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.750 COMPAMONAGE. served in Kaffir Campaign in command of native levies 1846 (medal), and as Brig. -Major, and da. of Mons. V. Hack, of Dieppe; cr. C.S.I. i86q. Travellers Club. 8, da. of C. S. Pillans, Esq., of Rosebank, Rondebosch, Cape Town ; 2nd, 1869, Maria, who</. 1882, widow of Wilmot Seton, Esq. ; cr. C.B. 1856. 3, Arlington Villas, Brighton. "BOURINOT, John George, C.M.G., LL.D., D.C.L., son of the late Hon. J. Bourinot, Member of Senate of Canada, of Jersey, Channel Islands ; b. 1837 ; ed. at Trin. Coll., Toronto (Hon. D.C.L. 1889) ; Hon. LL.D. Queen's Univ., Kingston, Canada, 6, and D.C.L. King's Univ., Nova Scoiia, erapagni Fort, and capture of Castello Viejo and San Carlos Forts (mentioned in despatches), in China War 1856-9, and was present in com- mand at signing of Treaty of Tientsin (five times mentioned in despatches, medal with three clasps, good service pension): >. 1861, Lucy Margaret, el. da. of the late Robert Bower, Esq., J.P. and D.L. for N. and E. Ridings, of Welham Hall, Malton, Yorks ; cr. C.B. 1867. North Rock House, Kingsand, Devonport ! United Service Club. 1890; for some years a journalist ; entered BRABANT, Col. Edward Yewd, C.M.G., service of Canadian Parliament 1870, and be came Clerk of Canadian House of Commons 1880 ; appointed Hon. Sec. of Roy. So. of Canada 1882, Vice-Pres. 1891, and Pres. 1892 ; is aM.E.C. of American Historical Asso., Wash- ington, U.S.A., and of American Acad. of Poli- tical Sciences, Philadelphia, and Lecturer in Political Science and Member of Council of son of J. T. Brabant, Esq., of Kinderton Hall, Cheshire ; b. 1839 ; formerly Capt. 3oth Regt. ; has been Col. ist Cape Mounted Rifle Yeo. since 1878 ; sat in Colonial Parliament 1872-8 ;

//. 1 8 , Mary Burnet, da. of the Rev. Canon

Robertson, of Canterbury ; cr. C.M.G. 1879. King ]~illiams Town, Cape of Good Hope; .V "aval and Military Club. Esq. ; 3rd, 1889, Isabel, da. of John Cameron, Esq., of Toronto; cr. C.M.G. 1890. House of Commons, Ottawa, Canada. BOURKE, Hon. Charles Fowler, C.B. [see E. Mayo]. BOWRING, Edgar Alfred, C.B., son of the late Sir John Bowring, LL D. ; b. 1826; was Librarian and Registrar to Board of Trade Army Fund 1854-5, Clerk to the Mission and H.M.'s Consul at Madrid 1858-64, Translator to the Mission there 1859-64 (thanked by Sec. of State for Foreign Affairs 1800), and Consul at Charente, France, 1864, at Manila 1864-6, and at Lisbon (sometime also Post Office Agent there) 1866-89 : m. 1865, Priscilla, da. of Sir Henry Russell, 2nd Bart.;cr. C.M.G. 1890. 19, Tite Street, Chelsea, S.W.; Travellers' Club. 'BOWRING, Lewin Bentham, C.S.I., son of the late Sir John Bowring, LL.D. ; b. 1824 ; served in B.C.S. 1843-70 ; was Assist. Resident ' at Lahore 1847, Private Sec. to Gov.-Gen. of! India (Earl Canning) 1858-62, and Ch. Commr. I of Mysore and Coorg 1862-70; is a J.P. for Devon : :. ist, Mary Laura, who </. 1866, da. ' of the Hon. Sir John Talbot, G.C.B. ; 2nd, j 1867, Katharine, da. of the late Mr. Serjeant E. Bellasis ; cr. C.S.I. 1867. Lavrockbere, Torquay ; East India United Service Club. BOWYEA.R, Vice-Adm. George Le Geyt, C.B.; b. 1817; entered R.N. 1831, became Com. 1851, Capt. 1856, Retired Rear-Adm. 1874, ar "l Vice-Adm. 1879 ; served in Black Sea during i Crimean War 1854-5 (medal with clasp, Turkish ; medal, Legion of Honour, and 5th Class Med- jidie) ; cr. C.B. 1869. United Service Club. BOYD, Alexander Fielding, C. M. G., son of Major Alexander Boyd ; b. 1817 ; formerly Trea- surer-Gen, of Ionian Islands: in. 1851, Louisa, da. of C. Ragueneau, Esq., of Beverley; cr. C.M.G. 1862. H 'alkers Gate, Bez'crley, York-- shire. BOYLE, Charles Cavendish, C.M.G. [see E. Cork and Orrery, colls.]. by Govt. to Service of British National So. for Aid to Sick and Wounded (officer of Legion of Honour, Roy. Bavarian Order of St. Michael, and Iron Cross of Germany), throughout Ashanti War 1873-4 as Assist. Mil. Sec. to Sir Garnet Wolseley (mentioned in despatches, medal with clasp, Brevet - Major and Lt.-Col.), as Mil. Sec. to Sir Garnet Wolseley 1879-80 in Zulu War, and as Ch. of Staff in Sekukuni Campaign (mentioned in despatches, medal with clasp C.B.,) ; raised and commanded Cyprus Mil. Police, 1878-9 ; was Private Sec. to Viceroy of India 1880, . Mil. Attache at Paris 1881-2, and Assist. Under Sec. to Lord-Lieut, of Ireland 1882, D.A.G. to Nile Expeditionary Force 1884-5, " n command of the River Column (medal with two clasps, bronze star, prompted Maj.-Gen), and Director of Military Intelligence 1886-91, since when he has been Mil. Member of Council of Gov.-Gen. of India ; appointed Roy. Commr. to inquire into Administration of Naval and Mil. Departs. iSS8 : tu. 1861, Emilia, da. of the late Edmund S. Halswell, Esq., of 26, Kensington Gate, W., and widow of Reginald Morley, Esq., of Thurloe Square, S.W. ; cr. C.B. 1880. United Service Club. BOYLE, Richard Vicars, C.S.I., son of BRACKENBURY, Ca/A John William, C. A, Vicars Armstrong Boyle, Esq., of Dublin ; b. C.M.G., son of the late William Congreve C. 1822; formerly in Public Works Depart., India ; Brackenbury, Esq.; b. 1842; entered R.N. was ch. defender of Puckah House, at Arrah, in 1837, became Com. 1876 and Capt. 1881 ; corn- Indian Mutiny 1857-8 : in. 1853, Eleonore Anne, manded the "Shah's" Naval Brig, in Zulu