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850 COMPANIONAGE. tion of Liquor Traffic in the N. Sea (at the Hague) and for Channel Fisheries Negotiations (at Paris) 1886 : /. 1863, Mary, who d. 1892, da. of James Weston, Esq. ; cr. C.B. 1882. n, Astwood Road, S. Kensington, S.W.; Athenteutn and Oxford and Cambridge Uni- versity Clubs. TREVOR, Col. George Herbert, C.S.I., <rm of the late Rev. George Trevor, D.D., Canon of York; b. 1840; entered Madras Army 1858, M.S.C. (now I.S.C.) 1862, became Capt. 1870, Major 1878, Lieut.-Col. 1884, and Col. 1888 ; served in several Civil appointments in Central Provinces 1862-8. and in Political Depart., Hyderabad 1868-84; accompanied the late Sir Salar Jung, G. C.S.I., on his tour in Europe 1877 ; appointed Commr. of Ajinere-Merwara 1885, and Ch. Commr. of that Province and Agent to Gov.-Gen. for Native States in Rajputana 1890 : m. 1870, Georgiana Gordon, da. of the late Col. Edward King Elliot ; cr. C.S.I. 1891. The Residency, Mount Abu, Rajfutana, India. TREVOR, Maj.-Gen. John Salusbury, C.S.I., son of the late Capt. Robert Salusbury Trevor, of the Bengal Cav., who was killed at Cabul in 1841 with Sir William Macnaghten ; b. 1830 ; entered Bombay Engineers 1847, became Capt. 1858, Lieut.-Col. 1867, Col. 1872, and Maj.-Gen. (retired) 1878 ; cr. C.S.I. 1881. Blandford House, 75, Ladbroke Road, Netting Hill, W. ; United Service and East India United Set-vice Clubs. TREVOR, Lieut. -Gen. William Cosmo, C.B.; b. 18 ; entered Army 1842, became Capt. 1850, Major 1856, Lieut.-Col. 1863, Col. i68, Maj-Gen. 1878, and Lieut.. Gen. (retired) 1884 ; served in Crimean Campaign 1855 (medal with clasp and Sardinian and Turkish medals), and in New Zealand War 1864-6 (mentioned in despatches and medal): m. 18 ; cr. C.B. 1866. 6 ; Maison Dieu Road. Dover. T R i S c o T T, Capt. Charles Prideaux, D.S.O., on of the late Joseph Blake Triscott, Esq., of Plymouth; .1857; entered R.A. 1876, and became Capt. 1885 ; served during Afghan War 1879-80, present at action of Charasiab, and march from Kabul to Kandahar (medal with clasp, bronze star), and with Bur- mah Expedition 1885 as Staff Ordnance Officer, and again 1887-8, when he commanded expedi- tions against Salay Hill Kachins and to Jade Mines and Lake Endawoyee ; is an Instructor of Mil. Topography at Roy. Mil. Acad., Woolwich: m. 188,1, Catherine May, da. of Maj.-Gen. M. M. Prendergast; cr. D.S.0. 1888. Jttnior A riny and Navy Club. TROTTER, Lieut.-Col. Henry, C.B., son of Alexander Trotter, Esq. ; b. 1841 ; ed. at Cheltenham Coll., and at Addiscombe ; entered R.E. 1860, became Capt. 1872, Major 1878, and Lieut.-Col. 1887 ; retired 1890 ; accompanied Sir D. Forsyth's Mission to Yarkand 1873-74 ; em- ployed on special ser. in China 1876; awarded 1878 Victoria medal of Roy. Geographical So. for explorations in Turkestan ; appointed addi- tional Mil. Attache at Constantinople 1877, and accompanied Turkish armies throughout cam- paign in Asia ; was Acting Consul at Erzeroum 1878-9 ; was Consul of Koordistan 1879-82 ; dis- tributed Lady Strangford's Relief Fund during famine in Asia Minor 1880; superintended International relief works at Chios after earth- quake of 1881 ; was Mil. Attache at Constanti- nople 1882-9; appointed Consul-Gen, in Syria 1800: in. 1890, Olivia Georgiana, da. of Adm. Sir George Greville Wellesley, G.C.B. [see D. Wellington, colls.] ; cr. C.B. 1880. British Con- sulate General, Beyrout, Syria; Athenccnm, United Service, and East India United Service Clubs. TRUELL, Maj.-Gen. Robert Holt, C.B., son of the late Rev. W. Truell, of Clonmamon, co. Wicklow ; b. 1837 ; ed. at Cheltenham Coll. entered ssrd Regt. 1856, became Capt. 1863, Major 1876, Lieut.-Col. ist Batn. Shropshire L.I., Col. 1885, and Hon. Maj.-Gen. (retired) 1886 ; served throughout Indian Mutiny 1857-9, including relief and capture of Lucknow, relief of Cawnpore and minor affairs (medal with two clasps, mentioned in despatches), in Egyptian Campaign 1882 (medal, bronze star), and in E. Soudan Campaign 1885 (mentioned in de- spatches, clasp, C.B.); was Staff Officer in Canada 1866-7 ; is a J.P. for Dorset : in. ist, 1884, Elizabeth, who d. 1889, da. of the late Rev. Charles Onslow, Hon. Canon of Salisbury; 2nd, 1890, Harriet, da. of the late George Churchill, Esq., of Alderholt Park, Dorset ; o-.C.B. 1885. Onslfftu, Wimborne; United Service Club. TUCKER, Col. Aubrey Harvey, C.B. ; b. 1833 ; entered the Army 1853, became Capt. 1862, Major 1875, Lieut.-Col. Durham L.I. 1879, and Col. 1883 ; retired 1888 ; served throughout Crimean War 1854-5 (mentioned in despatches,, medal with four clasps, Legion of Honour, Turkish medal), and in New Zealand War 1864-6 (medal) ; commanded 4ist Regt. Dist. 1885-8: in. 18 , Gertrude Louisa, da. of the Rev. William Cartwright, of Redland, Glouces- tershire ; cr. C.B. 1887. TUCKER, Col. Charles, C.B. ; b. 1838- entered S. Staffordshire Regt. (Both) 1855, became Capt. 1860, Major 1872, Lieut.-Col. 1879, and Col. 1883 (h.p. 1890) ; served in Bhootan Expedition 1865 (medal with clasp), in Perak operations 1876, in command of left attack in operations against Sekukuni 1878, and in com- mand of his Regt. in Zulu War 1879 (medal with clasp) ; commanded 7th and 571(1 Regt. Dists. 1885-90 ; appointed to command troops in Natal 1891 ; cr. C.B. 1879. Natal. TUCKER, Col. Henry St. George, C.B. ; b. 1838 ; entered Bengal Army 1855, became Capt. 1865, Major 1871, Lieut.-Col. 1873, and Col. 1881 ; served in Indian Mutiny Campaign 1857, in China Campaign 1860 (medal), in Bhootan Campaign 1865-6, and in Afghan Cam- paign 1878-80 (medal) ; cr. C.B. 1881. Braddon Tor, Braddon Hill Road, Torquay. TUCKER, Maj.-Gen. Henry Tod, C.B., son of the late Col. J. G. P. Tucker ; b. 1808; entered Bengal Army 1823, and retired as Maj.- Gen. 1856 ; was in Civil employ in Assam 1835-6; commanded Irregular Horse in Cole Country 1837-9; A.A.G. Saugor Div. 1847-8; served in Sutlej and Punjab Campaigns ; ap- pointed A.G. of Indian Army 1850, and was sometime A.D.C. to H.M., and Hon. A.D.C. to Marquess of Dalhousie, Gov.-Gen. of India : m. 1857, Maria, da. of Sir Henry Allen John- son, 2nd Bart. ; cr. C.B. 1850. 51, Gloucester Gardens, Hyde Park, W. TUCKER, James, C.M.G., son of T. J. Tucker, Esq., of Hamilton, Bermuda; b. 1828; appointed Dep. Sec. Bermuda 1852, Assist. Colonial Sec. 1859, Colonial Sec. 1875, and Receiver-Gen. 1877 ; was Registrar-Gen, of Births, Deaths, and Marriages 1865-77, an d Hon. Sec. to the Bermuda "Philadelphia Ex- hibition " Committee ; is Commr. for Appro- priated Investments, a Trustee of Bermuda Savings Bank, and a M.E.C. : m. 1861, Harriet, da. of J. Hurst, Esq., of Antigua; cr. C.M.G. 1888. Bermuda. TUCKER, Col. Louis Henry Emile, C.I.E.,