Page:Debrett's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage and Companionage.djvu/773

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K.C.B., son of Thomas Penrose, Esq. ; />. 1822 ; entered R.M. 1837, became Capt. 1851, Major 1858, Lieut. -Col. 1862, Col. 1867, Col.-Comdt. 1872, Maj.-Gen. 1877, Lieut. -Gen. 1878, and Gen. 1879 (retired 1887) ; served on N. Coast of Spain during Carlist War 1838-40, in China War 1841-2 (medal), and 1856 (specially mentioned in despatches, clasp), and in Japan 1864-6 (mentioned in des- patches) ; cr. C.B. 1867, K.C.B. 1887. 3, Pen lee Villas, Stoke, Dcvonport ; United Service Club. PERKINS, Sir Frederick, son of the late Richard Hopkins Perkins, of Southampton ; b. 1826 ; is a wine and brandy importer, a D.L. for City of London, and a J.P. for Southampton; was Mayor of Southampton 1859-60, 1861-2, 1862-3, 1868-9, and 1869-70, and Sheriff of London and Middlesex 1872-3 ; sat as M.P. for Southampton (L) 1874-80; m. ist, Evelina, who d. 1848, da. of A. Abraham, Esq., of Brussels; 2nd, 1858, Isabella Bloomfield, who d. 1885, da. of Joseph Rodney Croskey, Esq., formerly Consul for U.S.A. at Southampton ; 3rdly, 18 , Mary, da. of Robert Sherman, Esq. ; cr. K.B. 1873. Oakfield, DulwichCommon, S.E. ; The Toivers, Southampton; Royal, Yacht Club. PETHERAM, Hon. Sir William Comer, son of William Petheram, Esq., of Pinhoe, Exeter ; b. 1834 ; Bar. Middle Temple 1869, .a Q.C. 1880; was Ch. Justice of N.W. Provinces, India, 1884-6, since when he has been Ch. Justice of High Court, i Calcutta : m. 1863, Isabel Christine, da. of Maj.-Gen. Sir William Congreve, 2nd Bart. ; cr. K.B. 1884. Calcutta. PETRE, Sir George Glynn, K.C.M.G., C.B. [see B. Petre, colls.]. PHAYRE, Gen. Sir Robert, K.C.B. , son of the late Richard Phayre, Esq., of Shrewsbury ; b. 1820 ; ed. at Shrewsbury Sch. ; entered Indian Army 1839, became Capt. 1848, Major 1857, Lieut. -Col. ' 1863, Col. 1868, Maj.-Gen. 1880, Lieut. - Gen. 1881, and Gen. 1889; served (i) in Afghan War 1840 (mentioned in de- spatches), (ii) in Sind and Beloochistan 1 840-42, (Hi] commanded a detachment of I Poona Horse at action of Kotra in Kutch I Gundava ist Dec. 1840, (tv) in Sind 1842- i 47 ; present at battle of Meanee I7th Feb., j 1843 (severely wounded, medal, mentioned in despatches, and recommended by Duke ; of Wellington to Directors of H. E. I. C. and Gov.-General of India in Council), (v) in Indian Mutiny Campaign 1857-9 (services acknowledged by Lieut. -Gen. Sr Henry Hugh Rose (B. Strathnairn) in Gen. Orders 1860), (vi) as Q. M.G. to Pioneer force in Abyssinia 1867-8 (medal, mentioned in de- spatch of Com.-in-Ch., C.B., and A.D.C. to H.M. ), (vii) as Resident at Baroda 1872, (viii) in S. Afghanistan 1878 in command of Reserve Div. and line of communication to Quetta, and the troops in the March KNIGHTS. 695 from Quetta to relief of Candahar (in- cluded in vote of thanks of both Houses of Parliament 1881, medal, mentioned in de- spatches, and K.C.B.): in. 1846, Diana Bunbury, da. of the late Capt. Thomp- son, formerly of 8ist Regt. ; cr. C.B. 1868, K.C.B. 1881. 64, St. George's Square, S. W. PHEAR, Sir John Budd, el. son of the late Rev. John Phear ; b. 1825 ; ed. at Pembroke Coll., Camb. (B.A., 6th Wrangler, 1847, Fellow and Math. Lec- turer at Clare Coll., Camb., 1847, M.A. 1850 ; Bar. Inner Temple 1854 ; was a Judge of High Court of Judicature, Cal- cutta, 1864-76, and Ch. Justice of Ceylon 1877-79; is a J.P. , a County Alderman, and a Chm. of Quarter Sessions for Devon ; unsuccessfully contested Honiton Div. of Devonshire (L) 1885, Tavistock Div. of Devonshire 1886, and N.E., or Tiverton, Div. of Devonshire 1892 : m. 1865, Emily, da. of John Bolton, Esq. ; cr. K.B. 1877. Marpool Hall, Exmouth, Devon; United University and National Liberal Clubs. PHILLIMORE, Adm. Sir Augustus, K.C.B. [see Phillimore, Bart.]. PHILLIPPO, Sir George, son of the Rev. James M. Phillippo ; b. 1833 ; Bar. Inner Temple, and admitted to Jamaica Bar 1862 ; appointed Queen's Advocate, Sierra Leone, and Acting Judge of Court of Summary Jurisdiction 1868, Attorney- Gen, of British Columbia 1870, Puisne Judge of Supreme Court, British Guiana (May) 1873, Acting Attorney-Gen, and Judge of Court of Requests at Gibraltar (Sept.) 1873, Junior Puisne Judge of Straits Settlements (Dec.) 1873, Senior Puisne Judge 1874, Attorney-Gen, of Hong Kong 1876, and Ch. Justice and Judge of Court of Requests at Gibraltar 1879; was Ch. Justice of Hong Kongi88i-8 : m. 1862, Mary, who d. 1890, da. of the Rev. John Clark ; cr. K.B. 1882. PHILLIPS, Sir Henry Lushington, C.M.G., son of Aldcroft Phillips, Esq., of Pendleton Hall, Manchester ; b. 1825 ; Bar. Middle Temple 1850 ; was a Puisne Judge at Natal 1861-80, and Judicial Commr. of High Court of Justice, Cyprus 1880 : m. 18 , Agatha, da. of Charles Knowles, Esq., of Shrewsbury ; cr. C.M.G. 1877, K.B. 1880. The Smalls, Salcombe, S. Devon. PILE, Sir George Clarke, son of Conrad Pile, Esq., of Brighton, Bar- bados ; b. 1821 ; is a Member of the Executive Council, and a Member and Pres. of the Legislative Council of Bar- bados: m. 1856, Anna Frances, da. of the lateDep. Corny. -Gen. Henry Laurie ; cr. K.B. 1892. Brighton, Barbados. PINK, Sir William, son of the late Thomas Pink, Esq., of Greenwood, Durley, Hants ; b. 1829 ; ed. at Botley ; elected Mayor of Portsmouth 1875, 1876, 1880, 1882, and 1890 ; in 1876