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COMPANIONAGE. 845 dent Magistrate, Transkei, S. Africa, 1878-84 ; and Resident Magistrate and Civil Commr., Kuruman, British Bechuanaland 1887-9 > " C.M.G. 1879. STREET, Surg.-Major Alfred William Frederick, D.S.O., son ofthelate Rev. Benjamin Street, V. of Barnetby, Lincolnshire ; b, 1852 ; M.R.C.S. Eng. 1875, L.R.C.P. London 1876, became Surg. Bom. Med. Ser. 1877, and Surg.- Major 1889 ; served with Indian Expeditionary Force to Malta 1878, in Afghan War 1878-80 (mentioned in despatches, medal with clasp), and with Burmah Field Force 1886-8 (twice mentioned in despatches, medal with two clasps): ;//. 1884, Helen, da. of the Rev. Edward Mil ford Weigall, V. of Frodingham, Lincoln- shire; cr. D.S.O. 1887. Junior Army and Navy Club. STRONGE, Charles Walter, C.B: [see Stronge, Bart.]. SULLIVAN, Henry Edward, C.S.7., son of John Sullivan, Esq., M.C.S. ; b. 1830; ed. at Kensington Gram. Sch. , and at East India Coll., Haileybury ; entered M.C.S. 1850, and retired 1886 ; was Member of Board of Revenue 1876-81, and of Indian Famine Commn. 1879, and a member of Council of Gov. of Madras 1882-6: m. 1850, Emma Lucy, da. of the Rev. Fiennes Trotman, of Dallington, Northampton- shire ; cr. C.S.I. 1886. Westridg;, Aspley Guise, Bedfordshire; East India United Service Club. SUNDERLAND, Col. Marsden Samuel James, D.S.O. ; b. 1841; entered Army 1861, became Capt. 1876, Major 1881, Lieut.-Col. Roy. Sussex Regt. 1885, and Col. 1889 (h.p. 1891); served with Soudan Expedition 1884-5 (mentioned in despatches, medal with two clasps), and with Hazara Field Force 1888 ; has commanded Regt. Dist. No. 91 since 1892 ; cr. D.S.O. 1889. Stirling, N.B. SUTHER, Gen. William Grigor, C.B. ; b. 1821 ; entered R.M. 1837, became Capt. 1850, Lieut.-Col. 1862, Col. 1865, Col.-Comdt. 1867, Maj.-Gen. 1868, Lieut.-Gen. 1877, an d Gen. 1879 i retired 1886 ; served with R.M. Batn. in Spain during Carlist War 1837-40, in Syria 1840-1 (medal with clasp, and Turkish medal), in Japan 1864-6 present at attack and bombard- ment of Forts of Simonosaki by allied Fleets ; in command of allied Brigades landed for the destruction of forts and magazines, on Sept. 6th, 1864 ; commanded Brigade at storming and capture of enemy's stockade (mentioned in despatches, and Officer of Legion of Honour) ; cr. C.B. 1864. United Service Club. S WAINE, Col. LeopoldVictor, C. B., C. M. G., son of the late R. Victor Swaine, Esq. ; b. 1840 ; entered Rifle Brig. 1859, became Capt. 1872, Major 1881, Lieut.-Col. 1882, Col. 1885, Col. Comdt. 2nd Batn. Rifle Brig. (Prince Consort s Own) 1889 ; retired 1891 ; went with Sir Garnet (now Viscount) Wolseley to Cyprus 1878, and was appointed Civil Commr. of Famagusta Dist. ; was Mil. Attache at St. Petersburg 1879, at Constantinople 1879-82, and at Berlin 1882-4 ; a member of European International Commn. appointed to superintend cession of Thessaly and part of Epirus to Greece 1881 ; served as Mil. Sec. to Gen. Comdg. Expeditionary Force in Egypt 1882 (mentioned in despatches, medal with clasp, 3rd class Medjidie, Khedive's star), and to Gen. Comdg. -in-Ch. in Egypt 1884-5 (mentioned in despatches) ; was Mil. Attache at Berlin 1885-9, ar >d again since 1892 ; cr. C.B. 1882, C.M.G. 1887. British Embassy, Berlin. SWANX, George Jameson, C.I.E., son of the late William Jameson, Esq. ; b. 1839 ; is Gen. Manager of Irawaddy Flotilla Co.-; cr. C.I.E. 1887. 15, St. Vincent Place, Glasgow; Liberal (Glasgow) Club. SWANSTON, George John, C.B., son of the late Thomas Swanston, Esq. ; b. 1833 ; entered Railway Commn. 1849, transferred with that Depart, to Board of Trade 1851; appointed Private Sec. to Vice-Pres. 1855, and Junior Assist. Sec. 1875 ; acted on British Committees, Paris Exhibition 1875, and Brussels Exhibition 1876, and as Chm, of Committee to inquire into disputes with Belgian fishermen 1886 ; was Assist. Sec. Fisheries Depart. Board of Trade 1886-90, since when he has been Assist. Sec. for Marine Depart. : in. 1858, Charlotte, da. of John Cary, Ksq. ; cr. C.B. 1887. St. Austins Croft, Putney, S. }V. SWETTENHAM, Frank Athelstane^.^/l G., youngest son of the late James Oldham Swetten- ham, Esq., of Belper Lodge, Belper, Derby- shire ; entered Colonial Ser. 1870 ; appointed Assist. Collector of Inland Revenue for Penang, and Province Wellesley 1872, and Collector 1873 ! went on special missions to Perak 1874 ; was Assist. Resident at Selangor 1874-5, Dep. Commr. of Perak on the murder of Resident 1875-76 (mentioned in despatches by the Gov., the Gen. and the senior Naval Officer, medal with clasp), Assist. Colonial Sec. for native states 1876-81, and Assist. Colonial Sec. 1881-2 ; acted as Commr. for Straits Settlements and Malay States at Calcutta International Exhibi- tion 1883-4, as British Resident, Perak 1884-5, as Executive Commr. for Straits Settlements and and Malay States at Colonial and Indian Exhi- bition 1886 ; was British Resident at Selangor 1882 9, when he was transferred to Perak; ap- pointed Officier d'Academie Francaise 1887 ; cr. C.M.G. 1886. Perak, Straits Settlements. SWETTENHAM, James Alexander, C.M.G., son of the late James Oldham Swettenham.Esq., of Belper Lodge, Derbyshire ; b. 1846 ; ed. at Clare Coll., Camb. ; entered Ceylon Civil Ser. 1868 ; appointed Police Magistrate, Kayts- 1870, Assist. Govt. Agent, Galle 1871, Assist. Collector of Customs, Jaffna 1872, Dist. Judge, Matara 1873, Second Assist. Colonial Sec. and Clerk of Legislative Council 1876, and Receiver-Gen., Cyprus 1883 ; is Auditor- Gen, and M.E.C. and M.L.C., Ceylon ; cr. C.M.G. 1892. Colombj, Ceylon; Isthmian Club. SYKES, Surg.-Capt. William Ainley, D.S O. ; b. 1857 ; M.B. London ; became Surg. (now Surg.-Capt.) Bengal Med. Ser. 1882 ; served with Soudan Expedition 1885 (medal with two clasps, bronze star), and during Bur- mese War 1 886-8 (mentioned in despatches, medal with two clasps), and with Zhob Exhibi- tion 1890; cr. D.S.O. 1887. Junior Army and 1 Navy Club. SYM,CW. John Munro, C.B., son of the late Rev. John Sym ; b. 1839 ; entered Bengal Army i858,becameCapt.B.S.C.(nowI.S.C.)i87o,Major 1878. Lieut.-Col. 1881, and Col._i885 ; served in N.W. Frontier of India Campaign 1863 (medal with clasp), in Hazara Campaign 1868 (clasp), during Afghan War 1878-80 (twice mentioned in despatches, medal with three clasps, bronze star, Brevet Lt.-Col.), with Hazara Field Force 1888 (mentioned in despatches, clasp, C.B.), and with Miranzai Field Force 1891 (mentioned in despatches) : jit. 1870, Eliza d'Oyley Vincent, da. of the late Major Hugh Rees James, C.B. ; cr. C.B. 1889. New (Edinburgfi) Club. SYMES, Edward Spence, C.LE., son of the late E. S. Symes, Esq., M.D. ; b. 1852 ; ed. at Univ. Coll., London ; entered B.C'.S. 1875 ; was officiating Sec. to Ch. Commr. of Burmah 1881-6, permanent Sec. 1886-9, and