Page:Debrett's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage and Companionage.djvu/952

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872 FORMAL MODES OF ADDRESSING PERSONS OF TITLE. Highness Prince [Leopold]." Commence- ment, "Sir." Conclusion, "I remain, with the greatest respect, Sir, Your Royal High- ness's most dutiful and most obedient servant." PERSONAL ADDRESS, "Your Royal Highness." Princess. LETTERS. Superscription, (i) if a Duchess, " Her Royal Highness the Duchess of "; (ii) if not a Duchess, " Her Royal Highness the Princess [Bea- trice]." Commencement, " Madam." Con- clusion, " I remain, with the greatest respect, Madam, Your Royal Highness's most dutiful and most obedient Servant" PERSONAL AD- DRESS, "Your Royal Highness." Privy Councillor. LETTERS. Super- scription, "To the Right Hon. ." Commencement, &>c., according to the rank of the gentleman. Queen. LETTERS. Superscription, " The Queen's Most Excellent Majesty," or " Her Most Gracious Majesty Queen [Vic- toria]." Commencement, " Madam," or " May it please your Majesty." Conclusion, "I remain, with the profpundest veneration, Your Majesty's most faithful subject and devoted servant." PERSONAL ADDRESS, " Your Majesty."

      • Sometimes the undermentioned style is

adopted : " Lord presents his duty to your Majesty." Queen's Counsel. LETTERS. Super- scription, "To Esq., Q.C." In other respects as an Esquire, Secretary of State. LETTERS. Superscription, " Her Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for the Depart- ment," or " To the [Most Hon. the Marquess of Salisbury] , H. M.'s Principal Secre- Depart - tary of State for the [Foreign] ment." In other respects according to rank. Serjeants - at - Law. LETTERS. Superscription, "Serjeant," or " Mr. Serjeant " In other respects as an Esq. [It is in- correct to address a letter to, Esq., S.L.," the dignity of Serjeants being one of those mentioned in Statute i, Edward VI. c. 7, s. 3. Vice - Chancellor. LETTERS. Super- scrif>tion, same as Judge. PERSONAL ADDRESS, " Sir," but when on the Bench " My Lord," or " Your Lordship." Viscount. LETTERS. Superscription, " The Right Hon. the Lord- Viscount ." In other respects as Baron. Viscountess. LETTERS. Superscrip- tion, " The Right Hon. the Viscountess ." In other respects as Baroness and Baron's widow. [See also Viscount's "Widow."] Viscount's Children and the Wives and Widows thereof, same as Baron's. Viscount's Widow, same as Viscounle^ if present Viscount is unmarried, but if he be married then the widow, being the mother or grandmother of the Peer is styled "The Rt. Hon. the Viscountess Dowager ;" but if this relationship does not exist the widow is addressed as "The Rt. Hon. [Anne], Vis- countess ." [See " Dowager."] As to re-marriage see " Widows." Widows. See paragraph %* at com- mencement of this section. Wives of Officials and others not specially referred to. Each of these is ad- dressed as an " Esquire's wife."