Page:Debrett's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage and Companionage.djvu/821

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COMPANIONAGE. 743 1870-82, and Ch. Justice of Tobago 1880-2; author of the " Code of St. Lucia," and joint- author of the " Civil Code of St. Lucia " : m. 18 , Charlotte, da. of Major Olivier, of St. Lucia ; cr. C. M.G. 1879. St. Lucia, Windward Islands. ARMSTRONG, Col. Robert Young, C.B., son of the late Rev. W. Armstrong ; 6. 1839 ; entered R.E. 1858, became Capt. 1872, Major 1879, Lieut. -Col. 1886, and Col. 1890 (h.-p. 1891) ; was Instructor in Telegraphy at Sen. of Mil. Engineering 1876-83, and Inspector of Submarine Defences 1883-91, since when he has been a Member of the Ordnance Committee ; cr. C.B. 1891. Junior United Service Club. ARTHUR, Surg.-Maj. John Findlay, C.S.I., M.D.; b. 18; entered Med. Depart. Indian Army (Madras) 1836, and retired as Surg.-Maj. 1860; served in Indian Mutiny Campaigns (medal with two clasps); is a J.P. for Ayrshire; cr. C.S.I. 1869. Lochside House, New Cumnock, Ayrshire ; Caledonian United Sen-ice Glut. ASHBURNER, Lionel Robert, C.S.I. ; b. 1827 ; served in Bom. C. S. 1848-82 ; was Revenue and Police Commr. of N. Div. 1872-7, and a member of Council, Bombay, 1877-83; cr. C.S.I. 1871. gA, Gloucester Place, Portman Square, W. ; East India United Service, and Garrick Clubs. ASHBY, James William Murray, C.B., son of Capt. R. Ashby, R.N. ; b. 1822 ; appointed Assist. Paymaster R.N. 1844, Pay- master 1852, and Paymaster in Ch. 1878 ; served in Baltic (medal), and in Black Sea during Russian War 1854-5 (Crimean medal with clasp, and Turkish medal), and as Sec. to Com.-in-Ch. at Portsmouth 1856-9, in China 1859-63 (medal with clasp), at Devonport 1863-4, ' n N. America and W. Indies 1864-9, a "d at Portsmouth 1869- 78: in. 1873, Catherine Magenis Maxwell ; cr. C.B. 1867. Little Park, Ninfield, Battle, Sussex. ASTON, William George, C.M.G., son of G. R. Aston, Esq., of Belfast ; b. 1841 ; ed. at Queen's Univ. (M.A. 18 , D. Lit. 18 ) ; ap- pointed Student Interpreter, Japan 1864, Assist. Japanese Sec. at Yedo 1875, Consul at Nagasaki 1882, Consul-Gen, for Corea 1884, Japanese Sec. at Tokio 1886, and and Sec. to Legation 1887 ; retired 1889 : m. 1871, Janet Smith, da. of R. Smith. Esq., of Belfast; cr. C.M.G. 1889. Villa Malbosc, Grasse, Alpes Maritimcs, France. ATKINSON, Edwin Felix Thomas, C.I.E.; b. 1840; ed. ; at Trin. Coll., Dublin; entered B.C.S. 1862, was successively Judge of Small Cause Court Director of Agriculture, Accoun- tant-Gen., and Compiler of Dist. Memoirs (vols. i. vii. and x. xii.) N.W. Provinces, Comp- troller-Gen, of India, Financial Sec. to Govt. of India, and Accountant-Gen., Bengal ; formerly Pres. of Asiatic So. of Bengal, Chm. of Trustees of the Indian Museum, and Foreign Member of Roy. Acad., Buda Pesth : in. 1864, Caroline, da. of Col. W. H. Nicholetts; cr. C.I.E. 1889. Gram'ille, Ballygunj, Calcutta; East India United Service Club. ATLAY, Maj.-Gen. Edward, C.B., third son of the late Rev. H. Atlay, of Great Casterton, Stamford ; b. 1824 ; ed. at Mil. Coll., Addis- combe ; entered Bengal Artillery 1842, became Capt. 1857, Lieut. -Col. R.A. 1865, Col. 1870, and retired Maj.-Gen. 1872 ; served (/') in Sutlej Campaign 1845-6 (wounded and medal with two clasps), (z'/)in Punjaub Campaign 1848-9 (medal), (fit) on N.W. Frontier 1863, and (iv) in com- mand of R.A. with Maj.-Gen. Wilde's force on Black Mountain 1868 (medal with clasp) : m, 1852, Annie Florence, who d. 1859, da. of the late Col. T. C. Watson, of the Bengal Army ; cr. C.B. 1869. Walton House, Tcivkesbury ; United Service and East India United So~'i<:c Chibs. ATLEE, John Falconer, C.M.G., son of John Falconer Atlee, Esq., of Wandsworth, Surrey ; b. 1826 ; was Private Sec. to Earl Cowley, Ambassador to Paris 1852-67 ; appoint- ed Attache to Embassy at Paris 1853, Registrar and Librarian there 1855, and Consul at Paris 1865 ; accompanied Earl Cowley on a special mission to Vienna 1859 ; was given local rank of 2nd Sec. in Diplo. Ser. 1874 ; cr. C.M.G. 1882. British Embassy, Paris. AUBBRT, Edgar, C.M.G.; b. 1 8 ; was Mayor of Port Louis at time of disastrous hurricane which devastated Mauritius 1892 ; cr. C.M.G. 1892. Port Louis, Mauritius. AUSTEN, William Chandler ROBERTS-, C.B., F.R.S., son of George Roberts, Esq. ; b. 1843 > > s Assayer of the Royal Mint ; appointed Professor in the Roy. Sch. of Mines 1880 ; assumed in 1886, by Roy. Licence, the addi- tional surname of Austen ; cr. C.B. 1890. Royal Mint, E.G. ; Chil-worth, Guildford, Surrey. AUSTIN, John Gardiner, C.M.G., son of William Austin, Esq., whose grandfather was one of the original settlers of Barbados ; was Assist. Stipendiary Magistrate in British Guiana 1849-50, Assist. Govt. Sec. 1850-3, Immigration Agent-Gen. 1853-64, Lieut. -Gov. of Honduras 1864-8, and Colonial Sec. of Hong Kong 1868-78, being in 1874 and 1875 Administrator of the Govt. ; m. ist, 1836, Emma, who d. 1879, da. of Charles Wilday, Esq., Registrar of Supreme Court of British Guinea; 2nd, 1886, Mary- Christiana, da. of Charles E. Goodhart, Esq., J.P., D.L., of Langley Park Beckenham, Kent; en C.M.G. 1876. AYNSLEY, Rear-Adm. Charles Murray MURRAY-, C.B. [see D. Athole, colls.]. BADCOCK, Col. Alexander Robert, C.B., son of the late Henry Badcock, Esq., J.P., of Wheatleigh, Taunton ; b. 1844 ; ed. at Harrow; entered Bengal Army Commissariat Depart. 1864, became Capt. B S.C. (now I.S.C.) 1873, Major 1879, Lieut. -Col. 1881, and Col. 1885; is Comy.-Gen.-in-Ch. in India, with temporary rank of Maj.-Gen. ; served in Bhootan expedition 1864-5 (medal with clasp), in Hazara Campaign 1868 (clasp), in Perak expedition 1875-6 (mentioned in despatches, clasp, thanked by Govt. of India), and as Ch. Commissariat Officer with N. Afghanistan Force 1878-80 (medal with three clasps, bronze star, C.B.) : m. 1865, Theophila Lowther, da. of J. S. Dumergue, Esq., B.C.S. ; cr. C.B. 1881. Calcutta ; East India United Service Club. BADCOCK, Francis Frederick, D.S.O.; b. 1867; entered Wilts Regt. 1886, and I.S.C. 1887 ; served with Hazara Expedition 1891 (mentioned in despatches), and with Hunza- Nagar Expedition 1891 (mentioned in de- patches, D.S.O.); cr. D.S.O. 1892. BAILEY, James, C.B. ; b. 18 ; served as Assist. -Comy.-Gen. in Kaffir War 1851-3, and in Crimean Campaign 1854-5; cr - C.B. 1866. RAINES, Frederick Ebenezer, C.., son of the late E. M. Baines, Esq., M.R.C.S., of Hendon ; b. 1832 ; was originally a Civil Engi- neer, and afterwards engaged in practical tele- graphy ; in 1855 he entered the Post Office, and in 1856 suggested to the then Government the adoption of Postal Telegraphy, and the intro- duction of sixpenny telegrams ; in 1875 was appointed Surveyor-Gen, of Telegraphs, and in 1880 Assist.-Sec. of Gen. Post Office and Inspector-Gen, of Inland Mails : in. 1887,