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�mo. g Rota C.diic thceloian. there is a verlety of opi. .mo?. res?pectl-g the nature of' this char?'ter, m?rk, or ?. Dumndes � ?esches that it is & mere ? d?,?o?. Scotus caJls it a ? f?/dfioo; others call it a I?i&b ?y, others ? ? ?e ?c? ? dec,ion ? ?ble, it m?t d?ide ?e ?e?a for ever Cc8. C?Mr ? n? ? says C?et, h ? i?m? o? a ent; ohr, wch ?te?bfii? flows, b ?, nd ??, wMch fio? ?m c?c?r, b u?er thhff.f He f?e?ore ?8 ?t c?er h n? m ?M e?c den?a. ?, in ?n?on ? ??, ?c?, 1. It is a ?k i?e?y ? in ?e mln? ?ec?g it ?y, w?ch c? ? s? of ?ing e?8ic. 2. As c?r i8 i?e?ble, ? it b ?? e?en ? the r?ro?te, who bye no e?c dep? or 3. The ?c? of Trent ?es it in ?e ?ul. Fe?8 8a?t ?t chmcter is not 8 ?re ?lati? ? re?n, ?nsic deno?on. Nei?er i8 it 8 re? ?la?, but ? ?? oo?t?. It is not placed in the mind under any �ormfd reason 0� the �It is theretore under the �ormal reason of the t0d?. The Tim- mists, in opposition to the opinion of tho Scotists, who place it in tho will, maintain that it hath its seat in the/?t. Ferraris, who takes the side of the Scotists here, argues, "that the sign of obligation oufht to be placed in that power on which the obli?ttion is !aid; but the oh* ligation of the soul to Christ, which i8 contracted by baptism, &c, placed in the will, and not in the intellect; when the intellect, ms a necessar? power, and determined to one thing, is not eapeble o? obey. 'ni? precept or taking obligation; then because character ought to be pl&ced in that power which moves all the other powers, and moves to the acts for which all the sacraments were couferred, and this power mtmt be the w4_11, the supreme sorernor of all the other powers." Again: "Character," says Collet, "is a reef eu?/fy, to which is nexed a multiplex relation. It is a form or mark indelibly impressed. sealing the obl/gation of keep/ng the law, usimilating the �a/th/ul to one mother who are impressed with the same nmrk, .a? remaining the glorified as an ornament. These things can only apply to a md md?y, and not to a pure relation, the whole power of which is to refer sue thing to another .... This character, as a permanent quality, feeting properly its subject, and determining it to oomethin? rsl, can be reduced to a Thus some place character in an ? groom/frei/os, others in � rum ?at/oft, others in an ab0/? mur/?y; others, w/th father Coamyer, in the/n/?m'a?/ty of the sac .r?nent itsel/'. Protestants allow mul mmnmin that bept/mn may be d/? from the eucharist in its being 8?mlnistered to the esmo Pemon only mice, whereu the eucharist is to be administm? o/ken; yet the reason for this is not any such character as the Roman Cathollm mintre, �&. See Forrarb ou 8eenmontum, art. ii, No. 6.

  • Dist. 4, Quoet. 4. t Cobt, do 8Mr., e. ?, m ?i, ?md. i, yd. iv, p. 110.

. ?. In Secrmemtum, m. ?, Hoe. 88, 87. � supra.