Page:Debrett's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage and Companionage.djvu/791

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KNIGHTS. 713 the late William Stokes, Esq., M.D., Regius Professor of Medicine in Dublin Univ., and Physican in Ord. to H.M. the Queen in Ireland ; b. 1839 ; ed. at Dublin Univ. (M.D. and M.Ch. 1863) ; F.R.C.S.I. 1874 ; formerly visitor of Examinations to Gen. Medical Council and Examiner in Surgery to Queen's Univ. of Ireland, Pres. of Roy. Coll. of Surgeons, Ireland, and Senior Surg. to the Govt. Hospitals of Ireland ; is Professor of Surgery Roy. Coll. of Surg. Ireland, Examiner in Sur- gery to Oxford Univ., Surg. -in-Ord. to H.M. in Ireland, Past Pres. of Pathological So. of Ireland and of Irish Graduates' Asso., Fellow of the Roy. Medico-Chirurgical and Clinical Sos. of London, Fellow of Academy of Medicine, Ireland, and corresponding Member of Medical Sos. in Berlin and Paris : m. 1869, Elizabeth, el. da. of the late Rev. John Lewis Moore, D.D., Vice-Provost of Trin. Coll. Dublin ; cr. K.B. 1886. 5, Merrion Square North, Dublin. STONE, Sir John Benjamin, son of Benjamin Stone, Esq. ; b. 1838 ; ed. at Birmingham Gram. Sch. ; is a J. P. for co. Warwick, for City of Birmingham, and for Borough of Sutton - Coldfield, a Fellow of the Linnaean, the Geological, and the Geographical Sos., and a County Councillor for Warwickshire, Sutton- Coldfield Div., and Chm. of E. Birming- ham Conservative Asso. : m. 1867, Jane, da. of P. Parker, Esq., of Lottersdale, Yorkshire ; cr. K.B. 1892. The Grange, Erdington . Birmingham. STOREY-, Sir Thomas ; b. 1825 ; was Mayor of Lancaster 1868, 1874, 1875, and 1887; is aJ.P. for Lancashire, Chm. and principal proprietor of the Bickeishaw Colliery Co., the Darwen Ironworks Co., the Mostyn Ironworks Co., and the Yarlside Mining Co., Director of the Lan- caster Banking Co. , a Member of So. of Arts, and of the Iron and Steel Institute, and senior partner in firm of Storey Bros, and Co., of Lancaster ; unsuccessfully contested N. Lancashire (Z.) 1880, and Lancashire, Lancaster Div. (LU 1892 : m. ist, 1852, Eliza, da. of Capt. Sherren, of Folkestone ; 2nd, 1862, Anne, da. of Charles Blades, Esq., of Aysgarth, York- shire ; cr. K.B. 1887. Westfield, Lan- caster; Reform and. Devonshire Clubs. STOUT, Sir Robert, K.C.M.G., son of Mr. Thomas Stout ; b. 1844 ; ed. at Lenvick Parish Sch., Shetland Isles ; went to New Zealand 1863, where lor some years he was a master in Dunedin Grammar Sch. ; organised the Educa- tional Institute of Otago, of which he was Pres. ; attended Otago Univ. as a student for two years, and was subsequently for three years Law Lecturer thereat ; is a Fellow of New Zealand Univ. and a Member of Council of Otago Univ. ; Bar. of New Zealand 1871 ; entered Provincial j Council of Otago 1872. and became Provincial Solicitor 1873, a member of Gen. Assembly 1875, Attorney-Gen. 1877, and Minister for Immigration 1878 ; was Prime Minister of New Zealand, Attorney- Gen, and Min. of Education 1884-7 : m. 1876, Anna P., da. of John Logan, Esq., of Dunedin, New Zealand ; cr. K.C.M.G. 1886. Dunedin, New Zealand. STRACHEY, Sir John, G.C.S.L, C.I.E. [see Strachey, Bart.]. STRAIGHT, Sir Douglas, LL.D., son .of the late Robert Marshall Straight, Esq., Barrister-at-law, and Clerk of Arraigns at Central Criminal Court ; b. 1844 ; ed. at Harrow ; LL.D. Allahabad Univ. 1892 ; Bar. Middle Temple 1865 ; sat as M.P. for Shrewsbury (C) 1870-74, when he was defeated ; in 1874 was a Roy. Commr. to inquire into Corrupt Practices alleged to have taken place at Boston, and was some time Junior Counsel for Treasury Prosecutions at Central Criminal Court, and to London Bankers' Association ; was Puisne Judge of High Court of Judicature, N.W. Pro- vinces 1879-92 ; unsuccessfully contested Stafford (C) 1892 : m. 1867, Jane Alice, da. of William Bridgman, Esq., D.C. L. ; cr. K.B. 1892. 125, Victoria Street, S. W. ; Carlton, Garrick, and Beefsteak Clubs. STRANSHAM, Gen. Sir Anthony Blaxland, K.C.B., only son of Lieut. -Col. Anthony Stransham; b. 1805; ed. at Wool- wich ; entered R. M.L.I. 1823, became Capt. 1842, Major 1842, Lieut. -Col. 1854, Col. 1854, Col. 2nd Comdt. 1857, Col.- Comdt. 1858, Major-Gen. 1860, Col. of Woolwich Div. of Roy. Marines 1866, Lieut. -Gen. 1866, and Gen. 1870 ; retired 1876 ; served at battle of Navarino 1827, and in China at attack on Chuanpee 1840-1 ; was Brig.-Major to combined de- tachments of 26th Regt. Roy. Marines and Madras Engineers ; commanded Roy. Marinesatstormingof Wham poa batteries, and reduction of Macao Fort (wounded) ; Adj. to Roy. Marines at capture of Canton, and until end of war ; served in Baltic 1854 ; has three medals ; receives a good service pension of ^200 ; was Inspector- Gen, of Roy. Marine Artillery and Infantry 1862-7 I i s a Royal Commr. of Patriotic Fund : m. 1843, Eliza, who d. 1885, da. of Harvey Combe, Esq., of the Madras Civil Service; cr. K.C. B. 1867. 2, Perham Road, West Kensington, H ". STUART, Sir Andrew ; b. 18 ; Bar. Quebec 1834, andaQ.C. 1854; sometime a Puisne Judge of Lower Canada ; was Ch. Justice of Superior Court of Province of Quebec 1885-9, acted as Administrator of Quebec 1887 : m. 18 ; cr. K.B. 1887. St. John's Street, Quebec, Canada. STUART, Sir Robert, Q.C., son of the late Robert Stuart, Esq., of Annat, Perth ; b. 1816 ; ed. at Edinburgh Univ. , of the Gen. Council of which he is a member ; Advocate Scotland 1840 ; Bar. Lincoln's Inn 1856, a Q.C. and a Bencher 1868, and Treasurer 1889 ; was Ch. Justice