Page:Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire vol 3 (1897).djvu/212

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192 THE DECLINE AND FALL by the warmest zeal for the cause of expiring Paganism ; and his religious antagonists lamented the abuse of his genius, and the inefficacy of his moral virtues.^^ The orator, whose petition is extant to the emperor Valentinian, was conscious of the difficulty and danger of the office which he had assumed. He cautiously avoids every topic which might appear to reflect on the religion of his sovereign ; humbly declares that prayers and entreaties are his only arms ; and artfully draws his argu- ments from the schools of rhetoric rather than from those ot philosophy. Symmachus endeavours to seduce the imagination of a young prince, by displaying the attributes of the goddess of victory ; he insinuates that the confiscation of the revenues, which were consecrated to the service of the gods, was a measure unworthy of his liberal and disinterested character ; and he maintains that the Roman sacrifices would be deprived of their force and energy, if they were no longer celebrated at the expense, as well as in the name, of the republic. Even scepticism is made to supply an apology for superstition. The great and incomprehensible secret of the universe eludes the enquiry of man. Where reason cannot instruct, custom may be permitted to guide ; and every nation seems to consult the dictates of prudence by a faithful attachment to those rites and opinions which have received the sanction of ages. If those ages have been crowned with glory and prosperity, if the devout people has frequently obtained the blessings which they have solicited at the altars of the gods, it must appear still more advisable to persist in the same salutary practice ; and not to risk the unknown perils that may attend any rash innovations. The test of antiquity and success was applied with singular advantage to the religion of Numa ; and Rome herself, the celestial genius that presided over the fates of the city, is introduced by the orator to plead her ovm cause before the tribunal of the emperors. " Most excellent princes," says the venerable matron, " fathers of your country ! pity and respect my age, which has hitherto flowed in an uninterrupted course of piety. Since I do not repent, permit me to continue in the practice of my ancient rites. Since I am bom free, allow me to enjoy my domestic institutions. This religion 19 As if anyone, says Prudentius (in Sjrmmach. i. 639), should dig in the mud with an instrument of gold and ivory. Even saints, and polemic saints, treat this adversary with respect and civility. [One of the chief pagan Senators was Flavianus, Praet. Praef. of Italy. There is extant a virulent attack on him of unknown authorship printed in the Re'ue Arch^ologique, 1868, June. Cp. Mommsen, in Hermes, vol. 4, 1870, p. 350 j^^.]