Page:Delineation of Roman Catholicism.djvu/199

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n?ady spi?ma?y live by ?e, or ?cause they ?nfer thi? se?d ?e. They may ? ? ? ?er ?ma? ?e. For ius?ce; �?n in ? f? ?y ?ceive ?e euc? ?m, invhcibly, ? not ve? c?ly i?t ? ? m; o?y at ?e nine ?m he ? n emo? of ?ct ?on, w?ch e?on, ? ?e s?ent Of ?ce, jns?es ?m. The sine ?n ?l? g? for ?er ?ena ? ?ci?y for th? of exams ?c?on.* 2. ? ?e, ? tb ?,z?'mud,? c?f?r ! ' We will here, as elsewhere, give their own view8 on this topic, and make such observations a? may be necessary to present the subject clearly to our readers. ]. Sanctifying grace is said to be the e?Fect of ? the sacraments. 2. They ny each 8acrslnent confers grace poculhr to itself, because each is appointed to an m? peculiar to itself, so that it has the special eJfect of conferring grace subservient to that end. Titis distinction i8 called by the divines ?yseMmen? ?,?zce. For instance; according to them, baptism bestows re?en?efSJg grace, as it confers the first spirit- ual grace, which blots out all guilt and punishment. The grace of con6vmution is '?rengtAen6?g, and m?ment?e of the grace of rege- aeration. In the eucharist the sanctifying grace nm?t?r/&?r spiritual life, and un?es man to ? by fervent act8 of virtue. The grace of penance *'?MS*s the seul by a kind of spiritual healing and reauscita- ties. Extreme unction is more e?ec?y ?mm?M of the soul. The p?raee of orders is ,?/n/.?ts'?/ve; and that of matr/mouy md? ? wife, and re?'r?s eoncupiscence.$ The foreguing arrangement and order of sacramental graces h?ve the mivantage of a regular systematic arrangement. But it will occur to those who are well versed in the Holy Scriptures that the arrsn?ement is an artificial one; and however its systematic theory may capt/vate and blind the ignorant, that these distinctions are not to be found in Scripture, and the scheme is grossly at variance with the simple doe. trines of the gospel, which teaches repentance toward Cod and m the Lord Jesus Christ as the means of regeneration, and points out to the sanctifying influences of the Spirit by which men are purified, and a life of active faith by which they show forth the praises of Him who called them from darkness to light. But the blight of popery that it cannot admit that man should receive directly from C. od, in the use of goopel means, the remission of 8ins, and grace to help in time of need, unless they be eommunicated through the clergy, in such a man- ner as to place them in the stead of ?od, as the dispensers of his grace. 3. The sacraments distinguished numm,'?aUy, as they oxweas it, each u two baptisms, produce equal grace in per, sons equally well dis- posed, but mlequal grace in subjects unequally (lisp(mad. But the sacraments fpec?f?d?y considered, as baptism and tim eucharist, pro. duce uneqnsi ?,?'aceo. So the Council of Trent says that "each one retires, by baptism, ?t?, or ?A?ee?r#, or.?f?f?, mccmrd6? h, Aftin, the coun say' s: "Whoever afFem din5 amen mnonts are in su,h sense equal, that o Dins, De Ihduu?, lle. 21, vol. v, p. 108. t ? ii? ? ?. ? Sam, 8, e. 7.