Page:Debrett's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage and Companionage.djvu/750

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672 KNIGHTAGE. Envoy Extraor. and Min. Plen. to Madrid 1869-77, and Ambassador Extraor. and Min. Plen. at Constantinople 1877-80 ; sat as M.P. for Aylesbury (L) 1852-7, and for Southwark 1860-9 ; unsuccess- fully contested York City and the Wig- town boroughs 1859 : is a Member of the Institute of France ; received Ordre pour le Merite of Germany 1891 ; m. 1869, Mary Enid Evelyn, da. of Sir John Guest, ist Bart, [see B. Wimborne] ; cr. P.C. 1868, G.C.B. 1878. Ca Capello, Venice; i, Queen Anne Street, V.; Athenceum Club. LAYARD, Sir Charles Peter, K.C.M.G., son of the late C. E. Layard, Esq., Ceylon Civil Ser. ; b. 1806; ed. at St. John's Coll., Camb. ; was Assist, in Colonial Office, Ceylon, 1830-32, Magis- trate at Jaffna 1831-2, Assist, to Collector at Colombo 1832-9, Dist. Judge at Galle 1839-40, at Trincomalee 1840-50, and at Galle 1850-51, and Govt. Agent of W. Province 1851-78 ; acted as Colonial Sec. in 1869, 1871, and 1877 : m. 1834, Louisa Anne, whorf. 1886, da. of the late Lt.-Col. Edwards, Assist. Mil. Sec. to H.R.H. the late Duke of York; cr. C.M.G. 1875, K.C.M. 0.1876. $4,Elm ParkRoad,S. W. LEACH, Lieut. -Col. Sir George Archi- bald, K.C.B.* son of the late Thomas Leach, Esq., Keeper of the Records ; b. 1820 ; ed. at Roy. Mil. Acad., Woolwich ; is Lieut.-Col. (h.p. } R.E. ; was in charge ; of Ordnance Survey in Ireland 1854-61, Assist. Copyhold Inclosure and Tithe Commr. for England 1882-9, when he ] was appointed Sec. to the newly-formed Board of Agriculture : m. 1844, Emily Leigh, cla. of the late Edward Leigh Pem- { berton, Esq., ofTorrv Hill, Kent; cr. ' C.B. 1889, K.C.B. 1892. 6, Wetherby . Gardens, S. Kensington, S. W. ; Athe- nteum Club. LECKY, Sir Thomas, el. son of the late Thomas Lecky, Esq., of Longfield Lodge, Eglinton, co. Londonderry ; b. 1828 ; ed. ' at Foyle Coll., Londonderry; is a J. P. , for city and co. of Londonderry ; was ! Lieut, and Quartermaster Londonderry L.I. 1855-77, and Mayor of Londonderry! 1886 and 1887, being the nth member! of his family who had been Mayor of that city (his grandfather, Thomas Lecky having been Mayor at the celebration of the Jubi- lee of George III.) : m. 1873, Eleanor Hen- rietta Charlotte, who d. 1891, da. of the late Rev. Henry Scott, of Foyle Hill, London- derry; cr. K.B.i 887. Foylc Hill, London- derry ; Grcvstone Hall, Limavady. LECLEZIO, Hon. Sir Eugqne Pierre Jules, el. son of Eugene Leclezio, Esq., Attorney-at-Law, of Mauritius ; b. 1832 ; ed. at Roy. Coll., Mauritius (English Scholarship 1850) ; Bar. Middle Temple and graduate of Faculty of Law, Paris, 1858 ; was ist Puisne Judge of Mauritius 1879-83, since when he has been Ch. Justice; er. K.B. 1887. Mauritius. LEE, Sir Edward, son of the late] Rev. Frederick Lee, M.A., ; /. 1833 ; ed. at Gram. Sch., Thame ; was some years- Librarian and Director of literary depart- ment of Crystal Palace, Director of Dublin Exhibition 1872, manager of Alexandra Palace Co. 1874-6, and sometime Lessee of Dublin Exhibition Palace ; is Manager of the Albert Exhibition Palace, Battersea Park, and Sec. of the Regency Club : m. 1870, Emily, da. of the late Mr. Thomas Davies ; cr. K.B. 1872. LEE, Sir Joseph Cocksey, son of the late Lee Lee. Esq., of Chorley, Lanca- shire ; b. 1832 ; is a J.P. for Derbyshire, Cheshire, and Manchester : m. 1861, Henrietta Burleigh, da. of the late Rev. J. Hill, of Brighton; cr. K.B. 1882. Park- gate, Altrincham ; Lea Hurst, Cromford, Derby ; Devonshire Club. LEES,.5'Charles Cameron,A'. C.M. G. } son of the late Sir J. C. Lees ; b. 1837 ; entered Army 1854, and retired 1866; was Private Sec. to Gov. -in-Ch. of Leeward Islands 1867-9, w ' tn local mn k of Lieut.-Col. ; appointed Civil Comdt. at Accra 1869; Collector of Customs at Lagos 1872, and acting Colonial Sec. of Gold Coast 1873-4; administered Govt. of Gold Coast in 1874, and in same year was ap- pointed Administrator of Lagos and Lieut . - Gov. of Gold Coast Colony, and went on a Special Mission to Coomassie ; adminis- tered the Gen. Govt. on several occasions 1876-9 ; appointed Gov. of Labuan 1879, and Consul. -Gen. of Borneo 1880 ; was Gov. and Com. -in-Ch. of the Bahamas 1881-3, of the Leeward Islands 1883-5, and of Barbados 1885-9, when he was transferred to Mauritius : m. 1875, Maria, da. of Sir Oliver Nugent, of Antigua ; cr. C.M.G. 1876, K.C.M.G. 1883. Government House, Mauritius; Army and Navy Club. LENG, Sir William Christopher, son of the late Adam Leng. Esq., of Hull ; b. 1825 ; ed. at Hull ; advocated and ob- tained Commn. of Inquiry into Trades Union Outrages at Sheffield, for which service he was presented with a portrait and 600 guineas ; is a Town Trustee of Sheffield, a member of Chamber of Com- merce, and managing proprietor and editor of the SJieffield Telegraph : in. 1860, Annie Cook, da. of David Stark, Esq., of Ruthven, Forfarshire ; cr. K.B. 1887. Oaklands, Broomhall Park, Sheffield ; Carlton Club. LENNOX, Lieut. -Gen. 5/rWillbraham Oates, K.C.B. . I'. C. [see D. Richmond, colls.]. LESLIE, Sir Bradford, K.C.I. E., second son of Charles Robert Leslie, Esq., R.A. ; / 1831 ; ed. at Mercers' Sch., London ; formerly Agent to East India Railway Co. ; is a M.I.C.E., and a Fellow of Calcutta Univ. ; builder of the Jubilee" Bridge over the Hooghly River, and of other important works in Bengal : m. 1855, Mary Jane Eliza, who d. 1886, da. ot the late W. Honey, Esq. ; cr. K.C.I.K.