Page:Debrett's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage and Companionage.djvu/775

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Abyssinian Order of Solomon), and was Acting Consul-Gen, at Zanzibar 1889 ; was Sec. to British Agency at Cairo 1885- 91, since when he has been H.M.'s Commr. and Consul-Gen, at Zanzibar, and Consul Gen. for German E. Africa : m. 1890, Lady Alice Josephine Bertie, da. of the yth Earl of Abingdon ; cr. C.B. 1888, K.C.M.G. 1892. British Consulate General, Zanzibar; 7'nrf, Sf. James's, Bachelor*', and Beefs'eak Clubs. POWELL, S,'r George Smyth BADEN-, K.C.M.G., LL.D., M.P., s of the late Rev. Professor Baden- Posse!!, of Langton Manor, Kent ; b. 1847 ; ed. at Marl- borough Coll., and at Balliol Coll. , Oxford (B.A. in honours 1875, Chancellor's Prize, English Essay 1876, M.A. 1877, Hon. LL.D. Toronto 1892); svas joint Roy. Commr. to inquire into and ads'ise upon financial and administrative affairs of W. Indian Colonies 1882-4, an d to arrange Malta Constitution 1887, and British Commr. to Behring Sea 1891, and British Member of Joint Commn. 1892 ; assisted Sir Charles Warren in Bechuanaland 1885 ; has sat as M.P. for Kirkdale Div. of Liverpool (C) since 1885; cr. C.M.G. 1884, K.C.M.G. 1888. 8, Sf. Georges Place, Hyde Park Corner, S. W.; Car! ton and Athctitziim Clubs. POWER, Sir William Tyrone, K. C.B., son of Tyrone Posver, Esq., of Waterford ; 'b. 1819 ; ed. at Tonbridge Sch.. and at Coll. Bourbon, Paris ; entered Commissariat Depart, of Army 1841, became Assist. Corny. -Gen. 1855, Dep. Corny. -Gen. 1856, Corny .-Gen. 1863, and Corny. -Gen. -in-Ch. 1864; svason Board of Works in Ireland 1849-50, Commr. for settlement of frontier claims at end of Kaffir War 1853, and Director of Transports and Supply 1869-71 ; served in China at occupation of Koo Lungsoo and Chusan (medal), in Xesv Zealand campaigns 1846-7 (medal), in Kaffir war 1851-3 (medal), in Crimea 1854-6) medal with three clasps and Medjidie), in China war 1857-8, is a J.P. and "D.L. for co. Mona- ghan (High Sheriff 1874) ; was Agent-Gen, for Nesv Zealand 1876 : m. 1859, Martha, who d. 1890, da. of John Moorhead, Esq., J.P., of Annaghmakerrig, co. Monaghan ; cr. C.B. 1858. K.C.B. 1865. Kilmure, Tunbridge Wells ; Garrick and Reform Clubs. PRENDERGAST, Gen. Sir Harry North Dalrymple, K.C.B. , V.C., son! of T. D. Prendergast, Esq. ; b. 1834 ; ed. at Addiscornbe ; entered R.E. 1854, became Capt. and Major 1863, Lieut. -Col. I 1868, Col. 1875. Major-Gen. 1882, Lieut.- Gen. 1885, and Gen. 1887; served in Persian j War 1857, in Central India 1858 (medal with clasp, and V.C.), in Abyssinian War 1867-8 (mentioned in despatches and medal), and in command of Sappers in Indian Expedi- ; tion to Mediterranean 1878 ; commanded Madras Sappers and Miners 1869-80 ; appointed 1880 Hon. A.D.C. to Viceroy,

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and received Distinguished Ser. Pension 1881 ; commanded British Burmah 1883-5, and Troops in Expedition to Mandalay 1885 (K.C.B.) ; was British Resident at Mysore and Ch. Commr. of Coorg 1887- 92': m. 1864, Emilie, da. of Frederick Simpson, Esq.; cr. C.B. 1875, K.C.B. 1885. United Service Club. PRENDERGAST, Hon. Sir James, son of the late Michael Prendergast, Esq., Q.C. ; b. 1828 ; ed. at St. Paul's Sch. and at Camb. Univ. (B.A. 18 ) ; Bar. Middle Temple 1856 ; was Attorney-Gen, of New Zealand 1865-75, since when he has been Ch. Justiee of New Zealand ; during absence of Gos'. has administered the Govt. of the Colony; cr. K.B. 1881. Wellington, New Zealand. PRIDEAUX, Sir Walter Sherburne, son of the late Walter Prideaux, Esq. , of Faircrouch, Wadhurst, Sussex ; b. 1846 ; ed. at Eton ; admitted a Solicitor 1870 ; is Clerk of the Goldsmiths' Co. ; has rendered valuable services to H.M.'s Govt. on various occasions, especially in connection with the repeal of Gold and Silver Plate Duties 1890 : m. 1873, Catharine Mary, da. of the late Rev. J. V. Povah, Minor Canon of St. Paul's, and Priest-in-Ordinary to H.M. ; cr. K.B. 1891. Goldsmiths Hall, City, E.G. PRINGLE. Sir George, son of the late Mr. George Pringle, of Holloway, Middle- sex ; b. 1825 ; Bar. Middle Temple 1853 ; was Assist. -Sec. to Ecclesiastical Commrs. for England 1856-71, and Sec. to the Commn. 1871-88 ; cr. K.B. 1882. 12, Hereford Gardens, W. ; Athenccum and WindJiam Cltibs. PRITCHARD, Sir Charles Bradley, K.C.I.E., C.S.I., son of the Rev. Charles Pritchaid, D.D., F.R.S. (sometime head- master of the Clapham Gram. Sch.), Savilian Professor of Astronomy at Ox- ford ; b. 1837 ; ed. at his father's school. atSherborne, and at Haileybury ; entered Bom. C.S. 1857 ; was Pres. of Madras Salt Commn. 1876 ; sometime Commr. of Customs, Salt, Opium, and Abkari, and Reporter Gen. of External Commerce for Bombay, and subsequently Commr. in Sind, and a Member of Council of Gov of Bombay ; appointed a Member of Council of Gov.-Gen. of India 1892 ; cr. C.S.I. 1886, K.C.I.E. 1891, Calcutta; East India United Sei vice and Junior Carlton Clubs. PRORYN, Gen. Sir Dighton Mac- naghten, K.C.B., K.C.S.I., V.C., son of the late Capt. George Probyn ; b. 1833; entered Bengal Army 1849, became Capt. 1857, Major 1858, Lieut. -Col. 1861, Col. 1866, Major-Gen. 1870, Lieut. -Gen. 1877, and Gen . 1 888 ; served on Trans-Indus Fron- tier 1852-57, at operations in Bozdar Hills (medal with clasp), in Indian Mutiny 1857- 8 (seven times mentioned in despatches, V.C., thanked by Gov.-Gen., and medal with three clasps), in China campaign 1860