Page:Debrett's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage and Companionage.djvu/799

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KNIGHTS 721 nmnd of Bechuanaland Field Force 1884-5 (G.C.M.G.), and Gov. Gen. of Red Sea Littoral ; commanded Forces at Suakin Jan. to March, 1886, with local rank of Maj. -Gen. ; unsuccessfully contested Hallam Div. of Sheffield (Z.) 1885 ; wasCh. Commr. of Metropolitan Police 1886-8 ; appointed to command troops in Straits Settlements 1889, with temporary rank of Maj. -Gen. : m. 1864, Fanny Margaretta, da. of the late Samuel Haydon, Esq., of Guildford; cr. C.M.G. 1878, K.C.M.G. 1883, G. C.M.G. 1885, K.C.B. 1888. Singapore, Straits Settlements; 44, St. Georges Road, S. W. ; Junior United Service and Athenceutn Clubs. WATHEN, Sir Charles, son of Charles Wathen, Esq., of Bristol ; b. 1832 ; ed. at Bristol ; was Mayor of Bristol 1884, 1885, 1886, 1888. 1889, and 1890 ; is an Alder- man and a J.P. for Bristol, and Lord of the Manor of Low Ham, Somerset : m. 1853 ; cr. K. B. 1889. Ashley Down, Bristol. WATSON, Adm. Sir George Willes, K.C.B. , son of the Rev. Fisher Watson ; b. 1827 ; ed. at Roy. Naval Acad., Gosport; entered R.N. 1841, became Lieut. 1849, Com. 1858, Capt. 1864, Rear-Adm. 1880, Vice-Adm. 1886, and Adm. 1892 ; retired April 1892 ; served during China War 1842 (medal), and during Crimean War 1854-5 (two medals with clasp, 5th class Medjidie) ; assisted in laying tele- graph cable between Caglieri, Malta and Corfu 1857-8 (strongly recommended) ; was Commodore Hong Kong 1876-9, Sup. of Chatham Dockyard 1881-6, and Com.-in-Ch. on N. America and W. Indies Station 1888-92 ; is a J.P. for Devon : m. 1864, Margaretta, da. of Gen. John Campbell, formerly Col. 92nd Gordon Highlanders; cr. K.C.B. 1891. Hong Kong Hut, JVlannamead, Plymouth; United Service and Royal Western Yacht Clubs. WATSON, Sir Henry Edmund, 4th son of the late John Watson, Esq., of Shire- cliffe Hall, Sheffield ; b. 1815 ; is a J.P. and a D.L. for W. Riding of co. York, a Town Trustee and Church Burgess of Sheffield, Chm. of the Sheffield Conserva- tive and Constitutional Asso. of the Sheffield Savings Bank, and of Cammell and Co.(Limited), Sheffield, anda Director of the Sheffield Banking Co. and of the Sheffield Branch of the Alliance Insurance Co. ; cr. K.B. 1886. Shirecliffe Hall, Sheffield; The Park Cottage, Worksop ; Carlton and Constitutional Clubs. WATSON, Lieut.-Gen. Sir John, K.C.B., V.C., son of William George Watson, Esq., of Chigwell, Essex; b. 1829 ; entered Bombay Army 1848, be- came Capt. 1861, Major 1864, Lieut. -Col. 1869, Col. 1873, Maj. -Gen. 1881, and Lieut. -Gen. 1887 ; served (i) in Punjab Campaign 1848-9, including siege of Mooltan, battle of Goojerat, and occupa- (it) in Bozdar Campaign and forcing the Kahu Bund Pass 1857 (medal with clasp), (Hi) in Indian Mutiny Campaign 1857-9, including siege of Delhi, relief and siege of Lucknow, battles of Bolundshohur, Ally- ghur, Agra, Cawnpore, and various minor engagements ( three times slightly wounded, medal with three clasps and V.C.), (iv) with Eusofzaie Field Force 1865, (v) in command of Bombay Field Force des- patched to Malta 1878, (vi) in command of Punjab chiefs contingent in first portion of Afghan War 1878-9 (thanked by Govt.), and (vii) in command of Kuram Force with political charge of Kuram in second phase of Afghan War 1879-80 (thanked by both Houses of Parliament) ; was an A.D.C. to H.M. 1870-81, and Gov. Gen.'s Agent at Beroda 1881-6 : m. 1860, Eliza Isser, da. of John Davies, Esq., of Cran- brookPark, Essex ; cr. C.B. 1863, K.C.B. 1886. United Service and East India United Service Clubs. WATSON, Sir William Renny, son of Thomas Watson, Esq., of Hawick ; b. 1838 ; is a J. P. of Glasgow, and Chm. of Glasgow and S.W. Railway Co. ; cr. K.B. 1892. Glasgow. WEARK, Liettt.-Gen. Sir Henry Edwin, K.C.B., son of the late Col. Thomas Weare, K.H., A.D.C., to H.M., of Hampton House, Hampton Bishop, Herefordshire ; b. 1825 ; ed. at West- minster ; entered Army 1841, became Capt. 1848, Major 1854, Lieut.-Col. 1856, Col. 1863, Maj. -Gen. 1868, and Lieut.-Gen. (retired) 1881 ; served in Pun- jab Campaign 1848 (medal with clasp), in Russian War 1854-6 as D.A.A.G. and A.Q.M.G. at Headquarters in Crimea (severely wounded at battle of the Alma, mentioned in despatches, medal with two clasps, 5th class Medjidie, and Turkish and Sardinian medals), and as Col. on Staff and in command of 5Oth Regt. in New Zealand 1863-6 (mentioned in despatches and medal) :m. 1850, Charlotte Georgiana, only da. of the late Rev. (Canon) Charles Oxenden, R. of Barham [see Oxenden, Bart., colls.] ; cr. C.B. 1865, K.C.B. 1891. 6, Courtfield Gardens, S. Kensing- ton, S. W. ; Junior United Service Club. WEBB, SzrQohn) Sydney, K.C.M.G., son of the late Adm. Charles Webb ; b. 1816 ; elected an Elder Brother of Trinity House 1857, and Dep. Master thereof 1883 ; accompanied the late Sir Frederick Arrow to Canada and United States in 1872, to report upon the lighting and buoying of the coast ; isaj. P., a D.L., and a County Alderman for Middlesex, a Member of Thames Conservancy Board, and a Director of Royal Exchange Assur ance Corporation : m. 1849, Adeline, who d. 1851, da. of Henry Young, Esq.; cr. K.C.M.G. 1889. Riversdale, Twicken- ham ; Trinity House, Toiuer Hill, E. C. ; Oriental, Garrick, and Magistrates' Clubs tion of Peshawur (medal with two clasps), ! WE13STER, Sir Richard Everard, 46