Page:Debrett's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage and Companionage.djvu/894

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8l6 COMPANIONAGE. Gloucestershire ; has sat for Warwickshire S.W., or Stratford-on-Avon, Div. (C) since j 1892 : /. 1874, Lady Clementine Gertrude | Helen Ogilvy, da. of gth Earl Airlie ; cr. C.B. ; 1882. Batsford Park, Moreton - in- Marsh ; Marlboroiigh, Travellers'., and Carlton Clubs. ' MOFFAT, Rev. John Smith, C.Af.G., son I of the Rev. Robert Moffat, D.D. ; b. 1835 ; ed. at Cheshunt Coll., Herts, and at New Coll. , London ; left England 1858 for missionary work in Matabeleland, under auspicesof Dr. Living- j stone ; served under London Missionary So. in i Bechuanaland 1865-79; was Native Commr., N.W. Border, Transvaal, 1880-81 ; appointed Resident Magistrate in Basutoland 1882, in British Bechuanaland 1885, and Assist. Commr. for Bechuanaland Protectorate 1887, and in Matabeleland 1890 : m. 1858, Emily, da. of J. T. Unwin, Esq., of Brighton ; cr. C.M.G. 1890. Matabeleland, via. Mafeking, Cape of Good Hope. MoiR, Alexander Wilson, C.M.G. , son of the late James Moir, Esq., Snrg. R.N. ; /'. 1823 ; ed. at Edinburgh High Sch. ; was in Customs Depart., Jamaica, 1843-55, Magis- trate of late colony of Bay Islands 1855-60, Public Treasurer of Honduras 1860-1, Pres. of Turks and Caicos Island 1862-9, Pres. of Virgin Islands 1869-71, Pres. of Dominica 1871-3, Pres. of St. Kitts since 1873-83, and M.E.C. of Lee- ward Islands, and a member of Gen. Council 1871-83: in. 1851, Isabella, da. of the Rev. J. Watson ; cr. C.M.G. 1877. 3, Almorah Road, Jersey ; St. George's Clnb. MOLINEUX, John, C.S., son of the late Mr. Thomas Molineux, of Madeley, Salop ; 6. 1822 ; entered Public Ser. 1843 '> was Ch. In- spector, Inland Revenue Depart. 1881-90; cr. C.B. 1887. Selsley House, Albert Road, Battersea Park, S. il~. MOLLAN, Lieut. -Col. William Campbell, C.B., son of the late James Mollan, Esq., of Edenvale, co. Down ; b. 1820; ed. at Trin. Coll., Dublin (B.A. 1840) ; entered Army 1840 and re- tired as Lieut. -Col. from 96th Regt. 1863 ; com- manded 75th Regt. with Sir James Outram's force at the Alum Bagh 1857-8 ; served as Brig.- Major with Rifle Brig, at siege and capture of Lucknow, and for a year afterwards with Sir Hope Grant's force, including many engage- ments (frequently mentioned in despatches and medal with clasp) ; is a J.P. for co. Kilkenny: in. 1849, Maria Emma, da. of the late Rev. Charles Butler Stevenson, of West Court, co. Kilkenny ; cr. C.B. 1859. Newtomn House, Thomastown, co. Kilkenny ; United Service Club. MONEY, Alonzo, C.B., son of the late George Money, Esq., Accountant-Gen, and Master of Supreme Court, Calcutta; b. 18 ; served in B.C.S. 1843-78 ; was sometime a member of Bengal Board of Revenue, and Pres. of Bank of Bengal ; has been English Commr. of Public Debt of Egypt since 1880 ; has and class Osmanieh, and Grand Cordon of the Medjidie : in. 18 , Eliza Maria Boddam, who d. 1883 ; cr. C.B. 1860. Cairo; East India United Service Clnb. MONEY, Col. Gerard Noel, C.B., son of the late Rev. J. D. Money, of Stodham Park, Petersfield ; b. 1835 ; entered Bengal Army 1853, became Capt. 1865. Maior 1873, Lieut.- Col. 1879, and Col. (retired) 1882 ; served in Burmah 1853-4, > n Indian Mutiny Campaign 1857-8 (mentioned in despatches, and medal with two clasps), throughout Umbeyla Campaign 1863 (medal with clasp), in Jowaki expedition 1877-8 (mentioned in despatches, and clasp), and in Afghan campaign 1879-80 (repeatedly men- tioned in despatches, thanked by Viceroy for defence of Shutargardan, C.B., medal, with two clasps, and bronze star); is one of H.M.'s Body Guard, Hon. Corps of Gentlemen-at- Arms, Provincial Grand Master of Surrey Free- masons, and a J.P. "and County Councillor (Weybridge Div.) for Surrey; cr. C.B. 1881. Vigo House, Weybridge; The Rest, Aldcburgl:, Suffolk ; United Service and Junior United Service Clubs. MONEY, Lieut. -Col. Gordon Lorn Camp- bell, D.S.O., son of the late William James Henry Money, Esq., H.E.I.C.S. ; b. 1848 ; entered 79th Highlanders 1868, became Capt. Queen's Own (Cameron Highlanders) 1880, Major 1884, and Lieut. -Col. 1888 ; served in Nile Expedition 1884-5 (medal with clasp, bronze star), and as Assist. Mil. Ser. to Gen. Comdg. in Soudan Frontier 1885-6, present at action at Giniss (mentioned in despatches, 4th class Osmanieh, D.S.O.); cr. D.S.O. 1886. Naval and Military Clnb. MONEY, William James, C.S.I., son of the late D. Inglis Money, Esq., a Judge of Ch. Court of Appeal, Calcutta; b. 1832; ed. at Haileybtiry ; served in B.C.S. 1853-78 ; was Assist. Magistrate with troops employed in quelling Sonthal Insurrection 1855-6 ; Private Sec. to Sir James Outram during mutiny in Bengal ; present with Force at relief of Lucknow, at operations at the Alam Bagh, and at final siege and capture of Lucknow (thanked by Gov.-Gen. in Council, mentioned in des- patches, and medal with 2 clasps) ; was District and Sessions Judge of Mymensingh 1872-9: m, 1861, Emily Harriett, da. of Gen. James Clarke Charnock Gray ; cr. C.S.I. 1869. MONRO, James, C.B., son of the late George Monro, Esq., of Edinburgh ; b. 1838 ; in B.C.S. 1857-84 ; was Inspector-Gen, of Police of Lower Bengal 1877-82, Commr. of Presidency Div. 1882-4, Assist. -Commr. of Metropolitan Police 1884-8, and Ch. Commr. thereof 1888-90, when he resigned : in. 1863, Ruth, da. of the late William Littlejohn, Esq., Banker, of Queen's Gardens, Aberdeen; cr. C.B. 1888. Poyntzfield House, Norwood, S.E. ; East India United Service Clnb. MONTAGU, Gen. Horace William, C.B. ]see D. Manchester, colls.]. MONTAGUE, Maj.-Gen. William Edward, C.B., son of the late W. Montague, Esq., of Gloucester; b. 1838 ; ed. at Bromsgrove Gram. Sch. ; served as midshipman in Transport Ser- vice throughout Crimean War ; sent with troops to India during Mutiny and went to Canton during Chinese War 1859; entered 94th Regt. 1860, became Capt. 1870, Major 1880, Lieut. - Col. 2nd Batn. Connaught Rangers 1881, and Col. 1885 (h.p. 1887); retired as Maj.-Gen. 1887 r passed Staff Coll. 1871 ; was Brig.-Maj. in Mauritius 1872-8 ; served in Zulu War 1879 as Brig.-Maj. 2nd Brig. 2nd Div., and afterwards as Staff Officer to Baker Russell's column (medal with clasp); appointed Garrison Instructor at the Cape under Sir G. Colley 1880, ordered by him on outbreak of Boer Rebellion Dec. 1880 to take command of Standerton in the Transvaal, which place he reached by driving through the Boer lines during the night, and held the town and fort for 88 days while closely invested by 1,200 Boers (slightly wounded); sent to Potchef- stroom in command of the garrison ordered to re-occupy that town in June, 1881 (several times mentioned in despatches) : in. 1865, Alice, da. of Philip Mitchell, Esq., of Plymouth; cr. C.B. 1882. Cliff House, Clevedon, Somerset. MONTEATH, Alexander McLaurin.C.^"./.; b. 18 : served in B.C.S. 1856-82 ; was sometime