Page:Debrett's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage and Companionage.djvu/916

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838 COMPANIONAGE. SCHREINER, William Philip, C.M.G., son of the late Rev. Gottlob Schreiner, of Bal- four, Fort Beaufort, Cape Colony ; 6. 1857 ; ed. at S. African Coll., Capetown, at Cape Univ. (B.A. 1877), an d at Camb. Univ. (Chancellor's Legal Medallist and Senior in Law Tripos 1881, B.A. and LL.B. 1882, M.A. and M.L. 1885); first in honours (bracketed) London, first LL.B. 1880 ; Senior Studentship in Roman Law and Jurisprudence, Inns of Court 1881, Bar. Inner Temple 1882 ; was Fellow of Down- ing Coll., Camb. 1884-7 > accompanied Maj.- Gen. Sir Francis W. De Winton, K.C.M.G., C.B., to Swaziland as Legal Adviser 1889; has been Legal Adviser to HighComrnr. for South Africa since 1886 : m. 1884, Miss Frances Hester Reitz, sister of President Reitz, of the Orange Free State; cr. C.M.G. 1891. Cape Town, South Africa ; Civil Service (Ca/e Town) Club. SCOTT, Major Buchanan, C.I.E. ; b. 1850; entered R.E. 1871, became Capt. 1883, and Major 1889 ; is Dep. Consulting Engineer in Public Works Depart., India : tit. 1888, Ethel Theophila, da. of Charles Theophilus Metcalfe, Esq., C.S.I, [see Metcalfe, Bart.]; cr. C.I.E. 1888. SCOTT, Charles Stewart, C.B., son of the late Thomas Scott, Esq., J.P., D.L., of Wills- borough, co. Londonderry ; b. 1838 ; ed. at Cheltenham Coll., and at Trin. Coll., Dublin (ist honours in Classics 1857) ; entered Foreign Office 1858 and Diplo. Ser. (hon. certificate) 1859; was 3rd Sec. Copenhagen 1862-5, and at Madrid 1865-6, 2nd Sec. in Mexico 1866-8, at Lisbon 1868-70, at Stuttgart 1870-2 (where he was Acting Charg^ d'Affaires), at Munich 1872-3, at Vienna 1873-4, at St. Petersburgh 1874-7, and at Darmstadt 1877-9, where he was Acting Chargfi d'Affaires 1877-8; became Sec. of Legation and accredited Charge d'Affaires at Coburg 1879 ; was also accredited Charge d'Affaires to Prince of Waldeck-Pyrmont, and has acted on several occasions as Charge d'Affaires at Darmstadt, Carlsruhe and Stutt- gart ; was Sec. of Embassy, Berlin, iSSj-Sfacted on several occasions as Charge d'Affaires), and Envoy Extraor. and Min. Plen. to Swiss Con- federation 1888-92, when he was transferred to Copenhagen ; appointed British Commr. at Samoan Conference 1889 : m. 1875, Christian Crawfurd, da. of the late James MacKnight, Esq., of Edinburgh ; cr. C.B. 1886. British Legation, Copenhagen; Travellers' and St. James's Clubs. SCOTT, Rear-Adm. Lord Charles Thomas, C.B. [see D. Buccleuch]. SCOTT, Col. Douglas Alexander, D.S.O., son of the late John Scott, Esq., M.D. ; b. 1848 ; ed. at Roy. Mil. Acad., Woolwich ; entered R.E. 1870, becume Capt. and Brevet Major 1882, Brevet Lieut.-Col. 1885, and Col. 1889 ; appointed to charge of Roy. Train over Govt. Railways on occasion of H.R.H. the Prince of _Wales's visit to India 1875-6 ; was Dep. Consulting Engineer to Govt. of India for Guaranteed Railways 1876-8 ; served during Afghan Campaign 1878-9 (medal), in Egyptian Expedition 1882 (medal,mentioned in despatches, Brevet of Major), in Soudan Expedition 1884-5 (clasp, mentioned in despatches, Brevet of Lieut.-Col.), and in Nile Expedition with Frontier Field Force 1885-6 (mentioned in des- patches) ; cr. D.S.O. 1886. 8, Chandos Street, Cavendish Square, IV. ; Army and Navy Club. SCOTT, Brig.-Surg.-Licut.-Col. Frederick Beaufort, M.D., C.M.G. , son of the late George Scott, Esq., of Glendowran, co. Lanark ; b. 1839 ; M.R.C.S. Eng. 1860. M.D. Glas- gow 1861 ; entered Army Med. Depart. 1862, became Surg. 1873, Surg. -Major 1876, and Brig. -Surg. (now Brig.-Surg.-Lt.-Col.) 1888 ; served in i8th Hussars 1863-78; thanked by Madras Govt. and by H.R.H. P.M. the Com.- in-Ch. 1871 for his services while in Med. charge of iSth Hussars during a virulent out- break of cholera ; served in Zulu War 1879 (men- tioned in despatches and medal with clasp),, and in Egyptian Campaign 1882 (medal with clasp and bronze star) ; was on Staff of H.R.H. the Duke of Connaught, in Egypt 1882, and in India 1883-5 ', cr. C.M.G. 1882. Army and Navy and Junior United Service Clubs. SCOTT, James George, C.I.E., son of the late Rev. George Scott, Minister of Dairsie r Fifeshire ; b. 1851 ; ed. abroad, at King's Coll. Sch., London, and at Edinburgh and Oxford Univs. ; sometime War Correspondent to the Times and subsequently to the Standard in Tong King; entered Burma Commn. 1886; has been Political Officer in Shan States since Dec. 1886 ; captured the rebel Twet Nga Lu and his bodyguard 1888 (thanked by Gov. -Gen. in Council and by Com.-in-Ch. in India) ; received submission of powerful Trans-Sahveen Shan Ch., the Sawlwa of Keng Tung 1890; was a Member of Anglo-Siamese Boundary Commn.

m. 1891, Dora, da. of the late Rev.

James Campbell Connolly, Chaplain of Wool- wich Dockyard ; cr. C.I.E. 1892. Lashio, Northern Shan States, Burmah ; Savage Club. SCOTT, Col. James Woodward, C.B., son of the late Rev. James Woodward Scott, R. of Bettiscombe, Dorset; b. 1838; entered R. M.L.I. 1855, became Capt. 1867, Major 1880, Lieut.- Col. 1882, Col. 1886, Col. 2nd Cpmdt. 1888, and Col.-Comdt. 1892-, served during China War 1857-9 (medal with clasp), and with Egyptian Expedition 1882, present at battle of Tel-el- Kebir (mentioned in despatches, medal with clasp, bronze star, 4th class Osmanieh, and Brevet Lt.-Col.); has been an A.D.C. to H.M. since 1886 ; cr. C.B. 1891. United Ser- vice Clvb. SCOTT, Col. John, C.B., F.R.S.E., son of the late Charles Cuningham Scott, Esq., of Hawkhill Ayrshire ; b. 1830; ed. at Edinburgh Acad., and at Glasgow Univ. ; unsuccessfully contested Greenock (C) 1880, 1884, and 1885 ; is a J.P. for co. Renfrew, and Hon. Col. ist Renfrew and Dumbarton Artillery Vols., which he commanded 1863-92 (Vol. Officers' Decora- tion) : m. 1864, Annie, da. of the late Robert Spalding, Esq., of Kingston, Jamaica ; cr. 1887. Hawkhill, Largs, Ayrshire; Carlton and Junior Carlton Clubs. SCUDAMORE, CVytf. Charles Philip, D.S. O. f son of the late Maj.-Gen. A. Scudamore, C.B. ; b. 1861 ; ed. at Wellington Coll., and at Roy. Mil. Coll., Sandhurst; entered Roy. Scots Fusiliers 1881, and became Capt. 1892 ; served with Burmese Expedition 1885-8 (thrice men- tioned in despatches, medal with two clasps), and in Hazara Campaign 1888 (mentioned in despatches, medal with clasp) : in. 1890, Gertrude Caroline, da. of Samuel Bircham, Esq., of 23, Elvaston Place, S.W., and Reepham, Norfolk ; cr. D.S.O. 1888, Scottish Club. SELWYN, Alfred Richard Cecil, C.Jlf.G., LL.D., F.R.S., son of the Rev. Townshend Selwyn, Canon of Gloucester; /;. 1824; ed. in Switzerland ; employed on Geological Survey of Great Britain 1845-52 ; was Director of the Geological Survey of Victoria, Australia, 1853- 69 ; has been Director of the Canadian Geologi- cal and Natural History Survey and Museum since 1870 ; was Assist, to Canadian Commrs. at Centennial Exhibition, Philadelphia 1876, at Paris Universal Exhibition 1878, and at Colonial