Page:Debrett's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage and Companionage.djvu/839

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COMPANIONAGE. 7 6l Hayivard's Heath, Sussex ; United Service and Primrose Clubs. COLLIS, Col. Francis William, C.B. ; b. 1839 ; entered Bengal Army 1858, became Capt. B.S.C. (now I.S.C.) 1870, Major 1878, Lieut.-Col. 1881, and Col. 1885 ; served with Sikkim Expedition 1860-61, with Abyssinian Expedition 1867-8 (medal), during Afghan War 1879 (mentioned in despatches, medal, Brevet Lt.-Col.), and with Mahsood Wazeeree Expe- dition 1881 (mentioned! n despatches); cr. C.B. 1891. COLMER, Joseph Grose, C.M.G.; l>. 1856; entered Canadian Civil Ser. 1880, and was appointed Private Sec. to first High Commr. for Canada, and Sec. of Emigration Depart, of j Canadian Govt. in London ; has been Sec. to ' Office of High Commr. for Canada in London | since 1881 ; appointed Sec. of Colonisation | Board 1890 : ;. 1886, Margaret, da. of the late P. Y. Black, Esq., of Glasgow; cr. C.M.G. 1888. 29, Eldort Road, Kensington, W.; Con- stitutional, and St. George's Clubs. COLVILE, Lieut.-Gen. Fiennes Middleton, C..S.,sonof Frederick C. A. Colvile,Esq., of Barton House, Warwick ; b. 1832 ; entered Army 1850, became Capt. 1855, Major 1862, Lieut.-Col. 1865, Col. 1872 (h. p. 1881), Maj.-Gen. 1882, and ! Lieut. -Gen. (retired) 1887 ; served in Indian Mutiny Campaign 1857-9 (mentioned in de- spatches and medal), and in New Zealand War 1864-5 (severely wounded, frequently mentioned I in despatches, thanked in Gen. Orders, and medal) ; appointed to command Welsh Border ! Inf. Vol. Brig. 1888: m. 1862, Helen, da. of the i late Major Hugh Stafford Northcote [see E. Iddesleigh, colls.]; cr. C.B. 1866. United Service and A rmy and Navy Clubs. COLVILE, Col. Henry Edward, C.^., son of | the late Charles Robert Colvile, Esq., formerly ! M.P., of Lullington, Burton-on-Trent [see B. de ! Clifford] ; 6. 1852 ; ed. at Eton ; entered Grena- dier Guards 1870, became Major and Lieut.-Col. 1886, and Col. 1886 ; was Instructor of Musketry j 1877-80, and A.D.C. to Gen. Comdg. at Cape j of Good Hope 1880-3 ; served in Intelligence j Depart, in E. Soudan Expedition 1884 (twice j mentioned in despatches and medal with clasp), as D.A.A.G. in Nile Expedition 1884-5 (men- I tioned in despatches, clasp, and C.B.), as I A.A.G. with Frontier Field Force July, 1885, I to April, 1886 (mentioned in despatches, pro- moted to Col.), and on special service in Upper Egypt and the Soudan July-Sept. 1885 (men- tioned in despatches) : m. ist, 1878, Alice Rosa, who d. 1882, da. of the Hon. Robert Daly [B. Dnnsandle] ; 2nd, 1886, Zelie Isabelle, da. of the late M. Richaud de Preville, of Chateau des Moudrans, Basses Pyrenees, France ; cr. C.B. 1885. Lullin^ton. Burton-on-Trent', Hyde Park Court, Albert Gate, S.W.; Guards', Travellers', United Service, Bachelors' and Pratt' s Clubs. COLWELL, Col. George Harrie Thorn, C.B., son of the late J. Colwell, Esq., R.N. ; b. ] 1841 ; entered R. M.L.I. 1858, became Capt. j 1872, Major iSSi, Lieut.-Col. 1884, Col. 1888, i and Col. 2ndOomdt. 1889; served with Egyptian Expedition 1884, present at battles of El Teb and Tamai (mentioned in despatches) : m. ist, 1868, Mary E., who d. 1881, da. of Edwin Cocker, Esq. ; 2nd, 1888, Edith H. E., da. of' the late Rev. Robert O. Burton, of Minera Hall, Denbighshire ; cr. C.B. 1887. COMBE, Col. Boyce Albert, C.B., son of; the late C. J. F. Combe, Esq.; b. 1841 ; entered Army 1860, became Capt., 1873, Major 1879, Lieut.-Col. i38i, and Col. 1885; served , with Abyssinian Expedition 1867-8 (medal), : and during Afghan War 1378-9-80 (me'itioned in despatches, medal with 4 clasps, bronze star, Brevet Majorand Lieut.-Col.); wasD.A.Q.M.l '.. Bengal 1879 and 1880-3, A.A.G. Bengal 1883-4, and Mil. Sec. to Com.-in-Ch. in India 1885 ; has commanded a 2nd class Dist., Bombay, since 1888, with rank of Brig.-Gen. : in. 1871, Helen Edith, who d. 1892, da. of the late Major-Gen. L. Barrow, C.B., Ch. Commr. of Oudh ; cr. C.B. 1889. Siiui, Bombay. COMBES, Edward, C.M.G. , son of the late William Combes, Esq.; b. 1830; entered Govt. Service of N.S. Wales 1858; appointed Govt. Mining Engineer 1862 ; elected M.P. for Bathurst 1872; represented Orange in Parlia- ment of 1875, and E. Macquarie in two last parliaments ; was Sec. for Public Works, and M.E.C. in Govt. of Sir John Robertson, K. C.M.G., and Executive Commr. for N.S. Wales at Paris International 1878 ; is an officer of Legion of Honour, member of Institution of French Civil Engineers, and an associate of Institution of Civil Engineers of London : m. 1856, a da. of the late William C. Hare, Esq.; cr. C.M.G. 1878. Glanmire, Nw South Wales; A ustralian Club (Sydney). COOKE, Lieut. -Gen. Anthony Charles, C.B. [see Cooke, Bart., colls.]. COOKE, Theodore, C./.., LL.D., el. son of the late Rev. John Cooke, M.A., R. of Ardfinan, co. Tipperary ; b. 1836 ; ed. at Dublin Univ. (Senior Moderator and Gold Medallist 1859, B.A. 1860, M.A. 1865, M. Eng. 1866); is a F.G.S., and Principal of Coll. of Science, Poona : in. 1867, Ellen Arabella, da. of T. B. Curtis, Esq., Educational Inspector, N. Div. of Bombay ; cr. C.I.E. 1891. College of Science, Poona, Bombay. COOTE, Adm. Robert, C.B. [see Coote, Bart., cr. 1620]. COPLAND, Col. Alexander, C.B., son of Charles Copland, Esq. of Monkstown, co. Dublin ; b. 1833 ; ed. at Trin. Coll., Dub- lin ; entered Bengal Army 1854, transferred to B.S. C. (now I. S.C.)i86i, became Capt. 1866, Major 1874, Lieut.-Col. 1880, and Col. 1884; served against Hill Tribes on Peshawur Frontier 1855 (medal with clasp), throughout Indian Mutiny Campaign 1857-8, in Bhootan Campaign 1865-6 (clasp) , and in Afghan Campaigns 1878-9 and 1879-80, (medal with clasp) ; formerly Comdt. igth Bengal N.I. ; cr. C.B. 1881. CORBETT, Surg.-Lieut.-Col. Robert De la Cour, D.S.O., M.D., son of the late Richard Corbett, Esq., of Cork ; b. 1844 ; M.D. 1867, F.R.C.S.I. 1889 ; entered Army Med. Depart. 1867, became Surg.-Maj. 1879, and Surg.- Lieut.-Col. 1887 ; served during Burmese War 1885-7, i n charge of No. 5 Field Hospital as Senior Med. Officer with Bhamo Expeditionary Force and as acting Principal Med. Officer with Upper Burmah Field Force : m. 1878, Harriet Lucy, da. of Robert Gregg, Esq., solicitor, of Cork ; cr. D.S.O. 1887. Quetta, Beluchistan; Waldeck Avenue, Bedford; Junior United Service Club. CORDERY, John Graham, C.S.I., son of the late John Cordery, Esq., of New Bridge Street, B.C., and of Hampstead, N.W. ; b. 1834; ed. at Rugby, and at Balliol Coll., Oxford ; entered B.C.S. 1856 ; was Assist.-Comr. Punjab 1858-64, Dep.-Commr. Berar, and first Assist. Resident at Hyderabad 1864-69, Director of Public Instruction 1870-73, subsequently Dep. -Commr. Punjab, officiating Sec. to Govt. and Comr. of Lahore and finally of Peshawur till 1882, and British Resident at Hyderabad 1882-8; cr. C.S.I. 1887. 47, Albemarle Street, W. ; East India United Service Club. CORNISH, Josiah Easton, C.M.G., son of Thomas Smerdon Cornish, Esq., of Bradford;