Page:Declaration of Sports, 1633 (1862 reprint).djvu/19

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the end of Diuine Seruice, Our good people be not diſturbed, letted, or diſcouraged from any lawfull recreation, Such as dauncing, either men or women, archery for men, leaping, vaulting, or any other ſuch harmleſſe Recreation, nor from hauing of May-Games, Whitſon Ales, and Morris-dances, and the ſetting vp of May-poles & other ſports therewith vſed, ſo as the ſame be had in due & conuenient time, without impediment or neglect of Diuine Seruice: And that women ſhall haue leaue to carry ruſhes to the Churches for the decoring of it, according to their old cuſtome. But with-
