Page:Decisive Battles Since Waterloo.djvu/256

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while attempting to remove the wounded from the Congress; accordingly the Confederate gun-boats retired, and the crew of the Congress escaped to the shore by swimming or were taken off in small boats. The Congress was then fired by red-hot shot from the Merrimac and was soon in flames. Commander Buchanan was wounded, and the command of the Merrimac fell upon Lieutenant Jones. The Merrimac had twenty men killed and wounded in the action; her smoke-stack and steam-pipes were carried away, and so were railings, boat-davits, and stanchions. But her machinery was not damaged, none of her guns was dismounted, and there were no serious injuries to her armor.

Sunset was approaching, and it was not deemed wise to attack the Minnesota at that late hour of the day and with the then condition of the tide, especially as she was aground and they would be sure of their prey in the morning. Accordingly the Merrimac steamed away to Norfolk, repaired her damages as much as possible, and prepared for the work of the next day.

The intention was for the Merrimac to destroy the Minnesota and then attack the other ships near Fortress Monroe. She steamed in the direction of the Minnesota, and as she approached that vessel the Monitor came out from behind the Minnesota's great hull and offered battle. The "cheese-box on a raft" had such an insignificant appearance that it was thought she could be easily disposed of. But as soon as the battle began the Merrimac's commander found the novel craft a most formidable foe. The Monitor drew twelve feet of water and the Merrimac twenty-three; the former was able to choose her position, while the Merrimac dared not venture where there was a possibility of taking the ground. On two or three occasions she touched bottom, but hung there only a few moments at a time.

The Monitor fired much more slowly than the Merrimac, but her shot told with some effect, though they could