Page:Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire vol 3 (1897).djvu/15

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CONTENTS XI CHAPTER XXXII Arcadius Emperor of the Ehst — Administration mid Disgrace of Euirnpius — Revolt of Gainas — Persecution of St. jfohn Chrysostom — Theodosins II. Emperor of the East— His Sister Pulcheria — His Wife Eiidocia — The Persian War, and Division of Armenia A.D. 395- 395- 395- 397 399 400 398 398' 403 404 407 438 414- 421 422 431- 1453. The Empire of the East 408. Reign of Arcadius 399. Administration and Character of Eutropius His Venality and Injustice ... Ruin of Abundantius Destruction of Timasius A cruel and unjust Law of Treason Rebellion of Tribigild Fall of Eutropius ... ... Conspiracy and Fall of Gainas Election and Merit of St. John Chrysostom 403. His Administration and Defects Chrysostom is persecuted by the Empress Eudoxia Popular Tumults at Constantinople Exile of Chrysostom .. . His Death His Relics transported to Constantinople Death of Arcadius His supposed Testament 415. Administration of Anthemius 453. Character and Administration of Pulcheria Education and Character of Theodosius the Younger 460. Character and Adventures of the Empress Eudocia The Persian War 440. Armenia divided between the Persians and the Romans 358 358 360 362 363 363 365 366 3^9 371 374 375 377 378 379 3 So 381 381 382 383 384 386 I 387 390 nans .. 391 CHAPTER XXXIII Death of Honor ius — Valentinian HI. Emperor of the West — Administration of his Mother Placidia — Aetius and Boniface — Conquest of Africa by the Vandals 423 Last Years and Death of Honorius 423-425. Elevation and Fall of the Usurper John 425-455. Valentinian III. Emperor of the West 425-450. Administration of his Mother Placidia Her two Generals, Aetius and Boniface ... 427 Error and Revolt of Boniface in Africa 428 He invites the Vandals Genseric King of the Vandals 429 He lands in Africa Reviews his Army The Moors The Donatists 394 395 396 398 398 399 400 401 401 402 402 403