C.B., G.C.S./., ./.., son of Commissary-Gen. Gregory Haines, C. B. ; b. 1819; ed. at Midhurst, at Brussels, and at Dresden ; entered 4th King's Own Regt. 1839, became Capt. loth Foot 1846, Capt. and Brevet-Major 2 ist R.N.B. Fusiliers 1849, Lieut. -Col. 1850, Major- Gen. May 1864, Lieut. -Gen. 1871, Gen. 1877, and Field Marshal 1800 ; was Col. 8th Foot 1860-62, of io4th Regt. 1874-81, and of Royal Munster Fusiliers 1881-90, since when he has been Col. of Royal Scots Fusiliers ; served (i) in Sutlej campaign 1845-6 (severely wounded, horse shot under him, and medal with clasp), (ii] in Punjaub 1848-9 (medal with two clasps), and (Hi) in Crimean Campaign 1854-5 (medal with four clasps, Turkish medal and 5th class Medjidie) ; was A.D.C. to Sir Hugh Gough 1844-5, an d Acting Mil. Sec. thereto 1845-6, Mil. Sec. to Lord Gough 1846-9, and to Sir P. Grant 1856-60, D.A.G. in Ireland 1862-4, Brig.- Gen. Dublin Dist. 1864-5, Maj.-Gen. commanding Mysore Div. 1865-70, Q.M.G. at Horse Guards 1870-1, Com.-in-Ch. of Madras Army 1871-5, and Com.-in-Ch. in India 1876-81 (thanked in 1879 and 1881 by both Houses of Parliament for direct- ing operations in Afghanistan 1878-9 and 1880): m. 1856, Charlotte Jane Sophia, who d. 1880, da. of Col. Edward Every E. Miller, Corny. Gen. of Madras Army; cr. K.C.B. 1871, G.C.B. 1877, G.C.S. I. and C.I.E. 1879. United Service Club. HALIBURTON, Sir Arthur Laurence, K.C.B., son of the late Mr. Justice Hali- burton, of Nova Scotia, author of "Sam Slick," and sometime M. P. for Launceston ; b. 1832 ; served on Commissariat Staft l8 55-7. when he was transferred to Civil Ser. at War Office as Assist. Director of Supplies and Transport, and was Director thereof 1878-88, since when he has been Assist.-Under Sec. of State for War : m. 1877, Mariana Emily, da. of the late Leo Schuster, Esq., and widow of Sir William