Page:Defence of India Act, 1962 on Gazette of India.pdf/5

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Sec. 1]

(d) closing down any press or any premises used for the purpose of printing or publishing any newspaper, news-sheet, book or other document containing any of the matters referred to in sub-clause (a) in spite of the forfeiture of such security;
(8) regulating the conduct of persons in respect of areas the control of which is considered necessary or expedient, and the removal of persons from such areas;
(9) requiring any person or class of persons to comply with any scheme of defence or civil defence;
(10) ensuring the safety of-
(a) ports, dockyards, lighthouses, light-ships and aerodromes;
(b) railways, tramways, roads, bridges, canals and all other means of transport by land or water;
(c) telegraphs, post offices, signalling apparatus and all other means of communication;
(d) sources and systems of water-supply, works for the supply of water, gas or electricity, and all other works for public purposes;
(e) vessels, aircraft, transport vehicles as defined in the Motor Vehicles Act, 19394 of 1939., and rolling stocks of railways and tramways;
(f) warehouses and all other places used or intended to be used for storage purposes;
(g) mines, oil-fields, factories or industrial or commercial undertakings generally, or any mine, oil-field, factory or industrial or commercial undertaking in particular;
(h) laboratories and institutions where scientific or technological research or training is conducted or imparted;
(i) all works and structures being part of, or connected with, anything earlier mentioned in this clause; and
(j) any other place or thing used or intended to be used for the purposes of Government or a local authority or a semi-Government or autonomous organisation, the protection of which is considered necessary or expedient for securing the defence of India and civil defence, the public safety, the public order, or the efficient conduct of military operations, or for maintaining supplies and services essential to the life of the community;
(11) the demolition, destruction or rendering useless in case of necessity of any building or other premises or any other property;