Page:Debrett's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage and Companionage.djvu/837

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COMPANION AGE. 759 formerly Member of Council of Govt. of Malta ; was Vice-Pres. of Malta Chamber of Commerce 1889-90, and Pres. thereof 1890-91 : m. 1859, Victoria, da. of Charles Lanzon, Esq. ; cr. C.M.G. 1889. in, Strada Vescovo, Valletta, Malta. CLARKE, Col. Alexander Ross, C.B., F.R.S.; b. 1828; entered R.E. 1847, became Capt. 1855, Major 1871, Lieut. -Col. 1872, and Col. 1877 ; retired 1881 ; was in charge of Trigo- nometrical Dep. of Ordnance Survey 1854-81 ; elected F.R.S. 1862 (Royal Medal 1887); is a Corresponding Member of Imperial Acad. of Sciences of St. Petersburg : in. 1853, Frances, whorf. 1888, da. of the late Maj.-Gen. M. Dixon, R.E. ; cr. C.B. 1870. Boldrewood, Red/Ml. CLARKE, Caspar Purdon, C.f.., son of the late Edward Marmaduke Clarke, Esq., of Richmond, co. Dublin ; b. 1846 ; National Medallion for Architectural design, S. Kensington Art Schools, 1865 ; engaged by H.M.'s Office of Works for the Works Dept. at the Houses of Parliament, and atter at the S. Kensington Mu- seum, 1865-73 > was Sup. of H.M.'s Works in Persia, 1874-6, Agent to Indian Govt. for Paris Exhibition, 1878, on special duty in India for Science and Art Depart. 1880-2, and again on special duty in India 1885 ; appointed Divisional Keeper of Indian Section of S. Kensington Museum 1883, Keeper of the Art Collections there 1891, and Assist. Director of the Museum 1892 : is a Chev. Legion d'Honnear, Fellow of Roy. Institute of British Archi- g. tects, and a Member of Roy. Asiatic So. : m. 1866, Frances Susannah, da. of Charles Collins, Esq.; cr. C.I.E. 1883. 4, The Residences, S. Kensington Museum, S. W. ; Northbrook Club. CLARKE, Maj.-Gen. Charles Mansfield, C.B. [see Clarke, Bart., cr. 1831]. CLARKE, Col. Francis Coningsby Hannam, C.M.G. ; b. 1842; entered Bombay Artillery 1859, became Capt. R.A. 1871, Major 1878, Lieut. - Col. 1885, and Col. 1889 ; retired 1890 ; was D.A.O.M.G. Horse Guards 1872-80, employed on Missions to Holland, Germany, Russia, Greece, and Turkey, Assist, to Commr. for De- limitation of Bulgarian Frontier 1878, Commr. for Demarcation of Turkey in Asia 1879, with local rank of Lieut.-Col., A.Q.M.G. during operations against the Boers in S. Africa 1881, and Professor of Mil. Administration and Law at Staff Coll. 1881-4, since when he has been Surveyor-Gen, of Ceylon and M.L.C. ; is a Councillor of Municipality of Colombo and is J.P. for the Island ; Comdt. Ceylon Vol. 1886 :

. 1865, Elizabeth Stainton, da. of S. W.

Brown, Esq., F.R.C.S. ; cr. C.M.G. 1880. Colombo, Ceylen ; 15, Brunswick Place, Brighton; Athenteum and Army and Navy Clubs. CLARKE, Gen, George Calvert, C.B., son of the late John Calvert Clarke, Esq. ; b. 1814 ; ed. at Eton, and at Roy. Mil. Coll., Sand- hurst ; entered Army 1834, became Capt. 1839, Major 1851, Lieut.-Col. 1854, Col. 1860, Maj.- Gen. 1873, Lieut.-Gen. 1877, Col. 6th Dragoon Guards 1880, Gen. (retired) 1881, and Col. 2nd Dragoons 1891 ; served with Scots Greys in Crimea 1854-5 (sabre cut on head, medal with three clasps, Legion of Honour, sth class Medjidie and Turkish medal); cr. C.B. 1873. Church ffouse, Uckfield, Sussex ; Army and Navy Club. CLARKE, Major George Sydenham, C.M.G., el. son of the Rev. W. J. Clarke; b. 1848 ; ed. at Roy. Mil. Acad., Woolwich ; entered R.E. 1868, became Capt. 1880, and Major 1887 ; served in Egyptian Expedition 1882 (medal and bronze star), and during Soudan Expedition in Intelligence Depart, and as Assist. Political Officer and D.A.A. and Q.M.G. March to June 1885 (mentioned in despatches, clasp) ; appointed Sec. to Colonial Defence Committee 1885, and Sec. to Roy. Commn. on Army and Navy Admn. 1888 : m. 1871, Caroline Emily, da. of Gen. P. H. Fellowes ; cr. C.M.G. 1887. 24, Cheniston Gardens, Kensington, W. ; AthentEum and United Service Clubs. CLARKE, Lieut, -Gen. Somerset Molyneux WISEMAN-, C.B., el. son of the late William Nelson Clarke, Esq., D.C.L., of Aldington, Berkshire ; b. 1830 ; entered 93rd Highlanders 1849, became Capt. 1854, Major 2gth Regt. 1862, Lieut.-Col. 1868, Lieut.-Col. 73rd Regt. 1870. Col. 1875, Maj.-Gen. 1885, and Lieut.-Gen. 1892 ; served during Crimean campaign 1854-6, present at battles of Alma and Balaclava, and siege and capture of Sebastopol (medal with 3 clasps, Turkish medal), and during Indian Mutiny 1857-9, present at relief and capture of Lucknow (mentioned in despatches, medal with two clasps); commanded 26th and 7151 Regt. Dists. 1877-82, and was Col. on Staff Jamaica 1882-6, and in command of Belfast Dist. 1887-92 : m. 1856, Harriette, da. of the late James Staun- ton Lambert, Esq., of Creg Clare, co. Galway, and granddaughter of the last Baron Kirkcud- bright; cr. C.B. 1887. United Service Club. CLARKE, Col. Stanley de Astel Calvert, C.M.G., son of the late Col. J. F. S. Clarke, comdg. the Roy. Scots Greys ; b. 1837 ; entered i3th Light Dragoons as Cornet 1835, became Capt. 1859, Major 1871 (exchanged to 4th Hussars 1871), Lieut.-Col. 1877 (h.p. 1878), and Col. 1883; appointed Equerry to H.R.H. the Prince of Wales 1878, and Private Sec. to H.R.H. the Princess of Wales 1886; commanded the Light Camel Regt. in Nile Expedition 1884 : m. 1867, Mary Temple, el. da. of the Rt. Hon. Sir John Rose, ist Bart., P.C., G.C.M.G.; cr. C.M.G. 1885. Appleton House, King's Lynn; Army and Navy and Marlborough Clubs. CLEEVE, Frederick, C.B., son of the late Lieut.-Col. Cleeve, R.A.; b. 1821; entered R.N. 1837, and became Paymaster 1848 ; served as Sec. to several Flag Officers, notably to Adm. Lord Lyons, G.C.B., during Crimean War, and in that capacity participated in the several Naval operations in the Black Sea 1854-6 in- cluding the attack on Sea Defences of Sebasto- pol by the Allied Fleets on Oct. i7th, 1854 (medal with clasp, Turkish medal, Legion of Honour and 5th class Medjidie); was Cashier of Roy. Hospital, Greenwich, 1860-5 ; is a J.P. for Kent : m. 1848, Ellen, da. of the late W. Twining, Esq., Bengal Medical Establishment ; cr. C.B. 1859. Rokeby, Tunbridge Wells. CLEMENTS, Lieut.-Col. Ralph Arthur Penrhyn, D.S.O., son of the Rev. Jacob Clements, Canon Residentiary and Sub-Dean of Lincoln ; b. 1855 ; entered Army 1873, became Capt. S. Wales Borderers 1880, Major 1886, and Brevet Lieut.-Col. 1887 ; served in S. African War 1877-9 (mentioned in de- spatches, medal with clasp), and with Burmah Expedition 1885-9 as Brig. -Major (twice wounded, mentioned in despatches, medal with two clasps, Brevet Lt.-Col.) ; cr. D.S.O. 1891. CLERK, Capt. Claude, C.I.E., el. son of the late Sir George Clerk, K.C.B. ; b. 1832 ; formerly Capt. 2nd Madras Cav. ; appointed 1876 Sup. of the education of H. H. the Nizam of Hyderabad, and subsequently Comptroller of the Household of H.H.; served in Persian War 1855-6, on Staff of Lieut.-Gen. Comdg., and was subsequently selected by Sir James Outram to proceed to Herat ; appointed Gov. of the Mil. Prison, Southwark, 1863, and subsequently Gov. of Mil. Prison at Aldershot ; cr. C.I.E. 1883. 13, Albert Hall Mansions, W.; St. James's Club.