Page:Decisive Battles Since Waterloo.djvu/530

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Providence Lake, 269
Psauch, 312
Puebla, 98
Pugan, 26
Punjaub, the, 40


Quinua, 12
Quito, 4


Radischevo, 401
Radisova, 394
Rahad, 461
Rangoon, 19
Rappahannock River, 232
Rassova, 52
Ravee River, 118
Razghib, 462

Redan Fort, assault by English, 148; description of fort, 148, 149; repulse of English, 150; losses, 150
Rêwan, the, commander of Burmese flotilla, 20}}Rezonville, 329
Richmond, 290; the advance of the Army of the Mississippi, 291; strength of both armies, 292; plan of campaign, 294; Sheridan's move, 296, 297; the outer defences of Richmond taken, 298; occupation by Union troops, 299; Lee closely pushed, 301; state of Lee's army, 302; terms of surrender, 305; capitulation, 306
Rio del Norte, 391

Rio Grande, 94
Rivoltella, 201, 203
Rock Creek Stream, 238
Rockville, 236
Romilly, 334, 351
Roncourt, 338
Round Top Hill, 238; Round Tops, 246
Rustchuck, 388
Ryogos, 45


Sadowa (see Königgrätz), 320; Sadowa Wood, 314
Sailor's Creek, 301

St. Albert, 356; St. Arnould Wood, 331; St. Avoid, 328; St. Dizier, 330; St. Hubert, 331, 337; St. Manges, 356; St. Nicholas, 329; St. Quentin Fort, 331; St. Privat-le-Montagne, 328; St. Privat, 340—location and strength, 341—assault of Prussian Guards, 341—the difficulties of storming, 341—carried by Prussians and Saxons, 341—St. Reny, 356
Salt Range Mountains, 132

Salwan River, 26
Samarcand, 417
Samos, 17

San Angelo, 99; San Antonio, 99; San Augustin, 99; San Cassiano, 204; San Cosme, 114; San Jacinto, 92; San Juan (Peru), 445; San Juan d' Uloa, 94; San Martino Plateau, 201; San Stefano, treaty of, 412
Santa Teresa, 445; Santa Fé de Bogota, 4

Sarakhna, 460
Sarakhs, 429
Sarawa, 23
Savannah, 290
Schatt, 459
Scheldt River, 78
Scinde, 89
Scio, 31

Sebastopol (Sacred City), 133; description of fortifications, 133; assault (see Malakoff and Redan).
Sedan Fortress, 344; movements of French, 344; the German plan of attack, 344, 345; location of the fortress, 345; positions of the French, 349; battle, 351-362; losses on both sides, 363
Seminary Hill, 238; Seminary Ridge, 238

Sempolatinsk, 417
Sennaar, 452
Sewall's Point, 225
Shebacat Wells, 475
Sheik-arik, 376
Shenandoah Valley, 231, 292; Shenandoah River, 231, 292
Shendy, 464
Shiloh, 264
Shipka Pass, 399

Ships in action:
American.—Antelope, 182; Arkansas, ram, 263; City of Vicksburg, 269; Congress, 220; Cumberland, 220; Merrimac, 214; Minnesota, 182, 220; Monitor, Roanoke, 220; St. Lawrence, 220