Page:Decisive Battles Since Waterloo.djvu/241

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trians moved towards Medola, but were held in check. The 9th Austrian corps attacked Casanuova but did not succeed in capturing it. Opposed to 45,000 French is a force of 65,000 Austrians.

The key of the French position is Casanuova for which they stubbornly contend. Marshal Niel, supported by the 1st brigade of General Trochu, goes out towards Giudizzolo, but is attacked by overpowering numbers, and is on the point of being captured when three fresh battalions come up and save him from defeat. It was four o'clock when General Wimpffen was driven back and Niel was rescued; this advantage was obtained by a loss of 5,000 men killed and wounded.

The Austrians could hold their positions no longer; their centre was scattered and their right wing in danger. They formed a new line behind the Mincio, harassed by MacMahon. General Benedek still maintained himself at San Martino. The Piedmontese had suffered severely at his hands, and he was threatening to turn the left of the 1st French. Baraguey d'Hilliers ordered General Mollard to guard against the attack and support the French, but before the blow was struck Benedek suddenly withdrew, in obedience to a command from the emperor to follow the army behind the Mincio.

It was now nine in the evening; no enemy was in view on the plain, and the French passed the night in bivouac on the battle-field. The sun rose next morning on an awful scene; for all of the vast plain on which the two armies had contended the day before was thickly strewn with dead and wounded. The moans and cries of the wounded were heard for miles around. The front of the battle extended nearly fifteen miles from the extreme ends. The fighting was most severe at the village of Solferino, which both parties considered the key of the position; the loss was heaviest at that point, but elsewhere it was far from light.