Page:Debrett's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage and Companionage.djvu/745

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Council of King's Coll., and of Senate of London Univ., Hon. Consulting Physician to Roy. Coll. of Music, and Physician Extraor. to H.M.; author of numerous medical works : m. 1850, Charlotte Elizabeth, who J. 1860, da. of Lieut. William White, of Salisbury ; cr. K.B. 1892. IT, Sai'ile Rou>.' II'.; Athena urn Club. JOHNSON, Sir John Henry, son of John Johnson, Esq., St. Osyth Priory, Essex ; b. 1827; ed. at Egham House, and at Heidelberg Gymnasium ; is a J.P. for Essex, a merchant, chiefly in the grain trade, a foreign banker, and a steamship and coal owner; was Sheriff of London and Middlesex 1873-4 : m. 1868, Elizabeth, who d. 1882, da. of Capt. Forster, of Scarborough; cr. K.B. 1874. St. Osyth' s Priory, Colchester ; 76, Portland Place, W. ; 23, Hi lliter Street, E. C. ; Junior Athenaeum, Royal Victoria Yacht, and City Liberal Clubs. JOHNSTONE, Col. Sir]a.mes,fC.C.S.f., el. son of the late James Johnstone, Esq., F.R.C.P. ; b. 1841 ; ed. at Gram. Sch., Birmingham, in Paris, and at Roy. Acad., Gosport ; entered Bengal Army 1858, became Capt. 1868, Major 1875, Lieut.- Col. 1876, and Col. 1881 ; served with 73rd Regt. and the Regt. of Ferozepore in Trans-Gogra field-force (medal), and in Bootan Campaign 1865-6 (medal with clasp) ; was Political Assist, during Keonjur insurrection, and subsequently in charge : of State for 3^ years ; appointed Political Agent at Manipur 1877 ; in 1879 at head of Manipur Army relieved the town of Kohima when besieged by 6,000 Nagas, thereby saving the lives of 545 British subjects, and one month later assisted at assault and capture of Konomah (clasp) ; was Commr. for settling disputes on i Burmese frontier 1881 ; sometime a Dep. ! Commr. Assam ; served in Burmah 1885-6 i (severely wounded, clasp) ; is a J.P. for cos. Warwick and Worcester, and a Claimant to the dormant Marquessate of Annandale : m. 1872, Emma Mary, who d. 1883, da. of Sampson Samuel Lloyd, Esq.; cr. C.S.I. 1881, K. C.S.I. 1887. Fulford Hall. Hockley Heath, u - wicks/iire ; United Service Chib. JONES, Adm. Sir Lewis Tobias, G. C. B. , son of the late Capt. Tobias Jones, of Ardnaglas Castle, Sligo ; b. 1797 ; entered R.N. 1812, became Com. 1838, Capt. 1840, Rear-Adm. 1859, Vice-Adm. 1865 (retired 1870) and Adm. 1871 ; served before Algiers 1816 (wounded and medal with clasp), at captures of Acre 1840 (Syrian medal), and of Lagos 1851 (mentioned in despatches), at every operation in Black Sea 1854-5, an d at attack on Sebas- topol (Crimean medal with clasp, Turkish medal), as second in command of naval force in China 1860-1 (medal), and as Senior Officer in command on Irish Station 1862-5 ; has Legion of Honour and ins. 667 Medjidie ; is Visitor and Gov. of Greenwich Hospital; cr. C.B. 1854, K.C.B. 1861, G.C.B. 1873. Rugby House, Southsea, Hants ; United Service Club. JONES, Sir Pryce PRYCE-, M.P.. son of the late William Jones, Esq., solicitor, of Newtown, N. Wales ; b. 1834 ; is a manufacturer and merchant, Chm. of the Severn Valley and Powysland Flannel and, Tweed Co. , Limited, and of the New Van < Consols Mining Co., Limited ; has taken first prize and diplomas for Welsh produc- tions at all International Exhibitions since 1861 ; is a J.P. for Montgomeryshire (High Sheriff "1891) ; was M.P. for Mont- gomery Dist. (C) 1885-6; re-elected 1892 : m. 1859, Eleanor, da. of the late E. R. Morris, Esq., of Newtown, N. Wales; cr. K.B. 1887. Dolerw, Newtown, N. Wales ; Carltoa and St. Stephen's Clubs. JONES, Sir Thomas Alfred, son of the late T. Jones, Esq. ; b. 1823 ; studied at Drawing Schools of Roy. Dublin So. , and at Roy. Hibernian Acad. ; entered Trin. Coll.,' Dublin 1844, but in 1846 left it to travel on the Continent ; in 1848 adopted Art as a profession, and shortly after was admitted an Associate of the Roy. Hibernian Acad. , and was elected a Mem- ber thereof in 1861 and Pres. in 1870 ; is the ist Pres. of the Roy. Hibernian Acad. who has received Knighthood : m. ist, 1854. Susan, da. of William Casey, Esq. , of Springfield, co. Clare ; and, 1878, Florence Mary, da. of Henry Mathurin Quinan, Esq., Ch. Examiner in Chancery, Ireland ; cr. K.B. 1880. 41, Morehamp- ton Road, Donnybrook, Dublin ; Art and Burlington Clid's. JONES, Hon. Sir William Rolling- worth Quayle, el. son of the Rev. Charles William Jones, V. of Pakenham, Suffolk, and Rural Dean ; b. 1854 ; ed. privately, and at Gonville ad Caius Coll. , Camb. (R.A. 1876, M.A. 1879) : Bar- Middle- Temple 1877; went S.E. Circuit ; for- merly Capt. W. Suffolk Militia ; was , Queen's Advocate, Gold Coast Colony 1883-7, since when he has been Ch. Justice of Sierra Leone : m. 1884, Alice, who d. 1890, da. of Charles Kent, Esq. ; cr. K.B. 1892. Sierra Leone, W.Africa. JULY AN, Sir Penrose Goodchild r K.C.M.G., C.B., son of Capt. Robert Julyan, R.N. ; />. 1816 ; formerly held com- mission in Commissariat of British Army, and was promoted for valuable inventions in connection therewith during the Crimea n War ; was Financial Sec. to Board of Works in Ireland during famine years' 1847-8 ; became Junior Crown Agent for Colonies 1858; sent in 1873 as Special Commr. to inquire into the condition of Civil Service of Mauritius, and in 1879 was- entrusted with a similar mission to Govt. ot Malta ; was Senior Crown Agent for Colonies 1858-79 : m. 1848, Marianne, who d. 1875, da. of the late Charle Brocklesby, Esq. ;cr. C.B. 1868, K.C.M.G