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COMPANIONAGE. 855 cr. C.B. 1892. Lisbitrn, co. Antrim; Junior Carlton Club. WARD, Vice-Adm. Thomas Le Hunte, C.B. [see V. Bangor, colls.]. WARD, William Erskine, C.S.I, [see V. Bangor, colls.]. WARDROP, Col. Frederick Meyer, C.B., son of the late Henry Wardrop, Esq., of Black- faulds, Lanarkshire ; l>. 1847 ; entered 3rd Dragoon Guards 1869, became Capt. 1878, Brevet Major 1882, Major 1884, Brevet Lieut. - Col. 1885, Lieut. -Col.Comdg. I2th Lancers 1887, and Col. 1889 ; served with Egyptian Expe- dition 1882, as A.D.C. to Gen. Comdg., present at engagements of El Magfar, Tel-el-Mahuta, and Kassassin, and at battle of Tel-el-Kebir (mentioned in despatches, medal with clasp, bronze star, 4th class Medjidie, Brevet Major), and with Nile Expedition 1884-5, as A.D.C. to Viscount Wolseley, and subsequently as D.A.A. and Q.M.G. with Desert Column ; present _at actions of Abu Klea and Gubat, in reconnaisance at Metammeh, and in engage- ments at Abu Klea Wells, where, with a small party, he distinguished himself by threatening the enemy's flank and rear, eventually dislodg- ing him from the strong position he occupied ; (several times specially mentioned in despatches, two clasps, Brevet Lt.-Col.) ; cr. C.B. 1891.; Naval and Military, Bachelors' and Cavalry Clubs. WARNER, William LEE-, C.S.2., son of the late Rev. Canon James Lee-Warner, of Thorpland Hall, Norfolk ; b. 1846 ; ed. at Rugby, and at St. John's Coll., Camb. (B.A. 1869, M.A. 1872); entered Bom. C.S. 1869; was Private Sec. to Gov. of Bombay 1872-4, Under-Sec, to Govt. of Bombay 1874-5, a Member of Education Commn. 1882, Under- Sec, to Govt. of India in Foreign Depart. 1884-6, and Political Agent at Kolhapur 1886-7, since when he has been Sec. to Govt. of Bombay in Political, Secret, and other Departs. : m. 1876, Ellen Paullina, da. of Maj.-Gen. Henry William Holland, C.B. ; cr. C.S.I. 1892. Bombay ; East India United Service Club. WARREN, Maj.-Gen. Arthur Frederick, C.B., son of the late Pelham Warren, Esq., M.D., of Wortir.g House, Hants ; b. 1830; entered Rifle Brig. 1847, became Capt. 1854, Major 1855, Lieut.-Col. 1866, Col. 1877 (h.p. 1878), and Maj.-Gen. 1887 ; retired 1890 ; served in Crimean Campaign 1854-5 (medal with three clasps, sth class Medjidie, and Turkish medal), in Indian Mutiny Campaign 1857-8 (mentioned in despatches, and medal with clasp), and in Ashanti Campaign 1874 (several times men- tioned in despatches, and medal with clasp) commanded 32nd Regt. Dist., 1881-6 : m. 1875, Mary Louisa, da. of J. Thornton, Esq. ; cr. C.B. 1874. Army and Navy Club. WARREN, Maj.-Gen. Dawson Stockley, C.B., son of the late Dawson Warren, Esq., Lieut. R.A.; b. 1830; ed. at Roy. Mil. Acad., Munich ; entered i4th Regt. (now 2nd Batn. Prince of Wales' Own, W. Yorkshire Regt.) 1851, became Capt. 1857 Major 1871, Lieut.-Col. 1877, Col. 1881, and Maj.-Gen. 1885 ; served in Crimean Campaign 1855, including siege and fall of Sebastopol and assault of i8th June <(medal with clasp and Turkish medal), in com- mand of his Regt. in Afghan Campaign 1879-80 (medal and clasp), and in Suakin Expedition 1885 ; was A.A.G. at Rawul Pindee 1874-77, and at Head-quarters Simla 1877-78, and in command of 7th and 57th Regt. Dists. 1883-5 : in. 1863 Barbara Mary, da. of Lieut. Colquhoun Grant, 4&th Regt. ; cr. C.B. 1881. WARREN, Col. Falkland George Edge- worth, C.M.G., son of the late Dawson Warren. Esq., Lieut. R.A. ; b. 1834; ed. at . , . 1 .. 12 rere 1889; served throughout Indian Mutiny Cam- campaign 1004-5 ^ciasp; ; was ASSISC. v_,ommr. at Larnaca, Cyprus, 1878, and Commr. 1878-9, and Ch. Sec. to Govt. of Cyprus 1879-91 : JH. 1860, Annie, da. of Capt. Victor, R.N.; cr. C.M.G. 1880. 57, Cornwall Road, Bayswater, WATERFIELD, Henry, C.B., 3rd son of the late Thomas Nelson Waterfield, Esq., head of Political and Secret Depart, in India Board ; b. i83~ ; entered India Board (afterwards merged in India Office) 1853 i was Private Sec. to Earl of Ellenborough 1858, and Assist. Private Sec. to Lord Stanley 1858-9, and to Sir Charles Wood 1859-63 ; appointed Sec. of Statistics and Commerce Depart. 1874, and of the Financial Depart. 1879 ; is Sec. of Indian Currency Commn. : m. ist. Katharine Jane, who d. 1882, da. of the late G. E. Wilmot Wood, M.D. : 2nd, Mary Augusta, el. da. of Edward Obre Shee, Esq. ; cr. C.B. 1886. 30, Prince's Square, W. WATERFIELD, Col. William Garrow, C.S.I., son of the late C. Waterfield, Esq.; b. 1833 ; entered Bengal Army 1852, became Capt. 1864, Major 1872, Lieut.-Co!. 1878, and Col. 1883 ; served in Indian Mutiny Campaign 1857-8 (mentioned in despatches, and medal with clasp), and in Afghan Campaign, 1878-9 ; formerly Commr. and Sup. Peshawur Div. : in. 1863, Rose Helen, da. of the Rev. Sir Charles Clarke, 2nd Bart. [cr. 1831] ; cr. C.S.I. 1879. East India United Service Chit. WATERS, Brig.-Surg. Robert, C.B., M.D.; b. 1835 ; ed. at Roy. Academical Insti- tution and Queen's Coll., Belfast (Scholar), and at Queen's Univ., Ireland (Exhibitioner, M.D. 1858) ; entered Army Med. Depart. 1860, be- came Surg.-Maj. 1869, and Brig.-Surg. 1885; retired 1890 ; served in W. Africa Settle- ments, 1869 (thanked by Gov. - in - Gh., and Sec. of State for Colonies, promoted) in Ashanti War 1873-4 (mentioned in despatches, medal with clasp), and with Nile Expedition 1884-5 (mentioned in despatches, medal with clasp, bronze star, promoted) ; was Principal Med. Officer W. Africa Settlements 1873, and Administrative Med. Officer, Quetta Dist. 1888, and of Sirhind Dist. 1889-90; is a J.P. for co. Londonderry; cr. C.B. iSgi. White Fort, Tubbermore, co. Londonderry ; Claren- don House, Portstewart ; Ulster Reform (Belfast) Club. WATKIN, Lieut.-Col. Henry Samuel Spiller, C.B., son of the late Col. H. Watkin ; b. 1843; entered R.A. 1864, became Capt. 1876, Major 1883, and Lieut. -Col. 1890; was Assist. -Sup. of Experiments, Shoeburyness 1877, in Depart, of Director of Artillery, Woolwich 1878-81, Assist. -Sup. at Roy. Gunpowder Fac- tory, Waltham, 1881-5, and Instructor in Topo- graphical Drawing, Depart, of Art Studies 1885-6, since when he has been Inspector of Position-Finding, Depart, of Director of Artil- lery : m. 1871, Sophia, da. of the late G. W. Hallam, Esq., of Brent Pelham Hall, Herts ; cr. C.B. 1889. Woolwich ; United Service Club. WATSON, Lieut.-Col. Charles Moore, C.M.G., son of the late W. Watson, Esq., J.P. ; b. 1844; ed. at Dublin Univ. (M.A. 1869) and at Roy. Mil. Acad., Woolwich; entered