Page:Debrett's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage and Companionage.djvu/747

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d. 1880, da. of Col. Bulkley, Bombay : Army; cr. K. C.S.I. 1878. United Ser- vice Club. KENNY, Hon. Sir Edward, son of the late Jeremiah Kenny, Esq., of Bally- keily, co. Kerry ; /'. 1800 ; is en- . gaged in commerce, and a Director of the Merchants' Bank, Nova Scotia ; was Pres. of Legislative Council of Nova Scotia 1860, Receiver-Gen, of the Dominion 1867-9, ar >d Pres. of the Dominion Privy Council 1869-71 ; administered Govt. of Nova Scotia in 1870; sworn a P.C. cf Canada 1867 ; was a Member of the Senate 1867-77 : "' I ^32, Anne, da. of Michael Forrestell, Esq., of Halifax, Nova Scotia ; cr. K.B. 1870. "Sherwood," 100, Pleasant Street, Halifax, Nova Scotia. KEPPEL, Adm. of the Fleet the Hon. Sir Henry, G.C. B. [see E. Albemarle]. KERR, 6r;/.Z0?v/ Ralph Mark George, K.C.B. see M. Lothian]. KETTLE, Sir Rupert Alfred, son of the late T. Kettle. Esq. ; b. 1817 ; Bar. Middle Temple 1845, and a Bencher 1882 ; formerly Assist. -Chm. of Quarter Sessions for Staffordshire ; is a D.L. and a J.P. for Staffordshire, and a J.P. for cos. Worcester, Hereford, and ; Merioneth ; was a Judge of County Courts (Circuit No. 23) 1859-92 ; rendered active services in establishing Boards of Arbitration between employers and em- ployed : M. 1851, Mary, who d. 1884, da. and' heiress of the late William Cooke, Esq., of Merridale, Staffordshire ; cr. K. B. 1880. Merridale, Wolverhampton ; Glan-y-don, Tinvyn, Merioneth ; Reform Club. KEYES, Gen. Sir Charles Patton, G.C.B., son of the late Thomas Keyes, Esq. , Surgeon Madras Army ; b. 1822 ; entered 3oth Madras N.I. 1843 ' became Capt. 1860, Major 1861, Lieut. -Col. 1864, Col. 1869, Maj.-Gen. 1881, Lieut.- Gen. 1887, and Gen. 1889 ; 2nd in com- mand ist Punjaub Infantry in Kohat Pass 1850 (thanked by Viceroy and Local Govt.), and in Expedition against the Wuzeerees 1860 (thanked by Supreme and Local Govts., and by Sec. of State for India); served in Umbeyla Campaign 1863 (severely wounded, thanked by Com.- in-Ch. and by Supreme and Local Govts., and C.B.), commanded 1869 a Field Force against the Cabul Kheyl and Taza Kheyl Wuzeerees (medal with two clasps and thanks of Supreme and Local Govts.) ; and in operations in the Dour Valley 1872, and thejowaki campaign 1877-8 ; also present at many minor operations ; was Comdt. of Punjab Frontier Force, with rank of , Brig.-Gen. 1870-8, and of Hyderabad Sub- , sidiary Force 1881-4 ; ' s a J-P- for Kent : m. 1870, Katherine Jessie, da. of the late , James Norman, Esq. ; cr. C. B. 1864, K.C.B. 1880, G.C.B. 1891. Shorncliffc Lodge. Saml*a fe, Kent ; United Service, Cliib. ITS. 669 KING, Sir Henry Seymour, K.CJ.E., M. P. , son of the late Henry Samuel King, Esq., J.P., of Manor House, Chigwell, Essex : b. 1852 ; ed. at Charterhouse, and at Balliol Coll., Oxford (M.A. 1880) ; is a D.L. for City of London, and Head of the Firm of Henry S. King and Co., Bankers, of London, Bombay, and Calr cutta ; has sat as M.P. (C) for Central Div. of Hull since 1885 : m. 1875, Julia Mary, da. of the Rev. John Jenkins, D. D.,. of Montreal; cr. C.I.E. 1887, K.C.I. E. 1892. 25, Cornwall Gardens, S. Ken- sington, S. W. ; Carlton, Conservative, St. Stephen's, Savile, Grosvenor, Cify r and Alpine Clubs. KING, Sir William David, son of Mr. Joseph King, of Portsmouth ; b. 1829 ; ed. at Portsea Diocesan Sch., elected a member of Town Council of Portsmouth 1872, Alderman 1878, and Mayor 1878, 1879, 1887, and 1890; is a J.P. for Ports- mouth, a Gov. of Portsmouth Gram. Sch., a County Councillor for Hants, Warbling- ton Div., a D.L. for co. Southampton, and. a Director of numerous important public companies: m. 1853, Matilda, da. of James- Atkey, Esq., of Chichester ; cr. K.B. 1887. Stratford Lodge, Southsea. KINGSCOTE, Col. Sir Robert Nigel Fitzhardinge, K.C.B. , son of the late Thomas Henry Kingscote, Esq., of Kingscote, Gloucester ; /;. 1830 ; formerly Lieut. -Col. Scots Guards 1855; semdi in Crimean Campaign 1854-5 as A.D.C. to Baron Raglan (medal with four clasps- and Turkish medal) ; has been Hon. Col. 4th Batn. Gloucestershire Regt. since 1862 ; was a Groom-in-Waiting to H.M. 1859-66 ; is an Extra Equerry to and a Member of the Council of H.R.H. the Prince of Wales, a D. L. , a J. P. , and a County Alderman for Gloucestershire, and a J.P. for Wilts ; sat as M.P. forGlouces- twshire, W. (/.), 1852-85 ; appointed a Commr. of Woods and Forests 1885, and Receiver-Gen, of Duchy of Cornwall 1888 : m. ist, Caroline Sophia, who d '. 1852, da. of Col. George Wyndham, afterwards ist Baron Leconfield ; 2nd, 1856, Lady Emily Marie Curzon-Howe, da. of ist Earl Howe; cr. C.B. 1885, K.C.B. 1889. Kingscote, Wootton - under - Edge ; 34, Charles Street, Berkeley Square, W. Brooks s and Marlborongh Clubs. KlRBY, Sir Alfred, son of the late Thomas Freestone Kirby, Esq., of Aiders- gate, E.C. ; b. 1841 ; was Sheriff of London and Middlesex 1886-7 ; is Lieut. - Col. Tower Hamlets Engineer Vols., a J.P. for Kent, and proprietor of Deptford Distillery : ;;/. 1869, the only da. of William Davvson, Esq. ; cr. K.B. 1887. Fair Lawn, New Cross, S.E. KIRK, Sir John, G.C.M.G., K.C.B. F.R.S., son of the Rev. John Kirk; b. 1832 ; M.D. and L.R.C.S. Edinburgh 1854, and Hon. LL.D. Edinburgh Univ. 1890 ; during Russian War was Assist. Physician