Page:Debrett's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage and Companionage.djvu/752

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674 KNIGHTAGE. Commn. on Sunday Closing Act for Wales 1889 ; has been Recorder of Chester since 1866, and a Judge of County Courts (Circuit No. 29) since 1874 ; editor of Leeming and Cross's "Practice of Quarter Sessions," and of "Chilly's Stalutes of Practical Utility in the Civil and Criminal Adminis- tration of Justice"; m. 1856, Henriette, da. of the late Honoralus Leigh Rigby, Esq. , of Hawarden, Flini ; cr. K.B. 1890. Stanley Place, Cluster; Sefton, Pen- maenmawr, N. Wales; Magistrates', and Grosvenor (Chester) Clubs. LOCH, Sir Henry Brougham, G.C.M.G., G.C.B., son of the late James Loch, Esq., M. P., of Drylaw, Midlo- thian ; b. 1827 ; formerly Midshipman R. N. ; entered 3rd Bengal Cav. 1844 ; was A. D.C. to Com.-in-Ch. (Lord Gough) 1846, Adj. and Acting 2nd in command of Skinner's Horse 1851, and Adj. 3rd Cav. 1853 ; sent on special sen to Turkey with local rank of Major 1854 ; in Diplo. Ser. accompanied Earl of Elgin's special Embassies to China 1857-60 ; bearer of Treaty of Yeddo to England 1858 ; was made prisoner and cruelly treated by Chinese while engaged in nego- tiations under flag of truce 1860, and brought home the same year Ratified Treaty of Tien Tsin and Convention of Pekin ; Private Sec. to Rt. Hon. Sir George Grey, when Sec. of Slale for Home Depl. 1861 ; has four medals with four clasps ; is Hon. Col. and Lieut. -Col. Comdt. 4lh Bain. Cheshire Regl. ; was Lieut. -Gov. of Isle of Man 1863-82, a Commr. of Woods and Forests 1882-4, an d Gov. of Victoria 1884-9, since when he has been Gov. of Cape of Good Hope and H.M.'s High Commr. for S. Africa : m. 1862 Elizabelh, da. of the late Hon. Edward Ernest Villiers | see E. Clarendon, colls.J; cr. C.B. 1861, K.C.B. 1880, G.C.M.G. 1887, G.C.B 1892. Govern- ment House, Cape Town ; Travellers', Marlboro ugh, and Athenceinn Clubs. LOCKHART, Maj.-Gen. Sir William Stephen Alexander, K.C.B. , C.S.7., son of the late Rev. L. Lockhart, of Wicket- shaw and Milton Lockhart, co. Lanark ; b. 1841 ; entered Bengal Army 1858, became Capt. 1868, Major 1877, Lieut. -Col. 1879, Col. 1883, and Maj.-Gen. 1891 ; served (i) in Oude wilh isl Bain. 5lh Fusiliers dur- ing Indian Mutiny 1858-9, (//) in Bhoo- tan Campaign 1864-6, as Adjt. I4th Bengal Lancers (services recognised by Gov.-Gen. and Com.-in-Ch., and medal with clasp), (Hi) throughout Abyssinian Expedition 1867-8, as A. D.C. to Brig.-; Gen. comdg. Cav. -Brig, (medal, and men- ' tioned in despatches), (iv) with Hazara j Field Force 1868, as D.A.Q.M.G. (clasp, | and mentioned in despatches), (v) as j attach^ to Dutch Army in Acheen 1875-7 (brought to notice of British and Dutch Govts., medal with clasp, and recom- mended for the William's Order for service with stormers at capture of Lambadda), (vi) in Afghan War 1879-80, as A.Q.M.G. to Sir Frederick Roberts, and as Ch. Staff Officer lo Sir Donald Slewart (mentioned in despatches, and medal with clasp), (vii) during Burmese Campaign 1886-7, in Command of a Brig, (mentioned in des- patches, clasp), (viii) in command of Mirazai Field Force Jan. to Feb. 1891, (ix) in command of Hazara Field Force March to April, 1891, (*) again in com- mand of Miranzai Field Force, April to June, 1891, and (xi) in command of Black Mountain Expedition, 1892; was attached to Instruction Staff of the Swiss Army 1866-7, employed under Foreign Office 1884 for release of crew of the " Nisero," captured by Malay Rajah of Tenom, and D.Q.M.G. for Intelligence in India 1880-5 I ' n J 885 na d charge of a Mission to Chilral under Foreign Depart. ; has bronze medal ot Roy. Humane So. for saving life of a soldier's wife ; commanded a Brig, in Bengal 1887-9 ; was Assist. -Mil. Sec. for Indian Affairs at Horse Guards 1889-91, and Comdt. of Punjab Frontier Force 1891-2, since when he has been in command o r a ist class Dist., Bengal : m. ist, 1864, Caroline Amelia, whom he divorced 1882, da. of ihe late Maj.-Gen. E. Lascelles Dennys ; and, 1888, Mary Katharine, da. of the late Capt. William Eccles, Coldstream Guards ; cr. C.B. 1881, C.S.I, and K.C.B. 1887. Lahore, Punjab; United Service Club. LOGAN, Sir Thomas Galbraith, K.C.B., M.D., el. son of the late Dr. Thomas Galbraith Logan (i3th Light Dragoons) ; b. 1808 ; ed. at York and at Ayr; entered Army Med. Depart. 1828 ; served in Sutlej Campaign 1845-6 (medal with clasp), and as principal medical officer of Highland Div. of Crimean Army (medal with clasp, 5th class Medjidieand Turkish medal) ; was Director-Gen, of Army Med. Depart. 1867-74 ; is Hon. Physician to H.M. : m. 1858, Christiana, only da. of the late Col. Ernest Christian Wilford ; cr. K.C.B. 1869. 40, Hyde Park Sq narc, W. ; Army and Navy Club. LONGLEY, Sir Henry, K.C.B., el. son of the late Most Rev. Charles Thomas Longley, D.D. , Archbishop of Canter- bury ; b. 1833; ed. at Rugby, and at Ch. Ch., Oxford (B A. 1856. M.A. 1859, B.C.L. 1863); Bar. Lincoln's Inn 1860 ; appointed Poor Law Inspector 1868, and had charge of Metropolitan Dist. 1872-4 ; was 3rd Charity Commr. 1874-9, 2n( l Charity Commr. 1879-85, since when he has been Ch. Charity Commr. : m. 1861, Diana Eliza, da. of John Davenport, Esq., of Foxley, Hereford ; cr. C.B. 1887, K C.B. 1889. 8, Lowndts Street, S. V. LONGMORE, Sttrg.-Gen. Sir Thomas, C.B. , son of T. Longmore. Esq., Surg. R.N.; b. 1816 ; ed. at Merchant Taylors' School, and al Guy's Hospilal; F. R.C'.S. Eng. 1856 ; entered Med. Depart, of Army 1843, became Surg. 1854, Dep. Inspector- Gen. 1858, and Inspector-Gen. 1872 (h.p.