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Pilotage Comm. 1834-6, Civil Sec. toGov.- Gen. of Canada 1842, Treasurer of Mauri- tius, 1844-54, Colonial Sec. of Cape of Good Hope 1854-64, Gov. of Bahamas 1864-8, Gov.-in-Ch. of Windward Islands 1868-75, P res - f Statistical So. 1884-6 and Pres. of International Statistical Insti- tute 1885 : m. 1850, Sophia Mary Anne, da. of the Rev. the Hon. Henry Ward [see V. Bangor] ; cr. C.B. 1858,' K.C.M.G. ! 1875. 68, Corn-wall Gardens, S. W. REED, Sir Andrew, C.H., LL.D., son of the late Mr. John Reed, of Galway ; b. 1837; ed. at Queen's Univ., Ireland (B.A. 1859, LL.B. 1877, LL.D. 1878) ; Bar. King's Inns 1873 ; entered Roy. Irish Constabulary as Dist. Inspector 1859, became County Inspector 1879, Assist. Inspector-Gen. 1882 (Divisional Commr. 1883-5), an d Inspector-Gen. 1885 ; is a J.P. for all Ireland: m. 1867, Elizabeth Mary, da. of the late Mr. Hamilton Lyster, of Croghan, Parsonstown ; cr. K.B. 1889, C.B. 1892. ii, Ailesbury Road, Dublin; United Service (Dublin) Club. REED, Sir Edward James, K.C.B., M.P., F.R.S., son of the late John Reed Esq., of Sheerness ; b. 1830 ; ed. at Sch. of Mathematical and Naval Construction, Portsmouth ; was Ch. Constructor of the Navy 1863-70, and a Lord of the Treasury Feb. to July, 1886 ; is Vice-Pres. of Institute of Naval Architects, and a member of Council of Institute of Civil Engineers, and a member of Institute Mechanical Engineers; has orders of St. Stanislaus of Russia, Francis Joseph of Austria, and the Medjidie, 2nd class ; sat as M. P. for Pembroke District (L) 1874- 80, since when he has represented Cardiff District; is a J.P. for Glamorganshire: m. 1851, Rosetta, el. da. of the late Nathaniel Barnaby, Esq. , of Sheerness ; cr. K.C.B. 1880. 75, Harrington Gar- dens, S. W. ; Broadway Chambers, West- minster, S. W. ; National Liberal Club. REES, Hon. Sir Josiah, son of the late Josiah Rees, Esq., of London ; b. 1821 ; ed. at London Univ, Sch., and at Univ. Coll., London ; Bar. Middle Temple 1851 ; was a Revising Barrister on S. Wales and Chester Circuit 1865-77 ; has been Ch. Justice ot Bermuda, Judge of Vice Admiralty Court, and Pres. of Council since 1878 : m. 1876, Eliza Harriette, who d. 1887, da. of John Acock, Esq. ; cr. K.B. 1891. Bermuda. REEVES, Hon. Sir William Conrad, son of Thomas Phillipps Reeves, Esq., Surgeon, of Barbados ; b. 1841 ; Bar. Middle Temple 1863, a Q.C. 1883 ; was Acting Attorney-Gen, of St. Vincent, May to Dec. 1867 ; elected to the House ot Assembly, Barbados 1874 ; was Solicitor- Gen, and Escheator-Gen. of Barbados 1874-6, Acting Attorney-Gen. 1874-5, an d Attorney-Gen, and M.E.C. 1882-6, since when he has been Ch. Justice of Barbados ; cr. K.B. 1889. Barbados. REID, Gen. Sir Charles, G.C.B., son _ 699 of the late George Reid, Esq., of Friend- ship and Bunker's Hill Estates, Jamaica ; b. 1819; entered Bengal Army 1835, became Capt. 1850, Major 1852, Lieut. -Col. 1855, Col. 1859, Maj.-Gen. 1867, Lieut. -Gen. 1875, and Gen. 1877 ; served in Upper Scinde- 1843 (medal with clasp), in Burmah 1852-3, and with Martaban Column (medai with clasp), in command of Sirmoor Battalion (Goorkhas) throughout Indian Mutiny, 1857 (thanked by Parliament, four limes thanked by Gov. -Gen. in Council, wounded, and medal with clasp), and in Oude cam- paign, 1858-9; appointed A.D.C. to H..M. 1859 ; is in receipt of good-service and' wound pensions : m. 1846, Lavinia Lucy,, who d. 1888, el. da. of the late Cap't. John Fisher; cr. C.B. 1858, K.C.B. 1871, G.C.B. 1886. 97, Earl's Court Road,. S. W. ; United Service Club. REID, Sir Edward, 2nd son of the late Rev. Edward Reid, of Ramelton, co. Donegal : b. 1819 ; ed. at Ramelton Gram. Sch. ; is a Merchant and a J. P. of the City of Derry ; was Mayor of Londonderry 1867, 1868, 1880, 1881, and 1882: m. 1871, Agnes Isabella, 3rd da. of Duncan Mon- teith, Esq., of Edinburgh ; cr. K.B. 1868. Lisardahla, Londonderry. REID, Sir George, P.R.S.A., LL.D. y son of the late George Reid, Esq. , of Aber- 'deen; b. 1841; ed. at Aberdeen Gram. Sch.; LL.D. Aberdeen Univ. 1892; A.R.S.A. 1870, and R.S.A. 1877 ; elected Pres. of Roy. Scottish Acad. 1891; is a D.L. for City and Co. of City of Edinburgh : m, 1882, Margaret, da. of the late Thomas Best, Esq., banker, of Aberdeen ; cr. K.B. 1891. 22, Royal Terrace, Edin- burgh ; St. Luke's, Aberdeen. REID, Sir John Watt, K.C.B., M.D.^ LL.D., younger son of the late Dr. Johrt Watt Reid, R.N. ; b. 1823; L.R.C.S. Edin. 1844, M.D. Aberdeen 1856, and LL.D., Edinburgh 1884; entered Med. Depart, of R.N. 1845, became Surg. 1854, Staff-Surg. 1866, Dep. Inspec.-Gen. 1874, and Inspector-Gen. 1880 ; retired 1883 ;. served in Black Sea throughout Russian> War 1854-6, in China War 1857-9, and in, Ashanti Campaign 1874 (mentioned in despatches) ; was Director-Gen, of Med. Depart, of R.N. 1881-8 ; is an Hon. Physician to H.M. : ;. 1863, Georgina, da. of the late C. J. Hill, Esq., of Halifax, Nova Scotia ; cr. K.C.B. 1882. i, Royal Villas, Lansdowne, Bath; Edinburgh University, Aberdeen University, and: Bath and County Clubs. RENDEL, Sir Alexander Meadows, K.C.I.E., el. son of the late James Meadows Rendel, Esq.; b. 1829 ; ed. at Trin. Coll., Camb. (Scholar 1850, B.A. Wrangler 1851) ; has been engaged since 1856 in many important engineering works ; appointed in 1874 Consulting Engineer in England to Sec. of State for India for all railways constructed by Govt. o( India : m. 1853, Eliza, el. da. of the