Page:Debrett's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage and Companionage.djvu/738

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66o KNIGHTAGE. of Bristol ; b. 1834 ; is Hon. Col. and has been Lieut. -Col. Comdt. Glamorgan Ar- tillery Vol. since 1864; is a J.P. for co. Glamorganshire (High Sheriff 1885) and Cardiff Borough ; has sat for S. Div. of Bristol (C) since 1886, having been de- feated there 1885; is a Knt. Com. of Yasa of Sweden : m. 1866, Fanny Ellen, da. of the late Lieut.-Gen. Richard Tickell. C.B.;cr. C.B. 1881, K.C.B. 1892. Rook- ivood, Llandaff ; Hazel Manor, Compton Martin, Somerset ; I, St. James's Street, S. W. ; Carlton Club. HODGE, Gen. Sir Edward Cooper, G.C.E., son of the late Major Edward Hodge, yth Hussars; /'. 1810; ed. at Eton; entered 4th Dragoon Guards 1826, became Capt. 1834, Major 1841, Lieut. -Col. 1848, Col. 1854, Major-Gen. 1863, Lieut.-Gen. 1871, and Gen. 1877; was Col. i8th Hussars 1870-74, since when he has been Col. 4th Dragoon Guards ; commanded his regt. throughout the Crimean War i854-6(medal with three clasps, Turkish medal, Legion of Honour, and 3rd class Medjidie), and Cav. Brig, at Aldershot 1861-7 : m - 1860, Lucy Anne, who d. 1885, da. of the late James Rimington, Esq., of Broomhead Hall, Bolterstone, York ; cr. C.B. 1854, K.C.B. 1873, G.C.B. 1887. 26, Cornwall Gardens, S. W. ; United Service Club. HODGSON, Sir Arthur, K.C.M.G., son of the late Rev. Edward Hodgson, V. of Rickmansworth ; 6. 1818 ; ed. at Eton, and at Camb. Univ. ; served three years as a Midshipman in H.M.S. Canopiis ; was sometime Colonial Sec. and Minister for Works in Queensland, Commr. for Queensland at Universal Exhibitions in London 1862, in Paris 1867 and 1878, and in Vienna 1874, and a Royal Com- missioner and General Secretary to Recep- tion Committee of Colonial and Indian Exhibition 1886 ; is a J.P. and D.L. for co. Warwick (High Sheriff 1881): m. 1841, Eliza, da. of the late Sir James Dowling, Chief Justice, New South Wales ; cr. C.M.G. 1878, K.C.M.G. 1886. Clapton House, Slratford-on-Avon. HODGSON, Sir Robert, son of the late Hon. Robert Hodgson, Speaker of House of Assembly, Prince Edward Island, 1806-11 ; b. 1798; ed. at King's Coll., Windsor, Nova Scotia ; Barrister of Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island 1819 ; elected by his native city a member of the House of Assembly 1825 ; appointed Attorney and Advocate-Gen. , and Surro- gate and" Judge of Probate 1828, a Member of the Executive Council and also a Mem- ber of Legislative Council 1829, Pres. of Legislative Council 1840, Acting Ch. Justice 1841, Ch. Justice 1852, and Judge of Vice- Admiralty Court 1853 ; was Ad- ministrator of Govt. 1865 and 1870, and 1873-4, and Lieut. -Gov. ot Prince Edward Island, 1874-9 : m - ^ 2 7> Fanny, who d. 18 , da. of the late Capt. Ranald Mac- donell. Town Mayor of Charlotte Town ; cr. K.B. 1869. Charlotte Town, Prince: Edward Island, British Xorth America. HO(;o,6V;-FrederickRussell ? A'.C./.A r C.S.l. [see B. Magheramornel. HOGG, Sir Stuart Saunders [see B. Magheramorne j. HOLDICH. Gen. Sir Edward Alan, K.C.B., son of the late Rev. Thos. Holdich, R. of Maidwell, Northampton ; b. 1822 ; entered 8oth Foot 1841, became Lieut. -Col. 1853, Col. 1854, Maj.-Gen. 1867, Lieut.-Gen. 1875. ar >d Gen. 1877 ; has been Col. ist Batn. Duke of Cam- bridge's Own (Middlesex Regt.) since 1876 ; served on staff of Sir Harry Smith in Sutlej campaign 1845-6 (severely woun- ded, medal with three clasps), in S. Africa 1848 (mentioned in despatches), in Kaffir wars 1847-8 and 1851-2 (medal), in Bur- mese war 1853 (medal), and- in Indian mutiny in command of Field Force on Nepaul frontier at close of operations ; afterwards appointed D.A.G. India, ! and to command a Brig, in Bengal; com- manded Cork Dist. 1871-4, and Dublin Dist. 1874-6 : m. 1880, Emily Hallward, widow of George G. Buckston, Esq., and da. of the late Rev. Crosbie Morgell, R. of Knoyle, Wilts; cr. C.B. 1853, K.C.B. 1875. 19, On slow Square, S. ~. ; Army and A'(7fy and Union Clubs. HOLLOWAV, Sir George MARTIN-, el. son of thelateGeorge Frederick Martin. Esq. ; b. 1833 ; assumed in 1884 the ad- ditional surname of Holloway : m. 1857, Sarah, da. of the late John Driver, Esq. ;. cr. K.B. 1887. TittenhHrst,Sunninghill, Berks; 14, King's Gardens, West Brighton , Constitutional Club. HOME. Sir Anthony Dickson, K.C.B. r V.C., M.D., son of the late Mr. George- Home b. 1826; M.R.C.S. Eng. andM.D. St. Andrew's 1847; appointed Assist. -Surg. in Army 1848, became Surg. 1855, Surg.- Maj. 1866, Dep. Surg. -Gen. 1873, and Surg. -Gen. 18.78 ; retired 1887 ; served in Eastern Campaign 1854-5 with 8th andi i3th Hussars (medal with two clasps), in* Indian Mutiny 1857 (medal with clasps, andV.C.), in New Zealand War 1863-5. (medal), and in Ashantee Expedition 1873-4 (medal) ; was Principal Medical Officer at Cyprus, with Local Rank of Surg. -Gen. 1878-9, Principal Med. Officer to British Forces in India 1881-^, and Principal Med. Officer S. District 1885-6 : m. 1858, Jessey Elizabeth, 2nd da. of the- late Mr. Thomas Perham Luxmoore Hal- let t ; cr. C.B. 1865, K.C.B. 1874. 2, Leinster Square, V. HOOKER. 5?VJosephDalton.A'.C5./. r C.B., M.D., D.C.L., LL.D., F.R.S., son of the late Sir William Jackson Hooker, F. R.S. , Professor of Botany in Glasgow Univ., and Director of Royal Gardens, Kew ; /. 1817 ; ed. at Glasgow Univ. (M.D. 1839); entered R.N. 1839; accompanied Adm. Sir J. C. Ross to Antarctic Regions a? Assist. Surg. and