Page:Debrett's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage and Companionage.djvu/818

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THE COMPANIONAGE. Biographies of Peers and Baronets who are Companions of any Order will be found arranged alphabetically in their respective sections. [The List of Foreign Companions is incomplete, as the only foreigners noticed are those who have specially requested their names, &c., to appear.] %* For events that have very recently occurred see " Occurrences during Printing." ABADIE, Col. Henry Richard, C.B. ; b. 1841 ; entered Army 1858, became Capt. 1872, Major 1879, Lieut. -Col. 1881, and Col. 1885 ; served during Abyssinian Campaign 1867-8 (mentioned in despatches, medal), and throughout Afghan War 1878-80 (mentioned in despatches, medal with clasp, bronze star, Brevet Major) ; has commanded Regt. Dist. No. 87 since 1890; cr. C.B. 1891. United Service and Wellington Clubs. ABBOTT, Gen. James, C.., son of the late Henry Alexius Abbott, Esq., of Blackheath ; b. 1807 ; entered Bengal Artillery 1823 ; became Capt. 1838, Major 1849, Lieut.-Col. 1854, Col. 1857, Maj.-Gen. 1866, Col.-Comdt., Lieut.-Gen. i and Gen. 1877 ; served at Bhurtpore 1825-6 , (medal) ; negotiated terms of accommodation between Courts of Khiva and Russia 1840 (Dooranee order, 3rd class, and thanked by Sec. of State for Foreign Affairs) ; held Hazara during Sikh War 1849-50 (thanked in Parlia- ment, and Punjab medal with all clasps); served ! on N.W. Frontier of India 1850-4 (medal) : m. i ist, 1843, Margaret Anne Harriet, who d. 1844, da. of James Ferguson, Esq , of Trocraigh, , Ayrshire ; 2nd, 1868, Anna Matilda, who d. 1870, da. of Major Raymond de Montmorency, of 67th Bengal N.I.; cr. C.B. 1873. Ellerslie, Sivanmore, Ryde. ABNEY.Ca//. William de Wiveleslie, C.B., D.C.L., -F.R.S., son of the Rev. Edward j Henry Abney, Prebendary of Lichfield : b. 1843; D.C.L. Durham 1889; entered R.E. 1861, became Capt. 1873, anc ' retired 1881 ; elected a F.R.S. 1876 (Rumford Medalist 1882 for researches on radiation) ; appointed Assist. - Director for Science in Science and Art Depart., S. Kensington 1884 ; is Capt. in Reserve of Officers : /. ist, 1864, Agnes Matilda, who d. i 1888, da. of E. W. Smith, Esq., of Tickton ; 2nd, 1889, Mary Louisa, cla. of the late Rev. E. N. Mead, D.D., of St. Mary's Knoll, Scarborough-ou-Hudson ; cr. C.B. 1888. Wil- leslie House, Wetlierby Place, S. Kensington, S.W.; Athena-am Club. ACTON, Col. Charles BALL-, C.B., son of the late Col. Willian Acton, formerly M.P., of Westaston, co. Wicklow ; b. 1830 ; ed. at Rugby, and at Cheltenham Coll. ; entered Army 1851 ; Col. and formerly Lieut.-Col. Comdg. ist Batn. King's Own L.I. (S. Yorkshire Regt.) (h.p. 1885) : retired 1888 ; served in Burmese War 1852-3 (medal with clasp), and in Afghan Campaigns 1878-9 and 1879-80 (medal with clasp, and mentioned in despatches) ; commanded 48th Regt. Dist. 1886-8 : m. 1869, Georgina Cecilia, da. of the late George Annesley, Esq. [see V. Valentia, colls.]: cr. C.B. 1881. The Bla*i/itt-tfes, Worcester; Junior Conservatk-e Clul. ADAMS, Lieut.-Gen. Cadwallader, C.B., son of the late Henry Cadwallader Adams, Esq., of Anstey Hall, Warwickshire ; /'. 1825 ; entered Army 1845, became Capt. 1851, Major 1854, Lieut.-Col. 1856, Col. 1863, Maj.-Gen. 1877, and Lieut.-Gen. 1883 ; retired 1889 ; served with 49th Regt. in Crimea 1854-6 (wounded, medal with three clasps, sth class Medjidie, Legion of Honour, and Turkish Medal) : m. 1871, Anna Catherine Elizabeth, da. of the late Col. James- Stopford, C.B.; cr. C.B. 1873. Butler's Green, Hayward's Heath ; Junior United Service Club. ADAMSON, Major Charles Henry Ellison, C.I.E., son of Charles Murray Adamspn, Esq., of North Jesmond, Newcastle-on-Tyne ; b. 1846 ; entered R.A. 1868 ; became Lieut. M.S.C. 1870, Capt. 1880, and Major 1888 ; served with Burmese Expedition 1886-7 (mentioned in de- spatches, medal with clasp) ; is a Dep. Commr. in Burmah ; cr. C.I.E. 1889. Sagaittg, Burmah i East India United Service and Junior A rmy and Navy Clubs. ADEANE, Rear-Adm. Edward Stanley, C.M.G., son of the late Henry J. Adeane, Esq., of Babraham, Cambridgeshire ; b. 1836 ; entered R.N. 1850, became Com. 1864, Capt. 1871. and Rear-Adm. 1887 ; served in Baltic expedition' 1854 (medal), and in command of H.M.S. " Tenedos " during Zulu War 1879 (medal) ; is a J.P. and D.L. for Cambridgeshire : m. 1875, Lady Edith Isabell Dalzell, da. of i4th Earl of Carnwath : cr. C. M.G. 1879. 28, Eaton Place, S.W.; United Set vice and Marlborough Clubs. AGLIONBY, Col. Arthur Sisson, C./>., son of the late R. Cooper, Esq.;. 1832 ; entered Army 1850, and retired as Col. from 33rd Foot 1873 ; served with 27th Regt. in Indian Mutiny Campaign 1857-8 (medal), and in Abyssinian Campaign 1867-8, when he led the 33rd Regt (mentioned in despatches and medal) ; assumed in 1885 by Roy. Licence the name of Aglionby in lieu of his patronymic ; is a J.P. for Cumber- land : m. 1872, Elizabeth Aglionby, da. of Charles Fetherstonhaugh, Esq., of Stameld Hall, Cumberland; cr. C.B. 1868. Stameld Hall, Carlisle ; United Service Club. AGNEW, Stair Andrew, C.f>. [seeAgnew.. Bart.]. AIREY, Capt. Henry Park, D.S.O. : b. 18 ; is Capt. New South Wales Artillery ; served with Burmah Expedition 1886-8 ; cr. D.S.O. 1888. AITCHISON, Gen. Charles Terrington, C.B., son of the late Gen. Andrew Aitchison ; />. 1825 ; entered Bombay Army 1842, became Capt. 1855, Major 1858, Lieut.-Col. 1864 Col- 1869, Maj.-Gen. 1 877, Lieut.-Gen. i884,and Gen.