Page:Debrett's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage and Companionage.djvu/846

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768 COM PAN ION AGE. Sec. to Government of India, Public Works Depart. 1865-77 : '" '878, Dora, da. of Lieut. - Col. H. C. Dickens ; cr. C.S.I. 1868. 75, Lex- ham Canicns, IV. ; East India U nited Service Club. DICKINSON, Lieut.-Col. William, C.S.I. : />. 1831 ; entered Bombay Army 1848, became I Capt. 1861, Major 1868, and Lieut. -Col. 1876 ; | retired 1882; served throughout Punjab Cam- j paign 1848-9 (medal with two clasps), with Sind j Irregular Horse during Persian Expedition 1857 (medal with clasp), with Sind Horse at siege of ! Awah 1859 (medal), and with 3rd Regt. Sind : Horse Abyssinian Expedition 1867-8 (medal); cr. C.S.I. 1869. DiGBY, William, C.I.E., son of the late William Digby, of Wisbech ; b. 1849 ; after training as a Journalist in England, joined lite- rary staff of Ceylon Observer 1871 ; was editor of Madras Times (daily) 1877-9, f Liverpool and Sonthport Daily News 1880, and of Western Daily Mercury (Plymouth) 1880-2, and Sec. to National Liberal Club 1882-8 ; is Sec. to various organisations, Editor of India, (the Organ of the Indian National Congress), and Lon- . don representative of and correspondent for several Indian journals; founded 1888 the Indian Political Agency (of which he is the head), and the same year was appointed English represen- tative of Indian National Congress : elected in 1875 an Hon. Member of the Cobden Club for successful attempt to remove revenue-farming system in Ceylon, and for efforts to procure abolition of food taxes in that island ; in 1877 originated appeal to England on behalf of famine-stricken people of S. India, and be- came Hon. Sec. of the movement for which ,800,000 was subscribed in four months, and subsequently expended through voluntary com- mittees, missionaries and others, at a cost of less ' than } of i per cent.; was Hon. Sec. Indian Dele- , gates' Committee 1885 : author of " Forty Years of Citizen Life in Ceylon," six volumes of "The Ceylon Hansard," "The Famine Campaign in Southern India in 1876-1878," " History of the Newspaper Press of India, Ceylon, and the Far < East," " Indian Problems for English Con- sideration," "India for the Indians and for; England," " England's Interest in the British Ballot Box," " India the Queen-Empress's Promises : How they are Broken," " Nepal and India," and Condemned Unheard," and of numerous articles in Fortnightly Review, Cal- cutta Review, and other publications ; unsuc- cessfully contested Paddington, N. Div. (L G) ! 1885, and Islington, S. Div. 1892: in. ist, 1874, Ellen Amelia, who d. 1878, da. of Capt. Little, of Wisbech; 2nd, 1879, Sarah Maria, da. of William Hutchinson, Esq., of Tuxford House, Wisbech ; cr. C.I.E, 1879. Trafalgar Build- ing's, Northumberland Avenue , Cliaring Cross, ll'.C.; National Liberal Club. Dix, Macnamara, C.M.G., son of George Davies Dix, Esq., a descendant of the Norman family of Dyx ; 6. 1811 ; ed. at Gorham Acad., Maine, U.S.A. ; was an officer of Imperial Customs 1835-55 (when the I mperial Customs in theCplpnies wereabolished), and AuditorGen. of | Dominica 1 849-60, and Colonial Treasurerof St. Lucia, a M.E.C. and M.L.C., and Comptroller : of Customs nnd Navigation Laws 1860-84 ; on i several occasions administered the Govt. : in. ist, 1832, Susan Parnell Woodcock, who d. 1858; 2nd, 1860, Susan Selina Woodcock, who d. 1883; cr. C.M.G. 1883. Castries. St. Lucia. Donns, Hon. John Stokell, C.M.G., son of William Dodds, Esq., of co. Durham ; b. 1848; ed. at Hobart ; Bar.-at-Law 1872; was Representative of Tasmania at Sydney Confer- ence 1883. and at Colonial Conference in London 1887, and Dep. Gov. Tasmania 1888 ; formerly Member of Federal Council of Australia and of Standing Committee thereof; is M.E.C. ; was Attorney-Gen, of Tasmania 1878-81, Minister of Finance and Postmaster-Gen. 1881-4, and again Attorney-Gen. 1884-7; fat as M.P. for E. Hobart 1878-87 (Leader of the House of Assembly 1884-7), since when he has been a Puisne Judge : in. 18 , Emma Augusta, da. of the Rev. James Norman ; cr. C.M.G. 1889. Stoke, A'cu 1 To^vn, Tasmania. DODGSON, Gen. David Scott, C.B., son of the late Rev. J. Dodgson, of Montrose,N.B. : entered Bengal Army 1838, became Capt. 1849, Major and Lieut. -Col. 1858, Col. 1866, Maj.-Gen. 1877, Lieut.-Gen. 1881, and Gen 1888; served in Jhoudpore Campaign 1839, in Affghan Campaign 1842 (medal), in Sutlej Campaign 1846 (medal), in Indian Mutiny Campaign 1857-8 (twic= wounded, re ward for distinguished service, medal with two clasps, a year's service for defence of Lucknow, frequently mentioned in despatches, thanked by Gov.-Gen. and Com. in-Ch., and name recorded as deserving honourable men- tion) : in. ist, 1851, Anna Maria, who d. 1881, da. of Sir Francis Ford, 2nd Baronet ; 2nd, 1883, Elizabeth, widow of Adam Duffin, Esq., of co.Antrim, and da.of Henry Docker, Esq., of Boulogne-sur-Mer ; cr. C.B. 1873. United Service and East India United Service Clubs. DONNELLY, Maj.-Gen. John Fretcheville Dykes, C.B., son of the "late Lieut.-Col. T. Donnally^ H.E.I.C.S. ; b. 1834; ed. at Roy. Acad., Woolwich; entered R.E. 1853, became Capt. 1859, Major 1872, Lieut.-Col. 1877, Col. 1883, and Maj.-Gen. (retired) 1887 ; served in Crimea 1854-5 (medal with two clasps, Turk- ish Medal and Legion of Honour, sth class); was Inspector for Science in Science and Art Depart. 1854-74, Director of Science 1874- 81, Assist. Sec. 1881-84, since when he has been Sec. and Permanent Head of Science and Art Depart., S. Kensington: in. ist, 1871, Adeliza, who d. 1873, 2nd, da. of late F. L. B. Dykes, Esq., of Dovenby Hall, Cumberland ; and, 1881, Mary Frances, el. da. of the same ; cr. C.B. 1886. 59, Onsloiu Gardens, S. W. ; Junior United Service and A thenieum Clubs. DONNELLY, Dep. Surg.-Gen. John Mc- Neale, M.D., C.B.; t>. 1830; entered Madras Med. Depart. 1856, became Surg.-Maj. 1873. Brig.-Surg. 1883, and Dep. Surg.-Gen. 1885 '; retired 1890; served with -Burnish Expedition 1885-6 (mentioned in despatches) ; cr. C.B. 1886. DORAN, Lieut. -Gen. John, C.S., son of the late Major John Doran, i8th Foot ; b. 1824 ; en- tered Bengal Army 1842, became Capt. 1855, Major 1862, Lieut.-Col. 1868, Col. 1873, Maj~- Gen. 1883, and Lieut.-Gen. 1887 ; served in Sutlej Campaign 1845-6 (medal with clasp), against Black Mountain tribes in Hazara 1852-3 (medal with clasp), in Oude Campaign 1858-9 (medal), with China Expeditionary force 1860 (medal), in Looshai Expedition 1871 -2 (clasp and C. B.), in operations against the Jowaki Afree- dees 1877-8 (clasp) and in Afghan Campaign 1878-80 (medal): ;. 1856, Georgiana Sultana Magrath ; cr. C.B. 1872. Ely House, co. Wex- ford. DORRIEN, Major Horace Lockwood SMITH-, D.S.O.; b. 1858; entered 95th Regt. 1876, became Capt. Derbyshire Regt. 1882, and Major 1892 ; on special ser. at Cape of Good Hope 1878-9; served during S. African War 1879, being present at battle of Isandula (men- tioned in despatches, medal with clasp), in Egyptian Expedition 1882, when he raised and commanded a corps of Mounted Intantry(medal, bronze star), with Souakin Expedition 1885 (clasp), and in Nile Expedition 1885-6 (men- tioned in despatches, 4th class Medjidieh) ; attached to Egyptian Army 1884-7 (4th class