Page:Debrett's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage and Companionage.djvu/937

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COMPAMONAGE. 859 Young, Esq., J.P., of Brunswick Place, Brigh- ton ; cr. C.B. 1858. Army and Navy and United Service Clubs. WILLIS, Hampden, C.M.G., son of H. Hampden, Esq., H.E.I.C.S. ; b. 1836 ; entered Cape Civil Ser. 1855, and became Acting Under-Colonial Sec. 1873 ; was Assist. Private Sec. to Gov. of New Zealand 1861-2 ; appointed Acting Under Colonial Sec. Cape Colony 1880, and Under Colonial Sec. 1882: m. 1863, Jane, da. of T. B. Woolls, Esq., of Simonstown, Cape of Good Hope ; cr. C.M.G. 1886. Capetown, Cape of Good Hope. WILLOUGHBY, Maj.-Gen. Michael Weeks, C.S.I.; b. 1833 ; ed. at Cheltenham Coll. ; entered Army 1849, became Capt. Bom. S.C.(now I.S.C.) 1861, Major i869,!Lieut.-Col. 1875, Col. i88o,and Maj.-Gen. 1890 ; served in Persian Expedition 1856-7 (mentioned in despatches, medal with clasp), and in Abyssinian Expedition 1867-8 (medal); was Sec. to Govt. of Bombay, Mil. and Marine Depart. 1881-7: m. 18 ; cr. C.S.I. 1885. WILLS, Brig.-Surg. Caleb Sherar, C.S., son of the late Robert Wills, Esq. ; b. 1834 ; L.R.C.S. L.R.C.P., and L.M. Ireland 1857 ; entered Med. Depart. of Army 1860, became Surg. 1873, Surg.-Maj. 1875, and Brig.-Surg. 1887; retired 1889; was Private Sec. and A.D.C. to Gov. and Com.-in-Ch. of Bahama Islands 1866-9, an d to Gov. and Com.-in-Ch. of Windward Islands 1872-5 ; served in Zulu War 1879 as Senior Med. Officer, at base of operations and Line of Com- munications from Durban to the Lower Tugela (medal) : in. ist, 1872, Louisa Lucy, who d. 1885, da. of the late Rev. J. Holmes ; and, 1888, Octavia Christina, da. of the late Rev. George Chute, of Roxborough, co. Kerry ; cr. C.B. 1879. Luneclijfe, Lancaster ; JuniorCon- servative Club. WILLSON, Col. Mildmay WILLSON-, C.B., son of the late Anthony Willson, Esq., of Rauceby Hall, Grantham ; b. 1847; entered Scots Guards 1866, became Capt. 1870, Lieut. -Col. 1878, and Col. 1888 ; served with Guards' Camel Corps in Soudan Campaign 1884-5 (mentioned in despatches, C.B.) ; is a J.P. for Kesteven Div. of co. Lincoln ; cr. C.B. 1885. Rauceby Hall, Grantham ; Guards' Club. WILSON, Capt. Arthur Knyvet.C.^., V.C. [see Wilson, Bart., en 1858]. WILSON, David, C.M.G. , son of the Very Rev. D. Wilson, Dean of Aberdeen ; b. 1838 ; ed. at Trin. Coll., Glenalmond; entered Civil Ser. 1856; was Private Sec. to Govs. of New Brunswick and Trinidad 1861-9, an d Capt. and Adj. Sch. of Instruction, New Brunswick 1865-6 ; in 1 866 served with St. John Vol. Militia on American Frontier ; was Stipendiary Magis- trate of Trinidad (St. George co.) 1870-8, since when he has been Commr. of N. Province of Trinidad and Sub-intendant of Crown Lands ; acted as Colonial Sec. 1875-6, 1885-6, and 1887 ; administered Govt. Oct. 1885.; is Lieut. -Col. Comdg. Trinidad Inf. Vol. : m. ist, 1870, Jane, who d. 1874, da. of the late Alexander Milne, Esq. ; and, 1881, Nora Kate.da. of the late Norval Clyne, Esq., Advocate, of Aberdeen ; cr. C.M.G. 1891. Balgmunie, Port of Spain, Trinidad. WILSON, Maj.-Gen. Francis Edward Edwards, C.B. ; b. 1839; entered Army 1857, became Capt. 1865, Major 1877, Lieut.-CoI. 1879, and Col. and Hon. Major-Gen. 1883 ; formerly Comdt. 2nd Batn. York and Lancaster Regt., which he commanded in Egyptian Campaign 1882 (meda with clasp, 3rd class Medjidie); cr. C.B. 1882. WILSON, Guy Douglas Arthur Fleetwood, C.B., son of the late Capt. Fleetwood Wilson, A.D.C. (8th Hussars, and Lieut. -Gov. of Bar- bados), of Knowle Hall, Warwickshire ; b. 1851; ed. abroad; entered Paymaster-Gen. 's Office 1870, was transferred to War Office 1883, and became Senior Clerk 1891 ; went with Sir C. Rivers Wilson's Mission to Egypt as Private Sec. 1876 ; was Assist. Private Sec. to Sec. of State for War (Rt. Hon. Marquess of Harting- ton) 1883-5, a Resident Clerk at the War Office 1885-6, Assist. Private Sec. to Sec. of State for War (Rt. Hon. W. H. Smith) 1885-6, Private Sec. to Financial Sec. of War Office (Mr. Herbert Gladstone) Feb. to August 1886, again Assist. Private Sec. to successive Sees, of State for War (Rt. Hon. W. H. Smith and Rt Hon. E. Stanhope) 1886-8, since when he has been Principal Private Sec. to successive Sees, of State for War (Rt. Hons. E. Stanhope and H. Campbell-Bannerman) ; appointed Sec. to Special Committee on Army Reorganisation 1887 ; is an Examiner in Italian in Mil. Educa- tion Depart., and to Civil Ser. Commrs. ; cr. C.B. 1891. Travellers, White's, Windkatn and Wellington Chibs. WILSON, Adm. Thomas, C.B. ; b. 1811 ; entered R.N. 1828, became Com. 1843, Capt. 1853, Rear-Adm. 1869, Retired Vice-Adm. 1875, and Adm. 1879; served in China Campaigns 1840 and 1856 (medal with clasp) : m. 1859, Isabella, who d. 1886, da. of the late Capt. Charles Kinloch, of Gourdie, Perthshire ; cr. C.B. 1867. 46, Palmerston Place, Edinburgh. WILSON, William GREY-, C.M.G., son of the late Andrew Wilson, Esq., H.E.I.C.S., Inspector-Gen, of Hospitals ; b. 1852 ; ed. at Cheltenham Coll. ; sometime Private Sec. to Gov. of Jamaica (Sir W. Grey, K.C.S.I.) ; was Clerk of Executive and Legislative Councils of British Honduras 1878, Acting Magistrate, Orange Walk 1879-80 and 1880-81, Assist. Colo- nial Sec. and Treasurer, Sierra Leone 1883-4, Assist. Colonial Sec., Gold Coast i884-6,Colonial Sec., St. Helena 1886-7, and Administrator thereof 1887-90, since when he has been Gov. and Com.-in-Ch. and Acting Ch. Justice : m. 1884, Margaret, da. of Robert Glasgow Brown, Esq ; cr. C.M.G. 1891. Government House, Si. Helena. WINGATE, Andrew, C.I.E. ; b. 18 ; entered Bom. C. S. 1869; is Settlement Officer, Oodeypore: in. 1887, Henrietta Catherine, da. of Col. Duncan Scott Pemberton, R.A. ; cr. C.I.E. 1879. Oodeypore^ Cashmere. WINGATE, Major Francis Reginald, D.S.O., son of the late Andrew Wingate, Esq., of Broadfield, Renfrewshire; b. 1861; entered R.A. 1880, and became Capt. and Brevet Major 1889 ; served with Soudan Expedition 1884-5. as A.D.C. and Mil. Sec. to Maj.-Gen. S r Evelyn Wood. V.C., G.C.B., G.C.M.G. (men- tioned in despatches, medal v/i f h clasp, bronze siar, Brevet Major, 4th class Medjidien), and as A.A.G. for Intelligence, at actions of Toski 1889 (mentioned in despatches, clasp, D.S.O.) and Tokar and capture of Afafit 1891 (mentioned in despatches, 3rd class Mejidieh) ; employed with Egyptian Army 1883-5 (4'h class Osmanieh), and from 1886 : m. 1888, Catherine Leslie, da. of the late Capt. Joseph Sparkhall Rundle, R.N., of Newton Abbot, Devon ; cr. D.S.O. 1889. Junior Constitiitional Club. WINGFIELD, Edward, C.B., son of John Muxloe Wingfield,Esq.,of Tickencote, Rutland; b. 1834 ; ed. at Winchester, and at New Coll., Oxford (B.C. L. and M.A. 1857) ; Bar Lincoln's Inn 1859 ; went Home Circuit ; has been Assist. Under-Sec, of State for the Colonies since 1878: in. 1872, Mary Georgina, da. of the Ven. John William Sheringham, Archdeacon of Gloucester; cr. C.B. 1889. 4o,A Ibion Street, Hyde Park, W.