Page:Debrett's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage and Companionage.djvu/789

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KNIGHTS. 711 1879, G.C.M.G. 1887. 19, Eaton Square, S. V.; Maine, co. Louth. STAINER, Sir John; b. 1840; ed. at Oxford Univ. (Mus.D. 1865, M.A. 1866, and Hon, Mus.D. Durham Univ. 1885); was Organist of St. Paul's Cathedral 1872-88; is an Hon. Fellow of Roy. Acad. of Music, Member of Council of Roy. Coll. of Music, Chevalier of Legion of Honour, and Inspector of Music to Education Depart.; appointed Professor of Music in O.xford Univ. 1889 : m. 1865, Eliza Cecil, only child of Thomas Randall, Esq., J.P., of Oxford; cr. K.B. 1888. South Parks Road, Oxford; United Uni- versity and A then (sum Clubs. STANTON,C#. Sir Edward, K. C.M. G. , ".#., 3rd sonof the lateW.H.Stanton, Esq., M. P. for Stroud, of TheThrupp, Gloucester- shire; b. 1827; entered R.E. 1844, became Capt. and Major 1854, Lieut. -Col. 1855, Col. 1862, Major-Gen. 1868, Lieut. -Gen. 1877, and Gen. (retired) 1881; was attached to staff of Q.M.G. with Expedition across Orange River 1852, and present at action of Berea (medal); served in Eastern Campaign 1854-5, (medal with three clasps, Legion of Honour, Sar- dinian and Turkish medals, and 5th class Medjidie); was British Commr. for demarcation of frontier of Bessarabia 1856-7; employed in Honduras 1857-8 to verify surveys made for Inter-oceanic Rail- way; appointed A. A. G., R.E., 1858, Con- sul Gen. at Warsaw 1 860, Agent andConsul- Gen. Egypt 1865, and Charge d'Affaires at Munich 1876; retired from Diplo. Sen 1882 : m. 1862, Margarette Constance, da. of the late T. Starkey, Esq.; cr. C.B. 1857, K.C.M.G. 1882. Atcombe Court, Wood- chester, Gloucestershire; United Service Club. STAVELEY, Gen. Sir Charles William Dunbar, G.C.B., el. son of the late Lieut.-Gen. W. Staveley, C.B., Com.-in- C'h. at Madras; l>. 1817, ed. at Scottish Mil. and Naval Acad., Edinburgh; entered Army 1835, became Capt. 1844, Major 1850, Lieut. -Col. 1854, Col. 1858, Major-Gen. 1867, Lieut.-Gen. 1875 ar d Gen. 1877 (retired 1883); was Col. 2nd Batn. Worcestershire Regt. 1876-83, since when he has been Col. ist Batn. Essex Regt.; served in Canada, Mauritius, and Hong: Kong; commanded 44th Foot at Sebastopol 1854-5; present at the Alma, Balaklava, and capture of Sebastopol (medal with clasps, Sardinian and Turkish medals, and the Medjidie); commanded a brig, in China 1860 (mentioned in des- patches, and medal with clasp); com- manded forces in China 1862, and in operations against the Taepings; was 2nd in command in Abyssinian expedition 1867-8 (thanked by both Houses of Parlia- ment, and medal); was Com.-in-Ch. of Bombay army and Member of Council of Gov. of Bombay 1874-8 : m. 1864, Susan Millicent, da. of Charles William Minet, Esq., of Baldwyns, Kent; cr. C.B. 1855, K.C.B. 1865, G.C.B. 1884. O/kamHouse, Lewes. STEERE, Sir James George Lee, third son of Lee Steere, Esq., J.P., D.L., of Jayes Park, Ockley, Surrey; b. 1830; ed. at Clapham Gram. Sch.; is Member and Speaker of Legislative Assembly of W. Australia, and a Member of Federal Council of Australasia : m. 1859, Cathe- rine Ann, only da. of the late Luke Leake, Esq., of Perth, W. Australia; cr. K.B. 1888. St. George's Terrace, Perth, Wes- tern Australia; Weld (Perth] Club. STEPHEN, Sir Alfred, G.C.M.G., C.B., 3rd son of the late John Stephen, Esq. , a Judge of New South Wales; b. 1802; ed. at Charterhouse; Bar. Lincoln's Inn 1823; appointed Solicitor-Gen, of Tasmania 1825, and Attorney-Gen. 1832; was a Judge of New South Wales 1839-44, Ch. Justice 1844-73, Pres. of Legisla- tive Council 1856-7, and Lieut. - Gov. of Colony 1875-91; administered Govt. in 1872, in 1879, and in 1885 : m. ist, 1824, Virginia, who d. 1837, da. of Matthew Consett, Esq., merchant, of London; 2nd, 1838, Eleanor, who d. 1886, da. of the late Rev. William Bedford, D. D. , Senior Chap, of Tasmania; cr. K.B. 1846, C.B. 1862, K.C.M.G. 1874, G.C.M.G. 1884. Hyde Park, Sydney. STEPHENSON, Sir Augustus Keppel, K.C.B., son of the late Henry Frederick Stephenson, Esq., M.P.; b. 1827; Bar. Lincoln's Inn 1852, and Q.C. 1890; is H.M.'s Procurator-Gen., Solicitor to the Treasury, and Director of Public Prosecu- tions : m. 1864, Eglantine, da. of the late Rt. Hon. Edward Pleydell-Bouverie [see E. Radnor, colls.]; cr. C.B. 1883, K.C.B. 1885. 46, Rnnismore Gardens, S. W.; Brooks' s and Athencsum Clubs. STEPHENSON, Gen. Sir Frederick Charles Arthur, G. C.B. , son of the late Maj . - Gen. Sir Benjamin Stephenson, G.C.H.; b. 1821; entered Scots Guards 1837, be- came Capt. 1843, Lieut. -Col. 1854, Col. 1861, Maj. -Gen. 1868, Lieut.-Gen. 1878, and Gen. 1886; retired 1888; served (z) in Crimean. Campaign 1854-5, P art f the time being Mil. Sec. to Com.-in-Ch. (medal with four clasps, Legion of Honour, 4th class Medjidie, and Turkish medal), and (it) with Expeditionary Force in China 1857- 61 (medal with three clasps); commanded Army of Occupation in Egypt 1883-7 (thanked by Parliament for assistance rendered to forces employed in the Soudan 1885); is a Commr. of Patriotic Fund, and Col. Coldstream Guards; cr. C. B. 1858, K.C.B. 1884, G.C.B. 1886. 83, St. Georges Square, S. W. STEPHENSON, Sir Henry, son of John Stephenson, Esq., of Endcliffe, Sheffield; b. 1826; was Mayor of Sheffield 1887; is a J.P. and an Alderman for Sheffield, a J.P. for W. Riding of York, and Prin- cipal of the firm of Stephenson, Blake and Co., letter founders, of Sheffield and