Page:Debrett's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage and Companionage.djvu/797

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KNIGHTS. Colonial and Indian Exhibition 1886 ; author of " English Municipal Institu- : tions, their Growth and Development," j The English Municipal Code " and other statistical works, and Editor and Compiler of several year-books ; formerly Superin- ! tending Editor to Waterlow and Sons (Limited) ; is a Journalist by profession, j a D.L. for City of London, Knt. Com. of I Ducal Order of Saxe-Goburg and Gotha, | Knt of the Austrian Order of Franz Josef, j and of the Hawaiian Order of Kameha- meha, a Fellow of the Geographical and Statistical Sos. , and Assist. Sec. to Governing Body of Imperial Institute : m. 1870, Eliza, youngest da. of Mr. Wil- liam Porter, of Newmarket ; cr. K.B. 1886. Imperial Institute, South Kensing- ton, S. W. ; Savage, St. Georges, and National Liberal Clubs. VOGEL, Sir Julius, K.C.M.G.) son of Albert Leopold Vogel, Esq. ; b. 1835 ; j ed. at Univ. Coll. Sch. , London ; formerly a journalist ; was Provincial Treasurer at Otago, New Zealand, 1866-9, Colonial Treasurer, Postmaster - Gen. , Commr. of Telegraphs, and Commr. of Customs of New Zealand 1869-73, Pre- j mier and Colonial Treasurer and Minister | of Immigration, Postmaster-Gen, and j Commr. of Telegraphs of New Zealand 1867-73, Postmaster-Gen, and Min. of Im- migration 1873-75, Premier 1876, Agent- Gen, for New Zealand in London 1876-81, i and Colonial Treasurer and Postmaster- Gen, of New Zealand 1884-7 '< unsuccess- 1 fully contested Penryn (C) 1880 : m. 1867, ! Mary, el. da. of the late William H. Clay- I ton, Esq. , Colonial Architect, New Zea- 1 land; cr.'C.M.G. 1872, K.C.M.G. 1875. St. Margaret's Mansions, Victoria Street, S. W. ; Junior Carlton and St. Stephen s i Clubs. WAD E^/rThomas Francis,^. C.M. G., < K. C. B. , son of the late Col. Thomas Wade, C.B. ; b. 1818; ed. at Harrow; Profes- sorial Fellow of King's Coll., Camb. 1888 ; served in 8ist, 42nd, and gSth Regts. in , China at Chin Kiang Fu and Nanking ; 1842; appointed interpreter to garrison of! Hong Kong 1843, and to Supreme Court of j Hong Kong 1846, Assist. Chinese Sec. 1847, ! Vice-Consul at Shanghai 1852, Inspector of Customs there for Chinese Govt. 1854, and Chinese Sec. at Hong Kong 1855, and was 'attached in that capacity to the; late Earl of Elgin's mission to China j 1857-9 ; appointed Chinese Sec. to Hon. | F. Bruce's mission in China 1859 ; granted ' a commission of ist Sec. and attached to Earl of Elgin's 2nd mission to China, [ and accompanied it to Pekin 1860 ; appointed effective ist Sec., Chinese; Sec., and Translator to Legation in China 1862 ; was Acting Charge d'Aftaires at , Pekin 1864-5 and 1869-71, and Envoy Extraor., Min. Plen., and Ch. Sup. of Trade in China 1871-83 ; Hon. D. Lit., . Camb., 1886, and Hon. M.A., Camb. 1888 ; appointed Professor of Chinese in ' Cambridge Univ. 1888 : m. 1868, Amelia, da. of Sir John Herschel, ist Bart. ; cr. C.B. 1861, K.C.B. 1875, G.C.M.G. 1889. Cambridge; Athentsum Club. WALKER, Gen. Sir Charles Pyn- dar Beauchamp, K.C.B. , son of the late Charles Ludlow Walker, Esq., D.L. and J.P. for co. Gloucester; b. 1817; ed. at Winchester; entered Army 1836, became Capt. 1846, Major 1854, Lieut. - Col. 1855, "Col. 1860, Maj.-Gen. 1868, Lieut. - Gen. 1877, Col. 2nd Dragoon Guards 1881, and retired Gen. 1884 ; served in Crimea 1854-5 as A. D.C. to Earl ol Lucan (medal with four clasps, 5th Class Medjidie, and Turkish medal), in Indian Mutiny 1859 (medal), in ChinaCampaign i86oas A.Q.M.G. of Cav. (medal with two clasps), and as British Military Commr. in Bohemia and Moravia in 1866 at Headquarters of 2nd Prussian Army (medal), and in Franco -German War 1870-1 with Headquarters of 3rd German Army (medal and Iron Cross) ; was Mil. Attache at Berlin 1865-77, and Di- rector-Gen. of Mil. Education at Head- quarters 1878-84 : m. 1845, Georgiana, da. of Capt. Richard Armstrong (icoth Foot); cr. C.B. 1861, K.C.B. 1881. 97, Onslow Square, S. W. ; United Service and Arthur s Clubs. WALKER, Sir Edward NOEL-, K. C. M.G. , son of the late Sir James Walker, K.C.M.G., C.B. ; b. 1842; was Private Sec. to Lieut. -Go v. of St. Vincent and to Gov.-in-Ch. of Windward Islands 1862-7, Assist. Gov. Sec. and Clerk to Legislative Council of British Guiana 1867-74, Assist. Col. Sec. of Jamaica 1874-83, Col. Sec. there 1883-7, and Col. Sec. of Ceylon 1887-90, since when he has been Lieut. - Gov. : m. 1871, Florence, da. of Henry Sarsfield Bascom, Esq., of British Guiana; tr.C.M.G. 1885, K.C.M.G. 1888. Ceylon; Kingsley House, Harrow. WALKER, Col. Sir George Gustavus, K.C.B., only surviving son of the late John Walker, Esq., of Crawfordton, Dum- friesshire and LochTreig, Inverness-shire ; b. 1831 ; Rugby, and at BalliolColl. Oxford (B.A. 1851, M. A. 1855) ; is a D.L. for co. Inverness, a J. P. and D. L. for co. Dumfries, a J.P. for Kirkcudbright, and a Brig. -Major in Royal Archers ; has been Lieut.-Col. Comdt. King's Own Scottish Borderers since 1873 ; was Col. and A. D.C. to H.M. 1883-92; sat as M.P. for Dumfriesshire (C) 1865-8 and 1869-74 : m. 1856, Anne Murray, da. of the late Adm. George Gustavus Lennock ; cr. K.C.B. 1892. Craw- Jordton, Thornhill, Dumfriesshire ; Lock Treig, Kingussie, Inverness-shire ; Carlton Club. WALKER, Sir William Stuart, K.C.B., son of the late Brig. -Gen. Alexander Walker, of Bowland. Stow, N.B. ; b. 1813 ; Oxford Univ. (B.A. 1835) ; Advocate, Scotland, 1840 ; was Sec. to Poor Law