Page:Debrett's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage and Companionage.djvu/912

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COMPANIONAGE. i3s5 (Turkish medal, 4th class Medjidie), during ' Indian Mutiny 1857-9 (mentioned in des- | patches, medal with clasp), with Abyssinian ' Expedition 1867-8 (mentioned in despatches, ' medal), and in Afghan War 1879-80 (men- I tioned in despatches) : m. 18 ; cr. C.B. 1887. I Hertingfordbury, Hertfordshire. ROSE, George Pringle, C.I.E., son of the Rev. Donaldson Rose ; b. 1855 ; is an Executive Engineer in Public Works Depart., | India, and officiating Dep.-Manager, N.W. Railway, India ; cr. C.I.E., 1892. ROSE, Major Henry Metcalfe, D.S.O., son of Lieut.-Gen. Hugh Rose ; b. 1848 ; entered Bengal Army 1861, B. S.C. (now I.S.C.) 1869, be- came Capt. 1879, and Major 1887 ; served during Afghan War 1879-80 (medal), and during Bur- mah Campaign 1886-7 (mentioned in despatches, medal with clasp) : in. 1870, Georgina Julia, da. of Sir Norm in Robert Leslie, 6th Bart. ; cr. D.S.O. 1887. Ross, Col. Alexander George, C.B., son of Alexander Ross, Esq.,B.C.S.;. 1840; entered Bengal Army 1857, became Capt. B.S.C. (now I.S.C.) 1869, Major 1877, Lieut.-Col. 1879, and Col. 1883 ; served during Indian Mutiny 1858-9 (medal), with Abyssinian Expedition 1868 (men- tioned in despatches, medal), with Jowaki Ex- pedition 1877-8 (mentioned in despatches, medal with clasp), in Afghan War 1878-9, present at capture of AH Musjid (medal with clasp. Brevet Lt.-Cpl.), with Mahsud Waziri Expedition 1881 (mentioned in despatches), and with Zhob Field Force 1890 (mentioned in despatches) ; cr. C.B. 1887. Ross, David Palmer, C.M.G., M.D., son of Dr. John Ross, H.E.I.C.S. ; b. 1842 ; M.D. Edinburgh, F.R.C.S. Edinburgh, M.R.C.S. England; served sometime in Army Med. Staff, and in Jamaica Civil Ser. for 21 years in various medical capacities ; is Colonial Surg., Official M.E.C. and M.L.C., a J.P. of the Colony of Sierra Leone, and a Member of Roy. Med. Su. of Edinburgh : in. 1867, Mary Eliza, da. of the late Hon. Alexander Heslop, Attorney-Gen, of Jamaica ; cr. C.M.G. 1890. Sierra Leone, V. Africa; Junior Army and Navy Club. Ross, Lieut.- Col. Justin Charles, C.M.G.; b. 1841 ; entered Bengal Engineers 1860, became Capt. 1873, Major 1881, and Lieut.-Col. (re- tired) 1888 ; sometime Inspector-Gen, of Irriga- tion, Egypt (2nd class Medjidie and Osmanieh) ; cr. C.M.G. 1888. Ross, Surg. -Gen. James Tyrell Carter, C.I.E., F.R.C.S., son of the late James Tyrell Ross, of Avon Cottage, Ringwood, Hants ; b. 1823 : entered Bengal Med. Depart. 1845, and retired as Surg.-Gen. 1877 ; served in Punjab, N.W. frontier of India, Mutiny, Duffla, and Zulu Campaigns (Empres of India medal 1877) : jn. 1857, Sarah, da. of the late T. Wadham, Esq., of Frenchay House, Gloucestershire ; cr. C.I.E. 1878. The Grove, Ryde,Isle of Wight; Royal Victoria Yacht Club. Ross -OF- BLADENSBURG, Major John Foster George, C.B., son of David Ross-of- Bladensburg, Esq. ; b. 1848 ; entered R.A. 1868, and Coldstream Guards 1873, became Capt. 1885, .and Major 1889; served with Soudan Expedition 1885 (medal with clasp, bronze star) ; was A.D.C. to successive Lord Lieuts. of Ireland (Earls Spencer and Carnar- von) 1882-6 ; is a J.P. and D.L. for co. Down : in. 1870, Hon. Blanche Amelia Skeffington, da. ' of loth Viscount Masserene and Ferrard ; cr. C.B. 1892. Rostrevor House, Rostrevor, co. > ROST, Reinhold, C.I.E., LL.D., son of Archdeacon Rost ; b. 1822 ; has been Librarian , at the India Office since 1869 : in. 1863, Minna, da. of J. F. Laue. Esq., Judge, of Magdeburg, Prussia; cr. C.I.E. 1888. i, Els-worthy 'fir- race, Primrose Hill, N. V. ROUND, Francis Richard, C.M.G., son of the late Rev. James T. Round, B.D., of Col- chester; b. 1845 fi d. at Marlborough Coll., and at Balliol Coll., Oxford (B.A. 1868, M.A. 1879) : en ered Colonial Office 1869, was Private Sec. to Sec. of State for the Colonies (Rt. Hon. Sir Michael Hicks- Beach, Bart.) 1878-80, was sent on special service to Bechuanaland 1886, and was Sec. to Roy. Commn. to Mauritius 1886, of which Colony he acted as Colonial Sec. 1886-7: ;. 1881, Frances Emily, da. of J. Jolliffe Tufnell, Esq., of Langleys, Essex ; cr. C.M.G. 1887. 24, Elm Park Gardens, S. W. ; East Hill House, Col- chtster ; Untied University Club. ROUTH, Randolph, C.B., son of the late Sir Randolph I sham Routh, K.C.B. ; /-. 1819; entered Commissariat Depart, of Army 1834, and retired as Comy.-Gen. 1879 ; served in Commissariat charge of ist Div. in Kaffir Way 1851-3 (medal) ; successively Dep. Comy.- Gen., Mauritius, Cape of Good Hope, and Aldershot, Dep. Controller of N. and W. Dists., and Comy.-Gen. N. Dist. : ;. ist, 1846, Char- lotte, who d. 1877, da. of William Hall, Esq., Collector of H.M. Customs, Montreal ; 2nd, 1883, Elizabeth, widow of John Hilton, Esq., F.R.C.S.. F.R.S. ; cr. C.B. 1873. De Ruda, Mount Avenue, Eating, W. ROWELL, Thomas Irvine, C.M.G., M.D.; b. 18 ; went with Sir W. Robinson in 1878 to invest the King of Siam with G. C.M.G. ; appointed Registrar of Births and Deaths, Straits Settlements, 1882, and of Mohammedan Marriages 1883, and Pres. of Fisheries Inquiry Commn. 1887 ; was Principal Civil Medical Officer, Straits Settlements 1877-90; sometime Health officer for Port of Singapore ; is a J.P. for the Colony: tn. 18 ; cr. C.M.G. 1890. Singapore, Straits Settlements. ROWLAND, Col. Thomas, C.B., son of the late Col. G. T. Rowland, R.A. ; b. 1831 ; ed. at Roy. Mil. Coll., Sandhurst; entered 83rd Regt. 1848, became Capt. 1856, Major 1866, Lieut.-Col. 1875, and Col. 1880 (h. p. 1885); retired 1889; served in Crimean Campaign, in- cluding siege and fall of Sebastopol (medal with clasp, Turkish medal) commanded ist Batn. sth Fusiliers in Afghan Campaign 1878-9 and 1879-80 (C.B., medal), and sth and 63th Regt. Dists. 1886-9 : '" l8 5 8 > Isabella Annie, da. of C. Lewin, Esq. ; cr. C.B. 1881. ROWLANDS, Maj.-Gen. Hugh, C.B., V.C., son of the late John Rowlands, Esq., D.L. and J.P. of Piastirion, Carnarvonshire ; b. 1829; ed. at Woolwich ; entered Army 1849, became Capt. 1854, Major 1855, Lieut.-Col. 1865, Col. 1871 (h. p. 1878), and Maj.-Gen. iSSi ; served with 4ist Regt. in Crimean Campaign I 854-5 (medal with three clasps, V.C., Legion of Honour, sth class Medjidie, and Turkish medal) ; employed on Special Ser. at Cape of Good Hope 1878-9 (medal with clasp); was A. A. and Q.M.G. fprN. British Dist. in 1880; com- manded a Brig, in Peshawur Dist. 1880-2, a Brig, at Aldershot 1882-3, ar >d a ist cla^ l>:-t of Madras Army 1884-9 ! ' s a D.L. for Carnar- vonshire : jn. 1867, Isabella Jane, da. of T. J. R. Barrow, Esq., of Ryelands, Gloucestershire ; cr. C.B. 1875. Piastirion, Carnarvonshire ; United Service Club. ROYLE, Arnold, C.B., son of the late William Royle, Esq., of Lymington, Hants; /'. 1837; ed. at King's Coll., London ; M.R.C.S. Eng. and L.S.A. 1859; entered Med. Depart, of Army 1859, and retired 1871 ; was personal