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928 co?rrm?t?-rmN. [Boox II. 6. Against these popish ceremonies we reason thus. (1.) It is contrary to the genius of the gospel that there should be such types, shadows, and significations brought into the service of u they have connected with baptism. As we have one body, which is Christ, all such shadows ought to be abolished. (2.) They make these sacramentals, such as o?, #a/?, ?'t?, and ?m?a? on, not only as sea/? of holy things, but as g?,?ers or ot' hol, ?ings. The Holy Spirit is not thus confined to external signs, (for the Spirit operates as it listeth, John iii,) which they say are on- dowed with power to give wisdom, strength, &c., against the wiles of the devil. St. Paul declares that the weapons of Christians are not carnal, but spiritual, I Cor. x, 4. (8.) These ceremonies were not used in the first institution of bap tiara, nor practised by the first baptizers. At the baptism of Christ these were not used. ' He did not give these in charge to his apostles, nor did the apostles use them. "Can any man forbid water that these may not be baptized ?" Acts x, 47. He does not call for oil, salt, or spittle, or any such thing, but for water only. (4.) Scripture is perv0ned grossly, by Roman Catholic writers, in expounding it to authorize or justify the use of these eeremoniesP CHAPTER III. CONFIRMATION. I. S'?,'r?' or ?WaZR Doormss. Council of T?nt ci?--II. N,?s ills IN?!?O? OF CO?IRMA?ON. 1. I? natu?: ?. I? n?m?! ch?mr: 3. I? im?m?on.--IIl. I?s Mi?sa.--?. I?s FosM.--V. Tss MlmsTss.--?. ITs 8?s- ls?.?VH. Iva E?vs?. 1. ?e?er it confe? ?e: ?. ?e?er it ?p? a c?r: 3. Of i? ?c?si?.?Vlll. Ira Csas=omss.?lX. Co?ivmw ov Cow- VlR?A?ON is A 8iCS?EST. I. Not sup? by Ac? v?, 17: R. Nor a? by Ch?: 3. The o?o? of ? Sp?t not co?n? ? it: 4. A?ty of ? ce?. I. Tksir doctrine stated. The Council of Trent passed the following canons on con6nnation: "Ca,?. 1. Whoever shall at?uu that the confirmation of the baptized is a trifling ceremony, and not a true and proper sacrament; or that formerly it was nothing more than a kind of catechising, in which the neighbouring young persons explained the reasons of their faith before the church; let him be accursed." "Otto. 2. Whoever shall affirm that they offend the Holy Spirit who attribute any virtue to the said chrism of confirmation; let him be accursed." "C,a?. 3. Whoever shall atlirm that the usual administrator of oo?- firmarion is not the bishop only, but any ordinary priest; let him be

  • See specimens of this in the Eoman Catechism, pp. 176-.181. Also Sincere

Christian, vol. i, p. 410, &c. t "C?mo? 1. Si qui. dixerit, conftrmationem !mptizatoram otionm ceeremoniam eme, et non potib rerum et proj)rium eucramentum; aut ollm nihil aliud ?uisse, quam