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w CsrAP. I.] RiotlaSTs m sramtit. BO OK II. ON THE 8EVE? SACRAMENTS OF THE CHURCH OF ROME. CHAPTER I. THE 9ACRAMENT8 IN GElqEB. AL. 1. ,?r,TS?fENT or ?m? D?m?L C? of P?us ?. quo?. ? of C? ? Flounce. Coumil of Trent cid. M?e of m? the sub?t.--II. THE NAaI, NAwaz, ?v DEFtraTiON OF A SACRAME?. 1. ? WO? ?ent de?: 2. Expl?fi? of i? several ?rts: 3. Poin? wherein Roman Ca?cs ?? ?er and di?e.--III. THE N?ssst? or TSE!a ?ss???Jos. 1. ?y make ?m a?iutely n?: 2. Their views ? e?t? M ?: ? c?nd f? and pe?e? ?b.?IV. THB MA? &ND FORM Or lS?. l. ? de?: ?. Fo? of con.ration: 3. ?e seam of the w?8 must ? ??: 4. ?e matter must ? ? object of ]?.--V. NVM?B AND ORDER or ?s SAOBAM?S. 1. ?e? p?fs f? the number ?en conoMe?. T?y ?ni?: (I.)F? ?re; (2.)T?dition; (3.) Chu?h ?ty; (?.) ?p- ?; (?.) An? ?om m?m. ?m? Cat?m quot?: 2. ?m?ve i?es of ?e ?ts: 3. ?em am only two nc?en? in ? Ch?ti? chu?h. --VI. THE A?ot o? xHEa.--VII. THEIR ADMINISTRATION. l. ?O b ? mi? ?: ?. His f?: 3. His probity ? sanctity. Wick?n?s no di?ualification. m ? ?icle of ?th. ? m?ns w?ch t? ?ve for ?s: 4. ?lu? ? question. ?h? a w?k? ?ter m? if he ?minbte? ? Wht b ? w? is ?t M ?ister, ff ? b con?iouo to ?m?lf of m?l s? ? ? sins m?ally o?t to p?h ] Is it lswfui ? ?eive ncmmen? f? wick? ?? 5. ?uti? of ?s l?t ques?on. ?e Uhu? ? ?me ?!?tu u? wi? men to ?mi?ster ?n?: 6. ?e ?ten?n of ? ?nb?. ? quo?.--Ylll. Tug RscmvER or SicsisSUE. 1. ?8?tion bt? roeeivin!? a sacrament validly and fruitfully: 2. "rhey substitute good intentions for reformation of life. Lieherman quoted.--IX. THE EFrRCTS or THB SAORA?rEWTO. The general effects of the santamerits. 1. They confer _fp?ce: ?. The graces which they confer: 3. The ,n?nn?r in which they confer grace. Distinction between essfer- rets. Whether they confer grac_ e mora//y or pAyricml?. The Tbomists and ScotlEts. C'?twracter, or tl? seeondar? ?ecfs: 4. Definition and ?ture of clmracter: 5. Their proofs f(w character considered: (!.) ScripruTs proofs; (2.) Truditieu; (S.) Oouneils: 6. Baptism, con?-mation, and orders confer grace: 7. Several questions cononming char?ter: 8. Arguments a?ainst chancter.--X. CEREMONIES AN? SACRAMENTALS. 1. These described: 2. Their uses: 3. Their effects: �. Use of the Latin tongue.-- XL AuOUIRNT8 AOA1NST THEIR Tt?IRWS Or SACRAiflHTa. 1. The? doctri?o oil this Jared exalts improperly the priesthood: 2. Is replete with danger to mou'a souls: 3. The moral character of the adminis? is injurimm: 4. Tl?ey es?oy their .recta- I. Stats, rant of t.A?/r doctr/n?. A general survey of the seven fmcrament? of the Church of Rome will be necessary before we proceed to examine each one in partieu- hr. The following is the authoritative decision of the creed of Pope Plus IV. on this subject: "I also profess that there are truly and pro- perly seven sacraments of the new law, instituted by Jesus Christ our Lord, and necessary for the salvation of mankind, though not all for every one; to wit, baptism, confirmation, eucharist. penance, extreme unction, orders, and matrimony, and that they confer grac e; and that ,Goocle