Page:Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (1827) Vol 2.djvu/72

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51 THE DECLINE AND FALL CI I A p. was no lonf;ter the seat of crovernment, the naval esta- ' blishments of Misenum and Ravenna had been gra- dually neglected ; and as the shipping and mariners of the empire were supported by commerce rather than by war, it was natural that they should the most abound in the industrious provinces of Egypt and Asia. It is only surprising that the eastern emperor, who pos- sessed so great a superiority at sea, should have ne- glected the opportunity of carrying an offensive war into the centre of his rival's dominions. Battle of Instead of embracing such an active resolution, which pie. might have changed the whole face of the war, the July 3." prudent Licinius expected the approach of his rival in a camp near Hadrianople, which he had fortified with an anxious care that betrayed his apprehension of the event. Constantino directed his march from Thessa- lonica towards that part of Thrace, till he found him- self stopped by the broad and rapid stream of the Hebrus, and discovered the numerous army of Licinius, which filled the steep ascent of the hill, from the river to the city of Hadrianople. Many days were spent in doubtful and distant skirmishes ; but at length the ob- stacles of the passage and of the attack were removed by the intrepid conduct of Constantine. In this place we might relate a wonderful exploit of Constantine, which, though it can scarcely be paralleled either in poetry or romance, is celebrated, not by a venal orator devoted to his fortune, but by an historian, the partial enemy of his fame. We are assured that the valiant emperor threw himself into the river Hebrus, accom- panied only by twelve horsemen, and that by the effort or terror of his invincible arm, he broke, slaughtered, and put to flight a host of an hundred and fifty thou- sand men. The credulity of Zosimus prevailed so strongly over his passion, that among the events of the oars, all completely equipped and ready for immediate service. The arsenal in the port of Pira;us had cost the republic a thousand talents, about two hundred and sixteen thousand pounds. See I'hucydides de Bel. Peloponn. 1. ii. c. 13, and Meursius de Fortuna Attica, c. 19.