Page:Debrett's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage and Companionage.djvu/942

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ORDERS OF KNIGHTHOOD. '%* Biographies of the Knights and Companions of the undermentioned Orders are given in previous sections. THE MOST NOBLE ORDER OF THE GARTER. The Order of the Garter, constituted by King Edward III., about 1348, has, .since June 28th, 1831, consisted of the Sovereign and twenty-five Knight Com- panions, such lineal descendants of King George I., as may have been elected, and of Sovereigns and extra Knights who have been admitted by special statutes. The Prince of Wales is a constituent part of the original institution. The Habit and Ensigns of the Order are (i) A GARTER of dark blue velvet, edged with gold, bearing the motto, Honi soil qui inal y pense, in golden letters, with buckle and pendant of gold, richly chased. [It is worn on the left leg, below the knee.] (ii) A MANTLE of blue velvet lined with taffeta, with the star of the Order embroidered on the left breast. (Hi) A HOOD of crimson velvet, (iv) A SURCOAT of crimson velvet, lined with white taffeta, (v) A HAT of black velvet, lined with white taffetta, and fastened thereto by a band of diamonds, a plume of white ostrich feathers, in the centre of which a tuft of black heron's feathers, (vt) A COLLAR of gold (weighing thirty ounces, troy) consisting of twenty-six garters enamelled azure, each enclosing a rose gules, and between each garter a knot enamelled white, and pendant thereto, (vii) The GEORGE, an enamelled figure of St. George on horse- back, encountering the dragon, (viii) The LESSER GEORGE is worn pendant on a broad dark blue ribbon over the left shoulder, (ix) The STAR of eight points of silver, upon the centre of which the cross of St. George gules, encircled with the garter. [It may be enriched with jewels at the pleasure of the possessor.] Registrar The Dean of Windsor. Garter Principal King of Arms Sir Albert William Woods, K.C.M.G., C.B. THE MOST ANCIENT AND MOST NOBLE ORDER OF THE THISTLE. The Order of tfie Thistle, said to have been founded by King Achaius, was revived by King James II. in 1687, and re-established by Queen Anne, Dec. 3ist, 1703. It consists of the Sovereign and sixteen Knights. The Insignia are (z) the STAR, consisting of a St. Andrew's cross of silver embroidery, with rays emanating between the points of the cross ; in the centre upon a field of gold, a thistle of green, heightened with gold, and surrounded by a circle of green, having thereon the motto, Nemo me impunc 2acessit. [It is worn on the left side of the coat or cloak.] (it) The COLLAR of gold consists of thistles intermingled with sprigs of rue. (Hi) The BADGE (of gold enamelled) consists of an image of St. Andrew, in a green gown and purple surcoat, bearing before him the cross enamelled white, the cross and feet resting upon the ground of green, the whole surrounded by rays of gold in the form of a glory. [It is worn pendant to the collar, or to a dark green ribbon over the left shoulder and tied under the arm.] (iv) The JEWEL is an oval plate argent, charged with the same insignia as the badge, within a bordure vert, thereon inscribed in letters, or, the motto of the Order, and having in base a thistle of the same. [It is worn attached to z. green ribbon.] Secretary Sir James Thomas Stewart-Richardson, Bart. Lyon King of Arms James Balfour Paul, Esq. THE MOST ILLUSTRIOUS ORDER OF ST. PATRICK. The Order of St., Patrick, instituted by King George III., Feb. 5th, 1783, consists of the Sovereign, the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland, as Grand Master, and twenty-two Knights. The Insignia are (i) the STAR, consisting of the cross of St. Patrick gules, on a field argent, charged with a trefoil vert, surrounded by a sky blue enamelled circle, inscribed with the motto of the Order, Qitis separabit, and in Roman numerals the date of creation, the whole encircled by four