Page:Declaration of Sports, 1633 (1862 reprint).djvu/25

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obedience to Vs and Our Lawes. And of this Wee command all our Iudges, Iuſtices of the Peace, as well within Liberties as without, Maiors, Bayliffes, Conſtables, and other Officers, to take notice of, and to ſee obſerved, as they tender Our diſpleaſure. And Wee farther will, that publications of this Our Command bee made by order from the Biſhops through all the Pariſh Churches of their ſeuverall Dioceſſe reſpectively.

Giuen at Our Palace of Weſtminſter the eighteenth day of October, in the ninth yeere of Our Reigne.

God ſaue the King.