Page:Decisive Battles Since Waterloo.djvu/488

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at Chorillos, and his army was encamped behind the lines of defence. Colonel Iglesias with 5,000 men held the right of the line under the brow of the Morro Solar. General Caceres held the centre, which was stationed at the hills of Santa Teresa and San Juan, while General Davila held the left. The division of Suarez formed the reserve. The Chilian plan was to march from Lurin on the evening of the 12th January, and attack the line of Peruvian defences at daylight on the 13th. The three divisions marched accordingly, and bivouacked at midnight on a plateau about two miles in front of the Peruvian position.

At dawn they all advanced. The 1st division, the one nearest the sea, had the shortest distance to move, and by 5 a.m. it was smartly engaged with the Peruvians. The Chilian men-of-war hauled in as near the shore as they could with safety, and began to throw shot and shell among the Peruvians. The latter held their positions gallantly in spite of the preponderance against them, until the Chilian reserve was brought up with orders to attack on the flank of the Peruvian right wing, which was then forced back but not broken. At 6 a.m. the Chilian 2d division attacked the defences in front of San Juan, and carried them at the point of the bayonet; at the same time the 3d division attacked the Peruvian left, who held their position until 7.30, when the line wavered and retreated. The Chilian cavalry was then started along the road to Tebes, and cut down the fugitives in great number. Those who escaped from the attack of the Chilian 3d division fled in the direction of Lima, while the division of Caceres fell back upon Chorillos.

Colonel Iglesias held the Morro Solar, and the Chilians proceeded to attack him in front with their 1st division, while the reserve came in upon the Peruvians on the opposite side. The 2d Chilian division advanced upon Chorillos by the San Juan road, and the rest of the troops were held in waiting near the houses of San Juan. Igle-