Page:Decisive Battles Since Waterloo.djvu/236

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them back. When the 5th Austrian corps learned definitely that the French were moving up, they took position on the western edge of Solferino. In attempting to carry the hills in front of that point, the French found that the Austrians were in front in great strength; they were repulsed with heavy loss, and the 3d corps was stopped also close by Casa Morino, a very strong farm-house on the road between Medola and Solferino.

The 2d French corps then formed in readiness for battle without trying to advance farther to the front. Marshal MacMahon sent couriers to head-quarters to report that he was in front of the entire Austrian army in position on the line of Solferino to Carriano. He did not dare to risk an attack, and therefore remained in position waiting for orders from the emperor and for information regarding the whereabouts of the 4th corps, which he depended on to cover his right flank. This corps had started from Carpendolo at three o'clock taking the road to Medola. It was temporarily commanded by General Niel, and had at the end of a two-hours' march encountered some squadrons of Uhlans who were speedily driven back. When the Austrian commander learned that the French were advancing in full strength on Medola, he dispatched two brigades to oppose them. Marshal Canrobert, commanding the 3rd corps, was to go into camp at Medola, but to avoid crossing the lines of the 4th corps he left the direct line of advance and proceeded by a long and circuitous route around Acqua Fredda and Castel Goffredo. When the 3d corps had crossed the Chiese near Visano they encountered a regiment of hussars whom they drove back.

Marshal Canrobert wanted to go to the support of the 4th corps, and on learning that General Luy's division was menaced on its flank he turned his command towards Ceresana, but was delayed by the Chiese, whose crossing consumed two hours. The three Piedmontese divisions