Page:Decisive Battles Since Waterloo.djvu/207

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making a long resistance, even against the well-equipped British forces. Sir Colin knew the character of the people against whom he was making war. He knew that in fighting against Asiatics an immense superiority is always given to an advancing force, and this is an element which is of far greater consideration in Asia than in any other part of the world. Although the position seemed a very strong one. Sir Colin did not hesitate to order an assault at once. The approach was decided to be practical, and the order was given to storm.

The storming party consisted of the Fourth Punjaub and the Ninety-third Highlanders, the same who had stormed the Sikander Bagh in the previous year. Having taken part in Sir Colin's first movement upon Lucknow, they deserved the honor of leading the advance in the second and final seige. The buildings to be stormed were surrounded by a breastwork, with a deep ditch, and consisted of several palaces and court-yards, one inside the other. The breastwork and the wall of the outer court-yard had been breached by the fire of the batteries; but most of the inner walls had not been greatly injured. The indications were that their sepoy garrison was not less than 5,000 strong.

General Hope led the assault at 4 in the afternoon, the Highlanders in the advance and the Punjaubees in support. At the opening in the breastwork they met with a fierce resistance, and for a while success seemed doubtful, owing to the greatly superior numbers of the sepoys. But British valor could not be easily overcome, and the fighting continued steadily. When the sepoys were driven back from the breach they seemed to have lost heart, and to make but a feeble resistance at their other strong positions. The Highlanders and the Punjaubees fought like tigers. Not a sepoy asked for quarter, and no quarter was offered by the British soldiers. When the last survivor of the garrison of the Bakum