Page:Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire vol 3 (1897).djvu/10

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VI CONTENTS 367-370. Restoration of Britain by Theodosius 36G III. Africa. Tyranny of Romanus 372 Revolt of Firmus 373 Theodosius recovers Africa ... 376 He is executed at Carthage ... State of Africa ... ... 365-378. IV. The East. The Persian War ... 384 The Treaty of Peace ... Adventures of Para, King of Armenia V. The D.VNunE. Conquest of Hcrmanric 366 The cause of the Gothic War 367, 368, 369. HostiHties and Peace ... 374 War of the Quadi and Sarmatians ... 375 The Expedition of Valentinian His Death The Emperors Gratian and Valentinian II. 44 46 48 48 50 51 52 55 55 57 59 60 62 64 66 66 CHAPTER XXVI Manners of the Pastoral Nations — Progress of the Huns, frohi China to Europe — Flight of the Goths — They pass the Danube — Gothic War — Defeat and Death of Valens — Gratian invests Theodosius with the Eastern Empire — His Character and Success — Peace and Settlement of the Goths 365 Earthquakes ... 376 The Huns and Goths The Pastoral Manners of the Scythians, or Tartars Diet Habitations ... Exercises Government ... Situation and Extent of Scythia, or Tartary Original Seat of the Huns ... Their Conquests in Scythia ... 201 Their 'ars with the Chinese 141-87. Decline and Fall of the Huns 100 Their Emigrations The White Huns of Sogdiana The Huns of the Volga Their Conquest of the .'Mani 375 Their Victories over the Goths ... 376 The Goths implore the Protection of Valens They are transported o er the Danube into the Roman Empire Their Distress and Discontent Revolt of the Goths in Masia, and their first Victories . They penetrate into Thrace ... 377 Operations of the Gothic War Union of the Goths with the Huns, Alani, &c. ... 378 Victory of Gratian over the Alemanni Valens marches against the Goths 69 70 71 72 74 76 77 79 82 82 83 84 87 87 88 89 91 93 95 97 99 lOI 103 105 107 109