Page:Debrett's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage and Companionage.djvu/848

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7 70 COMPAX1ONAGE. 1875, when he joined Egyptian Army ; served in Abyssinia 1876-7, entrenching Massowah and rescuing Bogos Province (Lieut. -Col.), and in i Russo-Turkish War 1877-8, entrenching Varna and being present at numerous actions (Medji- die, Turkish medal) ; was attached to .British Cav. Staff in Egypt 1882, present at 2nd Kassassin affair, and at Tel-el-Kebir, guiding cavalry advance to Cairo, and acting as in- terpreter in negotiations to obtain surrender of that town and of Arabi Pacha (Col., medal with shire; cr. (Hon.) C.B. 1883. 27, Sloane Gardens, S.W. ; St. James's and Wellington Clubs. D(JN, Capt. Edward William, D.S.O. ; .'. 1856 ; entered Army 1874, and become Capt. B.S.C. (now I.S.C.) 1885; served with Jowaki Expedition 1877-8 (medal with clasp); is D.A.Q.M.G. Intelligence Branch, Bengal; cr. D.S.O. 1887. DUNBAR, William Cospatrick, C.B. [see Dunbar, Bart., cr. 1694]. DUNCAN, Maj.-Geii. Harvey Tuckett, C.S.I. ; b. 18 ; entered Army 1847, became Capt. 1861, Major 1867, Lieut.-Col. 1873, Col. 1878, and Maj.-Gen. (retired) 1880; formerly Political Resident at Mandalay ; cr. C.S.I. 1876. DUNDAS, Capt. Laurence Charles, D.S. 0.; b. 1857 ; entered 8th Regt. 1878, and became Capt. King's (Liverpool Regt.) 1884 ; served during Afghan War 1878-9 (medal with clasp), and with Burmah Expedition 1886-7 ; appointed D.A.A.G., Bengal 1890 ; cr. D.S.O. 1886. DUNLOP, Col. Samuel, C.A1.G., son ol the late Rev. Samuel Dunlop ; b. 1838 ; : entered R.A. 1856, and retired as Hon. Col. 1882 ; appointed Acting Commr. of Police and J.P. of Straits Settlements 1870, and became Inspector Gen. of Police 1875 ; retired 1890 ; was Commr. to Perak 1874, and Commr. 1874-5 with British Forces sent to quell the disturb- j ances in the native State of Sungei Ujong, temporary Special Commr. for Perak affairs and Commr. to H.M.'s Forces during opera- tions in Perak 1875, and organised the expedi- tion against the Passir Salak stockades and present at the capture thereof, and accompanied Gen. Colborne's force up the Perak river 1875 (mentioned in despatches 1876) : in. 1864, Martha, da. of Robert Potts, Esq., of Belfast ; cr. C.M.G. 1884. DUNNING, Capt. Harry Gordon, D.S.O.; b. 1 861 ; entered Roy. Fusiliers (City of London Regt.) 1881, and became Capt. 1888 ; served in Soudan 1886-9 (twice mentioned in despatches, 4th class Osmanieh, D.S.O.) ; has been attached to Egyptian Army since 1885 ; cr. D.S.O. 1889. A nny ami Navy Club Du PLAT, Maj.-Ger. Charles Taylor, C.B., son of the late Brig. -Gen. Gustavus G. C. DuPlat, K.H.; b. 1823; ed. at Roy. Mil. Acad., Woolwich; entered R. A. 1841, became Capt. 1848, Major 1860, Lieut.-Col. 1862, Col. 1867, and Maj.-Gen. 1880 ; wasan Equerry to H.R.H. the late Prince Consort 1854-61, since when he has been an Equerry to H.M. ; has ist class of Order of the Red Eagle of Prussia : in. 1855, Maria Christina, who d. 1867, da. of Sir William Cunningham Cavendish Dalyell, 7 th Bart. ; cr. C.B. 1884. 2, Carlisle Place, Victoria Street, S.W.; United Service, Army and Navy, Marlborough, Gatrick, and Cavalry Clubs. DUKAND, Lieut.-Col. Algernon George Arnold, C.B., son of the late Gen. Sir Henry Marion Durand, K.CS.I.,C.B. [see Dupr.d, Bart.]; b. 1854; entered 6sth Regt. 1872, B.S.C. (now I.S.C.) 1876, became Capt. 1884, -Major 1889, and Lit ut. -Col. 1892: served during Afghan War 1878-80 (medal with clasp, bronze star), and in command of Hunza-Nagar Expedition 1891 (mentioned in despatches, severely wounded, Brevet Lt.-Co!., C.B ) ; was A.D.C. to Viceroy of India 1881-2 ; is British Agent at Gilgit ; cr. C.B. 1892. British Agency, Gilgit, India. DCRNFORD, Capt. John, D.S.O., son of the late Rev. Francis E. Durnford, Fellow of Eton, and R. of Greeting St. Mary, Suffolk ; b. 1849; ed. at Eton; entered R.N. 1862, became Com. 1882, and Capt. 1888; served in Upper Burma Expedition 1885-6 on Staff of Sir H. Prentiergast, K.C.B., V.C., and with Naval Brig., being present at engagement at Minhla (mentioned in despatches, D.S.O.); commanded Naval Brig, for manning armed launches in Upper Burma 1887 (mentioned in despatches, thanked by Viceroy of India) : m. 1881, Mary Louisa Eleanor, da. of the Rev. J. H. Kirwan, R. of St. Johns, Cornwall ; cr. D.S.O. 1887. United Service Club. DURRANT, Rear-Adm. Francis, C.M.G., 2nd son of thelatej. M. Bosville Durrant, Esq.; /'. 1837 ; entered R.N. 1851, became Lieut 1859, Com. 1869, Capt. 1876, and Rear Adm. 1891 ; served in Black Sea and Baltic during Russian War 1854-5 (Crimean medal and clasp, and Baltic and Turkish medals) ; was Gov. to H.R.H. Prince George of Wales 1883-5: m. I 877, Jessie, da. of W. Liddiard, Esq. ; cr. C.M.G. 1884. Red House, Hursley, Hants; United Service Club. DYDE, Col. John, C.M.G., son of the late Robert Dyde, Esq., merchant, of London; b. 1796 ; ed. in Devonshire, and at Montreal Coll. ; has been connected with Militia and Vol. since 1813, when, on his arrival from England he was enrolled in the Militia, and served during the whole of the American War ; served as a Field Officer during Canadian Rebellion 1837-8; was for upwards of ten years Col.- Comdt. of the "Active Brigade" of Montreal, consisting of seven Batns. with Cavalry and Artillery ; was the first Lieut.-Col. of ist Prince of Wales's Rifles of Canada, and Brigadier of and Brig, during Fenian raids ; in 1844, during the "Maine" difficulty, raised the Light In- fantry Regt. of Militia (500 strong) ; has been J.P. for 40 years, and is an Hon. A.D.C. to H.M. : in. 1822, Eliza Henrietta, da. of William Johnson Holt, Esq.; cr. C.M.G. 1875. 30, Mount Royal Terrace, McGill College Avenue, Montreal. DYER, William Turner THISELTON-, C.J/.G., C./..., -F.-ff..?., el. son of the late W. G. Thiselton-Dyer, Esq., M.D. ; b. 1843; ed. at King's Coll. Sch., and at Ch. Ch., Oxford (B.A. 2nd Class Mathematics and ist Class Physical Science 1867, M.A. 1873, and B.Sc. Univ. of London 1870); appointed Professor of Natural History at Roy. Agricultural Coll., Cirencester, 1868, and Professor of Botany at Royal Coll. of Science for Ireland 1870 ; was Examiner in Botany, Science and Art Depart. 1873-85, and in Botany andVegetable Physiology, London Univ. 1878-83, and Assist. -Director of Royal Gardens, Kew, 1875-85, since when he has been Director; F.R.S. 1880 and Ph.D. Acad. Leop. Caol. 1891 ; Hon. Fellow King's Coll.. London, 1886, and member of senate of London Univ. 1887-50; was Representative at International Phylloxera Congress, Bordeaux, 1881, of N.S.W., S. Australia, and Victoria, and a Roy. Commr. for Melbourne Centennial Exhibition 1888 ; appointed a Member of Governing Body of Imperial Institute 1891 : m. 1877, Harriet Anne, <la. of Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker,